
CRank: 5Score: 26960

Yep shooting in the foot or somewhere close to it for a kill, is still here. You'd think with all the news of no Campaign they would spend time cleaning up the hit boxes and gunplay surrounding that now. Clearly a money grab for all those looking for something newer.

2316d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Stupid articles like this fuel politicians and old idiots that want to prevent gaming as exactly what it is - gaming. Please stop posting stupid articles with stupid headlines to not fuel their ridiculous fire!

2319d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the list is almost filled with Assassins Creed games here... and WOW only 1 mention... I'm in shock.. I can pick at least 3 stupid Assassins ones I hated more than anything... Oh well

2319d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well Season 2 looks like a nice revamp. Pity most of my friends have left. I picked it up again just before Warmind and PvP is definitely better with the exotic weapon changes, but I still feel you need to use them to make it better. Thats a bit late for my friends, i'm learning to like it a bit more now. September is a long time away though!

2319d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

2 really quite rubbish, 3 month development cycle throw together games that some people find fun copying each other. Whoop de dooo. Shut up, be grateful they copy ideas to make the games better, have fun and enjoy them while they last!

2320d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well here I was thinking I'll probably not need to get any more games after Red Dead and Anthem and this pops up. Looks like a heaps of fun. hopefully April 2019 and Im good until Borderlands 3 inevitably arrives about September :)

2321d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Still have a Neo Geo pocket. Pity the games arent really that good. Those old SNK arcade games werent really the best. I suppose all the Metal Slug games may sway me though

2326d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

With matchmaking the fact that people want to play the activity and try and get matchmade should give some sort of indication that they at least want to work as a team and do the raid.

Fireteam leader should be able to kick inactive players going along for the ride.

There should also be some sort of "Job Board" in the new tower where people can post LFG instead of using external apps.

I think the problem with the raids is less...

2327d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nope. The campaign alone takes longer than it took for the review to be released. I call rubbish guessing.

Again, I think the score will be pretty reflective and accurate, but Im just disagreeing with the speed of the review release and the click bait.

2328d ago 4 agree40 disagreeView comment

How do you review something that has been out less than a few hours... Click bait anyone?

You wouldnt have even had time to complete the added campaign or the done many activities.

The score may end up being correct but this screams of the person that likes to comment "1st" in forums as opposed to adding any thought out content etc.

2328d ago 11 agree41 disagreeView comment

Ready Player One map was good... These things are insane. Just what I was hoping for when I bought FC5, and hopefully moving forward it just gets better and better.

Really looking forward to see other maps in the future. Half Life types would be great to kick you know who into gear possibly, but all good if the creations keep coming in. (Minecraft 2018 lol)

Either way, these map creators, I hope they find a job in the industry if that's what they are...

2329d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the unfortunate truth is there is nothing like it out there so it becomes addictive. Loot and extremely good shoot. Essentially a PVP game with PVE elements, but holds the value of a shot missing between the legs actually misses the character PVP or PVE, not like this miss by a foot but a replay a kill screen shows you miss by a heaps but still kills the foot rubbish like COD. As soon as Anthem releases even though 3rd person, Destiny has no real competition in its genre. This sucks for all u...

2340d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wish everyone else did. PVP on Xbox is dead. 10 minutes to match make PVP in all modes is ridiculous. clearly there is either nobody on anymore (most likely) or the matchmaking is in serious need of an overhaul. I only play it for pvp but its getting beyond a joke now :(

2340d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

iOS only and more people stick to iOS games long term also. Same as paid content. iOS customers are more likely paying or having to pay for content. So the Fortnite guys and Gals will have likely paid for extras meaning they will stick around for longer. Android is a minefield of unpaid games and unpaid content with piracy left right and Centre

2341d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I liked Firefight in Halo 3 and Halo Reach(around) so looking forward to the hoard mode TBH. Hopefully set up well with tiers for unlocking stuff based on points the way they did Prison Of Elders scoring towards the end of D1. shooting stuff in the face arcade style, as long as its done right, is a great way to pass time some days.

2341d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Getting there. It's almost 1/2 the game D1 finished with now. 1 more year and they may get it.

I have been playing for a bit on and off with the lull in other games at the moment. It still kinda fun if you take long breaks between events and come back. PVP is still one of the better shooters where your actual shot hits a targets body, not some weird hitbox that allows you to shoot someone a foot away from their knee and they end up dying anyway so theres that.

2341d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hopefully all portable for the love of God. A PS5 that is top tier portable Switch style would be my biggest timewaster for the remainder of my life. PLEASE do it SONY. Borderlands 3, Skyrim 2, Fallout 5 on the go will do me till im 80....

2347d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

No, just No! Started playing again after a 4 month break. its fun and guns work as they are supposed to even though the slots are not right yet. But this game is fun again and the new speed update has made pvp relevant and fun again. So no, not dying, and give it another go like I did and you may stick around for the pvp at minimum

2347d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

as a previous PS Pro owner, I can really say yes. Yes it is. However sometime those exclusives really make you want to switch back. Horizon ZD im looking at you. but I realise that 1 game should not define my console hence the update to the newest XboneX instead. I do miss Horizon tho :( havent been immersed into a game like that in years.

2347d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Auron 2012 vs 2016.. Um no its not.. We are talking Pro and One X here not original. Even if original it was over a year after release in any event as well. Ninty are on the back end if not missing every current gen. Sad but true

2353d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment