
CRank: 5Score: 37760

Mika I actually agree with you on this one, this list isn't all that impressive. Nintendo promised strong third party support and well its starting to look like they lied. Also thanks for not using the words weak and rubbish in your post that is very refreshing.

4158d ago 8 agree17 disagreeView comment

Sorry Darth I was a little harsh, shouldn't have called you moronic. I'm just sick of people always stating Vita and Smart Glass can give players the same experience. Integration > Accessory

4162d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think there is only one solution to use both motion controls and the gamepad together effectively and it would have to utilize the Gamepads built in IR sensor with the TVs IR sensor disabled. IR was not used in Skyward Sword only the gyro from the motion+ was, so here is a my possible solution. Maybe you would have to position the Gamepad next to the TV or somewhere close which would display your items etc, you could then point and select displayed items on the Gamepad using its IR without ...

4162d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Darth claiming the second screen could work on Smart Glass and Vita is just completely moronic, if it would have worked why didn't it happen? There would be lag issues with the Vita which would instantly ruin the experience especially online and how the hell do you think it would control using Smart Glass? Please think before posting next time.

4162d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

Personally I think this list is pretty terrible but were all entitled to are own opinions. I'm alright with Tails and Knuckles from Sega but that Nights character is super lame IMO. I would sooner see the return of classic Nes, Snes characters like Simon Belmont, Ryu Hyabusa, Mega Man, Ridley and Samurai Goro maybe even a random from Street Fighter :)

4162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Struggling to survive no surprise, lol your stupid. These doom a gloom Nintendo articles are such bullshit and the people who actually buy into them are dumber than shit (truth)

4163d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

The rubbish troll got coal for Christmas again lol. Enjoy all your tacked on expensive Sony controllers that aren't integrated properly and are just cash grabs for the blind fanboys like yourself. Sony try's to do everything Nintendo does and it's always more expensive and less effective (truth) We all love your denial so much Akuma-Mika Happy Holidays :]

4164d ago 6 agree19 disagreeView comment

Great example of how Nintendo is able to do more with less. Cross play will never take off because of the $ to make it happen for consumers and developers alike, as well as the poor integration. Maybe the PS4 will fair better with cross play but I doubt it because it will most likely be even more expensive to implement. Unfortunately I know I will get many disagrees for talking sense about this topic because N4G is a Sony fanboy Nintendo troll haven :p

4165d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

DonFreezer speaks the truth. My theory is that the majority of the Sony fanboy crowd consists of spoiled children who's parents shelll out large $ for expensive Sony products.

4167d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wouldn't be that surprised if these guys took on the next Zelda

4168d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I enjoy trolling trolls even though I admit it is a waste of time ;]
By the way why did thepcz get his bubble hidden for trolling when he was just stating facts?

4169d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure why your getting disagrees for loving your new console browngamer41!? I guess the hypocritical fanatical rubbish troll has minions now lol. By the way Hatsune you are a bottom feeding urchin please get a life and just so you know wiimote integration isn't all bad. IR works great for FPSs unless you are terribly uncoordinated much like I imagine you are since all you do is sit on your computer 24/7 bitching about Nintendo. You have stated before that Skyword Sword has terr...

4169d ago 19 agree10 disagreeView comment

Pointless article is pointless

4170d ago 9 agree16 disagreeView comment

Hatsune-Miku doesn't like wii motion+ simply because trolls are to uncoordinated to wield such a device with any kind of percision ^_^

4171d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

+ Increased difficulty.
+ Less hand holding, being told what to do next over and over again.
+ Huge open world, way more than 8 dungeons this time, some could be strait up puzzle dungeons some could be strictly combat and some a mix.
+ More towns, more npcs, more items, more magic, more weapons, more upgrades, more optional quests! More more more
+ Day and night cycle, weather and seasons with eventual control over all of it.
+ A horse a wolf and a hawk...

4174d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

DivineAssault and Hatsune-Miku a match made in troll heaven. Always calling others fanatics when all they do is fanatically troll Nintendo news because they are so insecure about them selfs and there precious PS3s, really there is no other way to explain this strange phenomena. Maybe all the half assed PS3 ports over the last 6 years have turned them into the strange Golum like creatures that they are today.

4178d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

I agree that the OS on the Wii U is terribly slow which is completely unexceptable. I especially hate when it boots up and there's a loading wheel almost immediately, this just screams unrefined hack job to me. Although one thing I think we can all agree on beside this blunder by Nintendo is that Hatsune-Miku has absolutely no life at all.

4178d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Oh you your just the worst ;)

4180d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Gamepad would be great for sending messages, hand written or even comical stick man drawings depicting the traps and dangers ahead could be awesome hilarious fun. Also being able to managing your inventory and stats on it would be a nice addition.

4180d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

A fanatic that calls others fanatics, lol what a hipocrit. Akuma I now giveth thee the title of Hipotroll.

4180d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment