
CRank: 5Score: 60300

Is king. Tetris, Pac-man, Donkey Kong, Super Metroid and others of that ilk show that 25 years later, these games are still extremely popular and addicting.

How many games made in the last 5 years will still be played 20 years from now?

4035d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Your comment is about as relevant and thought provoking as keeping up with the kardashians. F*in moron.

4035d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They better, other wise I hope they are prepared to see a lot of red.

4035d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Said this it must be true.

4035d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Being honest, Vita has been quite the failure. It has never been a threat to the 3DS in the least. Obviously Sony fans will cry foul and claim they play Vita more than the 3DS (which is obvious considering I'd be willing to wager they don't own a 3DS) but the bottom line is Nintendo does Handheld gaming better. I'm no fan of the 3DS as of now, as I generally have a 4-5 game rule before I purchase a games machine. But Vita is just unappealing right now. It is supposedly a console e...

4035d ago 1 agree16 disagreeView comment

Worst console MK Nintendo ever created. I'm noticing that many folks talking about how great GC was were around 10-13 when GC came out, the fact is GC had three to five games worth a damn. And it wasn't Toon Zelda, Mario Water Back-Pack, or DD.

It was Metroid Prime, RE4, Smash,..and I'm struggling to find a fourth..Twilight Princess? I dunno. What I do know is Wii was Nintendo going back to their NES days. Unfortunately the youngins don't remember that far bac...

4039d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Virtual! : )

4042d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are only Last Gen 360/PS3/Wii and current gen Wii U and as of yet to be released successors from Sony and M$.

That technicality aside, what many gamers are not understanding is the correlation between tech and costs. Right now there are 0! consoles out there and the funds required for these 'next gen' games aint cheap. That is why the 7th gen is lingering for so long. Devs are using them as leverage. They are also using Wii U to hedge some bets as well.

4042d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The double standard between fanbase followers is amusing to watch. No one is calling for Kaz' head. And while I do feel Iwata is being scapegoated, and that he was suckered in by many to abandon the Wii Mantra, he is still the head of the company and should have stuck to the Wii principles.

4046d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Can be attributed to the GBA. Nintendo's handheld line was very profitable at that time.

Additionally, the Gamecube's userbase was considerably lower than the N64's. Which just continued Nintendo's downward spiral in the home console business. I'd consider that a flop.

Gamecube also turned many of Nintendo's staple franchises into jokes. Minus a few gems, Gamecube was garbage.

4046d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Iwata is a nice guy, and so its not easy to say this, but I think his time as Nintendo's president should be up. The transition from Wii to Wii U is unprecedented in how bungled it has been.

Additionally, his experience as a game developer leaves him too entrenched to allow Software Devs to make games they want to make instead of the games the masses want. Nintendo also needs to make a culturally agnostic console that attracts as broad a demographic as possible.

4046d ago 10 agree7 disagreeView comment

Would be too expensive for ANY home console.

4046d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

About dropping the Gamepad completely. Make it optional. Include a Pro Controller, Wii Remote +, wireless Nunchuk and bundle NSMB..for a start.

After that start making gamesthe masses of people actually care about.

4051d ago 7 agree21 disagreeView comment

About the Artstyle? You know like the demo at E3 had. Nah, I bet it will probably be some sort of cel shading.

4051d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Root. What you are describing is the same behavior others show towards their company of choice. This is no more exclusive to Nintendo fans than it is for Sony or M$ fans.

I've seen many a person dismiss dismal Vita sales on this site no matter what the reality of the situation. I've seen Nintendo fans do the same thing in regards to Wii U.

Just don't act like this is exclusive to Nintendo fans. That's not fair, and not true.

4066d ago 14 agree10 disagreeView comment

It's all good brother. I understand Other M was VERY controversial for us Metroid fans, it has its fans and detractors. I think Other M had great Art Direction, some gameplay ideas that worked and many that didn't.

As you know, Prime 3 Sold me the Wii in the first place, and the Prime Trilogy re-release is a collectors item.

Prior to that, Super Metroid has turned out to be like fine wine, only getting better with age. Even now there are speedrunners ...

4072d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Give it back to Retro. If its a 2D, 2.5D, or another Prime I don't care. Just don't let Saka(shit)moto take the reigns again.

4072d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Surprise, surprise.

Honestly, if he were more of an actual analyst instead of industry, corporate mouthpiece, he would actually wait until all consoles were introduced. We don't even know what the next M$ console is at this point.

This dude's a clown.

4075d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is why I stress fans of whichever consoles, don't just blindly cosign on the things these companies do just because of the name on the plastic box. The only way these corporations change is when they start to feel the pain of losing money.

Consumers will be getting seriously f**&^% this gen if they go along with the program. EA was recently quoted as saying to keep up with the increase in dev costs going into this coming gen, they could just add the cost to game...

4077d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is only right when discussing matters about Nintendo. If he branches out and talks negatively about Sony's products N4G labels him a moron.

4078d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment