CRank: 5Score: 8370

The memory of XIII sequels , and im already crying.

3119d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

As a gamer , i dont see how nintendo securing exclusives benefits meat all. Theyve had a shitty track record and unless theres major change in the company's thought process,. the nx will be another underpowered overpriced machine with little to no 3rd party games and some pointless gimmick .
No reason or evidence to suggest otherwise.Id be a fool to be willing to commit such a product even before its out.
Buying off prexisting games from different platfor...

3121d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

playing nice is not the same as playing dumb.I dont see them releasing bayo on ps4xb1 for the goodwill of the last game's fans...
nintendo doesnt play nice, they do business and have been making a lot of bad decisions lately, that is all.
and its almost like you want nintendo to make more money and care about nothing else,
screw the players of the older game , screw the people who doubt nintendo's ability to make a good console after U, screw the devs who give ...

3121d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

nice...they should really start calling them demo's tho

3121d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

except the article bases its argument primarily on witcher sales,
i dont think anyone is denying that pc sales are up, but witcher numbers have little to do with it because w3 , even as a pc staple franchise , sold quite a bit more on consoles...
iirc 2/3rd of the copies were sold on console in week 1

3123d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sorry to burst your bubble but his statement was regarding the polish market alone, and its still unclear whether he was talking about the entire series or just 3.
Also im not even gonna address the article itself.
reads like a fanboy fanfic. Picks up a sole (incorrect) fact and just runs away with it

3123d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

im surprised , im sure we all expected him to speak in favor of the guy going against microsoft

3124d ago 44 agree12 disagreeView comment

android most definitely isnt like that,also the fact that youre comparing mobile os ecosystem with pc gaming is bad enough as it is.

3124d ago 16 agree4 disagreeView comment

no thanks, id take a good battle system over voices in a language most of us dont understand.
the pseudo mmo with aggressive qte's shit wont cut it...
whats worse is the qte's dont even do anything awesome, theyre just a necessity to keep your health or other stuff up...

3126d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

maybe try asking phil spencer?
i hear he loves 'real' gamers and twitter equally.He would tell you why he didnt allow cross platform play or why he imposed his parity clause.I remember it was meant to make people feel "first class".

3126d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

notice how theyre all super popular multi million franchises.
a click from a hater or a defender is still a click in the end

its really simple, lots and lots of people continue to buy them every chance they get. so they must like it, if the writer doesnt, the simplest solution is to not play that game and pretend it doesnt exist.
Im not sure how its existence actively hurts people though

3127d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Offcourse he would, cause that would help him in his job or stature or whatever,you would do the same in his situation, so would everyone else.I dont go around flaunting my grades if I fail in class, and i dont owe any random stranger an explanation or an apology or even admission for it either.But you can bet your ass I would get a billboard ad put up if I topped my batch in MIT. Its not hypocrisy , its basic human nature.
business isnt done through emotions.
everyone and the...

3127d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

Have looked are the requirements of that game?
Youll need the highest end laptop gpu to run it at minimum specs.
Why wont you just stream it from xbox to your laptop instead of buying a $2000 laptop to run it?Better yet, if you have one, why exactly would you even play it on an xbox when the pc version will most likely be better
Or maybe get a PC with the same money and stream it to a cheap laptop from that?
I dont see anything in this package that you cant do ...

3143d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment

Unless MS's sole purpose was to spite ps4 owners , i dont see how its a great move if it put the franchise in jeopardy and didn't exactly do squat to boost xb1 sales by a considerable amount considering it handily lost both NPD holiday months even with support from halo ,forza and fallout marketing.
uncharted hd alone sold ~4m , think about that for a second.its obvious as hell where the genre's audience lies when even a remaster beats the crap out of not only its competit...

3151d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

holy crap did the internet downplay uncharted collection....after the lukewarm response it got i expected it to fly under the radar just like that...
but just imagine that for a second, even with minimal hype, the damn thing probably outsold a mainline halo released in the same time

3152d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

comes off as rather cheap to me....not sure whats funny
One , theyre using someone's private affair to market their product
and Two , itd be far more respectable to make such a statement by enabling cross play b/w ps4 and xb1 and telling aaron greenberg to sometimes put a lid on the salty marketing..but they continue to block cross play anyways so its just what it looks like,a usual cheap marketing move like the destiny perfume or the battlefront ads.

3152d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why do people talk like this is an actual war?
Outdo HOW? technically? dont need a phd to know higher end more expensive hardware will perform better than something thats gonna be coupled with a 350 dollar console..
commercially?its leaning towards psvr atm, more dev support due to sony's current dominance in the gaming market, cheaper, and most importantly its a packaged product that you simply plug and play and it doesn't have a $2000 entry barrier on ...

3154d ago 31 agree13 disagreeView comment


im not asking what you have, im asking what youre doing in the game...
in the dark zone...whats the objective besides killing random mobs?
also, i dunno what the legendary color is. never found anything ahead of blue.
i wont have a good feel for the game unless i know what im supposed to do.
the beta has 1 mission and maybe 2 side missions. rest of them are random events..
dark zone, from what i saw had people just running arou...

3156d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

not that i support it, but iirc this did lead to a huge spike in ps2 sales in smaller countries .
luckily, despite that , its still far less widespread of a problem for consoles and doesnt exactly eat into the game sales.
most people that buy legit software usually continue to do so like they always demonstrated by the consoles selling as much as they do without any piracy options at the moment.
not just that, its incredibly easy to patch these things these ...

3156d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

exactly, wth are people doing?
why does it keep getting extended
not bashing the game, i found it to be pretty good but theres hardly anything in the beta that cant be completed in 1 day/or a sitting rather.

3156d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment