CRank: 5Score: 8370

uc is actually 60fps when its 900p , and thats just in multiplayer. its 1080@ rock solid 30 for the sp.

3058d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

hahahahahahahahahahaha.....loo k how carefully he made up his story from the early impressions on gaf and the 3 spanish gameplay vids that were leaked .
you say you hate games with a lot of cinematics and then you say uc2 and 3 were far better games at a similar point.
keep contradicting yourself.

3058d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

uncharted is what halo+gears would be lucky to sell combined.
these arent 360's early years anymore

3059d ago 13 agree6 disagreeView comment

this is one of the most retarded videos ever.

3061d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

i think he was referring to your braincells not your bank account

3061d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

nintendo should launch the nx at a $1000. that way only a few hundred people would buy it and the attach rate would be 100%

3062d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

wii u did this with like 5 games worth playing.
and by your stupid logic, nintendo shouldve never invested in xenoblade x considering it sold around 1m on a system with a 110m+ userbase...

3062d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

$500 graphic cards alone go into pc's with a 10tflop throughput.wth are you smoking?
under normal conditions , a 6700k+ 980 is what will give an output similar to that....
you expect one of the strongest cpu/gpu combo currently available in a $500 box? being sold at a loss especially after what that $500 figure did to xb1?

3062d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah i guarantee youll say that the second this rumor is disproved/

3063d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

are people honestly believing MS is gonna sell a 10 tflop console ? at what price may i ask?

3063d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

so many star wars long as one of them is an rpg akin to kotor... pls

3063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no other company isnt also showing up at e3 with just 1 game while their current console lineup is as good as dead.

3065d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

its really funny, every time sony reveals a first party exclusive people say the same thing and 9/10 the games end up better looking than early promos, they said that for infamous, for driveclub , for bloodborne,the order 1886, for ratchet and clank and obviously for uc4 as well.
and i hear the same murmuring regarding horizon zero dawn.

3066d ago 43 agree10 disagreeView comment

not if it doesnt sell

3068d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

he has no reason to be confident after what happened to the U

3068d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

the sales of the 3ds have indeed fallen off a cliff.just because it reached an admirable number doesnt mean its selling as well now.go check the facts.its only selling well in japan and even there ps4 is outselling it these days.
and what lineup?
so far this year all weve got is one game hyrule warriors,which is an old game and its completely broken on the o3ds.

3069d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

i dunno about that..your comment history makes you look like a fairly hardcore nintendo fanboy to me and youre dissing on other console without any kind of instigation but whatever...
"My gaming life doesn't revolve around third parties"
im not even sure what the hell thats supposed to mean......
you know you say youre happy , but your comment reeks of the same disappointment the article speaks of .
your standards are pretty low if you arent d...

3069d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

a $900 27 inch display isnt that expensive? and no, not even a normal sli will get you 4k@120
battlefield 4 with 2 titan x's gets you around 75 avg. and thats a 4000+ rig just to accomodate for those cards.

3073d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

because they are susceptible to good marketing? you think most people bought a 4k over a 1080p after experiencing how much better that resolution made things?you think people upgrade iphones every year because they 'needed' just that much more processing power or screen size or camera lens quality?
most of the content we have isn't even available in 4k , how can you possibly believe 4k itself sways anyone by itself to spend a thousand bucks.

3073d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

i dont think its the graphics, i think its just straight up brand loyalty faced with usual internet trolling. all these people on the internet who pretend to know everything about frame times, pixel distribution etc and reflect upon how much they matter to them, its all a joke. everyone with the more powerful hardware seems to notice and feel the difference way too much for the tiniest thing, everyone with the weaker one dosnt seem to care and calls the others graphics whore. everyone who own...

3074d ago 56 agree9 disagreeView comment