CRank: 5Score: 8370

sharpness can be boosted on ps4 via the options, not challenging your opinion, just letting you know. also chromatic aberration can be turned off.
imo , the best experience is with brightness slightly lowered to the 35% mark, ca off and sharpness at 70.
also, for the record , i dont notice any input lag. could be the internet connection(even if its the same on either),
but thats just simply lag

3158d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

normally its because of input lag being generally higher due to the externally connected non native controller and the fps being tied to animations in certain cases,which can cause massively jarring slowdowns not present in a game running at 30fps on console ,also this being an online only game ,(shooters generally being online heavy) it really matter which platform has the highest number of users , which most certainly isnt pc

3158d ago 4 agree16 disagreeView comment

how does ea even know that btw? sales to customers i mean.
because if xbox is around 11m in USA theres no chance it sold another 8 in the rest of world

3159d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

I honestly dont get all this optimism surrounding NX, what exactly points it to being not another n64/gc/wii/wii u, all of which were failures of varying degrees with mostly poor 3rd party support from the bigger devs ?
tell me im lying, tell me how great would those console's libraries be if you took out all the nintendo games?

3159d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

all these wishful NX speculation articles are really getting annoying these days...
99% of them dont even have anything to go off of and just fill the articles with dreams what they want it to be, realistic or not

pixie dust and magic and fairies...maybe..

3160d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

incorrect, its far cry 3.5v2

3160d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

old as hell

3162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

maybe not for people who just want casual fun and some fanservice?
monster hunter can be really hard to get into you know

3162d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they can stop the ones who havent already set up the piracy system.
although its nigh impossible for them to stop the ones with an emunand setup already.emunand literally uses official updates once setup and needs no patches whatsoever

3162d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

big game event, lots of new final build footage + release date+ rumored cg movie announcement

3168d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

this and REmake HD arent remakes,theyre hd ports of gamecube games. how do people not know that?
im seeing the same comments in every review

3169d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

those things arent mutually exclusives when in comes to a library of can get(and often need) both at the same time.
people need to stop pretending wii u is some sort of hidden cult classic gem or something.
its an overpriced(compared to competition) console which gets a few absolute gems every year but remains mostly barren with it.just because it doesnt get the quantity , it isnt by default a quality console. why?
because its an ab...

3173d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

witcher is a safe and excellent package...
with bb, youll take a month to understand its story AFTER you beat it. it keeps you guessing, and its brilliant. it isnt an unconquered hero's tale who rides into the sunset with the love of his life and everything hunky dory.its not good guy vs bad guy, its not light vs has no morals and the only thing it teahces you is that youre not the boss of this place.
while im not bothered by the lack of awards, it i...

3173d ago 17 agree8 disagreeView comment

online only- check
multiplayer focused - check
microtransactions - check
downgrade - check

its a sad day when you realize the only non shitty product from ubisoft in this year is gonna be southpark game(hopefully)

ac is already on the path to its demise
far cry will start to follow after primal(looks to be one of the most shameless rehashes ever)
division's hype has died down massively in the past two years...

3175d ago 31 agree22 disagreeView comment

They really seem to love Bloodborne, nice to see splatoon there too.
they seem to be more like the 'mechanics over narrative' guys.
which would also explain the witcher snub.

3175d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

they dont 'need' combat. its just the easiest creative method to present the gamer with challenge and intrigue.
as a publisher , i sure as hell would want to include it because of its mainstream nature but games are more than capable of being good even without it.
you seldom find the kind of narrative games like telltale, until dawn, king's quest,heavy rain etc in games that focus on combat.
and before you call them movies
explain the popularity of ...

3175d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

as expected, it got ubisofted.
next up:
for honor
so it being ubisoft 9/10 times has nothing to do with it?
and whats powerful ENOUGH. who decides that? the few who own $2500 pcs and refuse to buy games at $60?
If people with POWERFUL ENOUGH machines paid for games relative to their expenditure on their rigs, you wouldnt have to go around being salty like that.

3175d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

It was almost as bad as the level 5 stream....whats worse is that they chose to not show footage of games that'll be playable for everyone in the next 4 months..
dq heroes 2 is out in may and we dont have anything more than artwork,dq jokers demo is out in march and we dont have a single piece of gameplay footage

3175d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

well good thing sony already said theyre not selling it for a profit since they can make their money back from software and ps4. unlike the other two. not to mention its also not as high end as either.
im almost certain itll land b/w 350-450 bundled with accessories.
yes obviously,
40mn+userbase , lowest entry cost , current leader in console gaming space thus all the 3rd party support.
so its no surprise devs will pick a less riskier alternative. ...

3175d ago 14 agree4 disagreeView comment

Hit agree if you were mentally dodging by yourself at points in the video...

3176d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment