I'm back....


CRank: 18Score: 185570

After all the fanboy ranting and raving... I must admit.... Its a little odd to here that ole P. Moore will no longer be the face of the Box. Well good luck P, Moore but im sure the game industry has not seen the last of those old wrinkled guns of yours.....

I got a hunch that there is "Moore than meets the eye" on this one.

EA has been cooking something up over there... Heard talks of a console.

Soon as news breaks on that. I will have it hear f...

6275d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


I seriously been reading threw these forums for so long that I have become what I hate most... An idiotic fanboy like the ones that made me join N4G in the first place.

I am threw posting here.

BTW: XBOX360 rocks.... I still think your a pussssy ; )


GaMr out

6276d ago 10 agree22 disagreeView comment

Another Console flopped, Another company ruined. On to the next ehh Pete...

This guy is worse than the silver Surfer...destroying planet after planet. Only difference is he destroys companies.

One thing im calling now for sure. If Microsoft loses Pete and loses the majority of Market Share to Sony this Gen. I think they are done. Their will not be another Xbox. Just my 2 cents.

Now let the fanboys attack. I want to see those tears rolling down the che...

6276d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't be so sure. "GaMr is back"....lol

6276d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ohhh wait thats right you guys have annouced an entire entourage of games/exclusives since january. hmmm don't worry the fanboys will find something else to whine about.

6276d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well let me help out.

*runs in phonebooth, runs back out as SuperXboxfanboy*

Well to all you Sony fanboys/girls out their. Your getting a spin off and your going to suck it up. But when Kojima-San was offering a spin off the metal Gear universe you guys bashed and laughed at us. So you know what this is the same thing. Spin off is a spin off... How's that for a news spin.

*Removes Xboxfanboy outfit*

Ok guys im back. Well I hope that will help ...

6278d ago 11 agree9 disagreeView comment


This goes out to

Power of Green: "PS3 can't do realistic graphics and textures. everything comes out cartoony.

FirstKnightT: "Why do I need a PS3...ohh why someone please tell me why would I need to buy a PS3"

TheMart: "Cell is not optimized for gaming"

TopGamer: Wow I own every console...blah blah blah and Xbox360 is just...

6280d ago 31 agree4 disagreeView comment

Xbox360: "The only console you can play GTA4,Madden 08 and Halo 3

PS3: "The only console you can play UT3,Haze,KZ2, & MGS4

Especially since GTA4 and Madden 08 are multi. Who is starting to do crappy P.R now. Good job Pete M. Keep it up.

@ 3.1 ... Sorry did Pete M.'s wang get jammed in your butthole. Im simply quoting the man (who appearently is your boyfriend). When he made that statement he mentioned nothing about time or release dates...

6282d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment


6284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wouldn't have anything to do with the more Xbox360's in circulation would it. I think their is a little over 10 million subtract about 2.5 million.
M$ numbers probably arent that acccurate. They probably count refurbs as sales. hehe (relax fanatics it was joke. although probably true. But I think the pre-orders are pretty close and if you were to do a ratio. PS3 has a better GTA pre-order ratio.

Relevant to my life: No

Relevant to Sony or M$ sucess: Mayb...

6284d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Obviously sucksss assss at Tekken. You can button mash thru any game. Just because VF has 3 buttons doesn't make it anti-button masher... (SMH)

Tekken "if played right" not by a button masher. is an incredibly detailed and precise fighter. You can triple even quadruple counter. The counter system is unmatched and has ton more moves/throws than virtua fighter. Not to mention better balanced characters and better animation. Yea VF characters fight/move like they have Di...

6287d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

SONY: Hey wat gives

SEGA: This is payback.

SONY: Payback for what?

SEGA: You destroyed or baby "the dreamcast" you made us go bankrupt. With your dammn PS2... You even made Pete M. leave us.

SONY: Sorry.

SEGA: Sorry doesnt cut it. Your Sonic sucked and now you have the inferior virtua fighter.

SONY: Ohhh Well. Their is always Tekken 6.



6287d ago 14 agree13 disagreeView comment

The Xbox360's sold and the Xbox360's broken numbers are starting to rival each other. The Xbox is its own worst enemy at this point.

I guess if they knew how to make reliable hardware there names would be


6296d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Title is more exciting that the article. : (

Good one drtysouf21

6297d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Taliban uses Gears of War for there field training simulation. So even in modern warfare its still Xbox360 vs. PS3 ; )

6302d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

One of the posters linked this in the orignal article.


6303d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unless you have a real arcade like set up. 46 inches or bigger set and some room to really stand back and take aim. Dont even bother with these titles. I had them on the PS2. Couldnt play anymore after I bought my LCD HDTV. Guncons werent compatible with it. : (

6306d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even if shadow is wrong in what he's saying. Wich I personally don't think he is not to mention is partial opinion wich can never be wrong.

Your comment is still grimey and pretty fucced up. You should chill out a little pal. Obviously the Console war thing has got you wound a little tight. Chill out. Im sure there will be another blockbuster title besides Gears of War.

My moto: "There is nothing wrong with owning either console. There is something wrong with ...

6308d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

8 -
Remember that promise of Ken about 2 outputs both at 1080p running at 120 FPS,

Im remember when people where honest about a new product and didn't try to hype there shyt up to sell.

I mean im sure its the first and last time a manufacturer will hype a product. /end sarcasm

What happened to Sony is your typical scenario. How many times have you seen some rich kid pull up showing off in his dads porche and get his ass handed to him by som...

6308d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you seriously asking yourself this question. Its time to call up Martinez and tell him to drop by and bring you another 20 sack of that could stuff. Cause your high is appearently wearing off.

This is F.R.F material.


6310d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment