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CRank: 18Score: 185570

Santa is a Microsoft fanboy.. sweet. Nice trolling dude. This article made your day didn't it. This article sounds like an ignorant fanboy rant.. not at all credible. I'm sorry but I have yet to base any of my gaming decisions on some jerk desk rider @ CNN. I never even heard of this guy. He was probably dropped a nice little check to write this propoganda fud. This is nothing more than Holiday Season Viral Marketing by M$. believe what you want but this article is utter CRAPOLA!

5762d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Add me people. "GaMr-" ( long time N4G vet). I submitted the first story EVER about this. Wayy back in 07 before the first press release. Hit me up.

5763d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Title states: "PlayStation division under review as part of corporate changes"

Self written portion of article states:, although SCE would not detail whether those cuts will have a direct affect on the PlayStation group.

And first thing in every opposing console fanboys head is "OMG no PS4.... sony is dropping Playstation.

SOny clearly states: we will always carefully review and make structural changes, if necessary, in order to further ...

5765d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

true. but Video game asses.. come on guys! keyword here is "VIDEO GAME"

that is a little pathetic! and im infamous on this site for the "real life ass avatar" just ask around about GaMr-

5766d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

some dudes just really need to go get laid. Video game asses..... (SMFH)

5766d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

This article is old news. Reviews went south for me around the kick off of this generation in gaming (PS3, 360 , Wii) or as some call it "Next-Gen". It was this Gen for the first time I saw game sites , invidual blogs etc. use something as important as a game review to spread their spite and hate towards an unfavored console. Yes folks I am talking about the early and every now and again totally bogus reviews the PS3 has recieved. Lets face it ..its really not a mystery. Sony is d...

5774d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

love when microsoft fanboys act like BIG BAD 360 has something up its sleeve. lol Dude PS3 owns next year hands DOWN! No competition. Between announced and unannounced titles consider it GAME OVER!.. GOW3,Heavy Rain , KZ2 and thats just ...the warm up. There is no coming back from those already!

5778d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow.... thats a nice looking BETA!

5838d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this guy has obviously never made a PS3 game or he would be used crap like that by now.

5888d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

everyone knows Wii and X360 graphics are like dead even. Just depends who gets the port. lolololololol

anyways seriously where is the PS3 version. Dead rising was fun..like weird fun but fun none the less. Capcom could of totally kept Lost Planet that game was just all round "meh"

5899d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I mean I am a Systems Analyst by Profession and a computer science major. But... Brico Packs...is OLD AS DIRT!!!!. I have been using Bricopacks forever to skin my XP into looking like Vista. This IS NOT NEW PEOPLE. lololol wow. Its a pretty cool piece of software none the less. But disable Rocketdock. Its fun at first but then u get sick of it. Well I have an XPS720 now running Vista Premium. but I still have a laptop with XP on it and I skin that with Bricopacks. and again. THIS IS NOT N...

5908d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

were you born out of an asss or are u just an idiot? PS3 has 4 exclusive franchises according to you??? Cool

Gran Turismo?

Just to name a few. Do I really have to keep going? Now shut your assss and go play Xbox.

5912d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Guys... don't feed the troll please!

What happened to the good old days when someone could read through the comments and get a good understanding of whats going on. All I been hearing is the "Fanboy Wolverine" kid bitbch about sony this sony that. Dude if u don't like it don't watch it.. Go play XBOX.. dammn. Forum Trolls FTMFL!!!

5912d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

in page 2... would love to show her my ultima Weapon. = )

quite a few others that would get the bizz too. but as always there were a few busted chicks. 1st. page is all "meh".

5918d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think they should of canned the single player and just made it a hefty PSN download. same thing goes for 360. this should be a $20 market place purchase. Not worth a Box,Disc or anything. I hope the Live community is better. Cause the PS3 community for this game..well kinda didn't exist. Unless you want to play "instagib" to 500 kills with a bunch of noobs!

5924d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Recently purchased a 1GB 8800GT and I have been running Cyrsis... not a max but at a fairly decent rate. 1280X1024 res. High settings, 2xAA and i'm gettin 30+ FPS. I must say. This game is freaking insane. and i'm not even anywhere near maxing it out. I'm not a PC gamer. I just play from time to time. I want it to stay on PC. Can't wait for Warhead to come out. IF you haven't played Crysis.. your missin out on one of the best shooters on the planet. END OF STORY!

5924d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

never heard of these guys.... But IGN.COM said 2.40 is great. Sooooo there for...lololol. I hate these low budget sites that fish for hits by being impartial or trying to be "different". Just like the butt monkeys that low scored MGS4 to get more hits.

5924d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I doubt your a dev and if you are your a simple minded biased one @ that.

5924d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

One little sniff of good Xbox360 news and P.O.G. comes charging with Guns blazing. Go back in your hole fanboy. Xbox is playing catch up now. Learn it live it love it. = )

5925d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wtf did he think. he was going to hang himself then magically restart at the beginning of the level... missing a 1up and a mushroom?

Sad deal. but mental instability on the kids part. i'm sure it came from the parents though.

5931d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment