I'm back....


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So Epic asked Microsoft to Redesign or Beef up the 360 just so it can run Gears of War.

-So my question is when PS3 games start dropping and they look better than Gears of War without Sony being told to rebuild the PS3. Then what?

6276d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didnt understand why you have 9 million speech bubbles. But after reading through your post I know understand why.

Kudos on that.

BTW: Yea I do come of a little biased sometimes. Its only because I personally hate pointless flaming soo I spend alot of my comments countering the mindless fanboys on here that just relentless slam the PS3. Their for I come of biased. If their wasnt any pointless PS3 flaming then it wouldnt even seem that way. I have never spear headed...

6277d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea baby thats what im talking about.... I wanna see devs completely own the cell CPU. All I keep hearing is how powerful it is and it has no limitations well I want to see games tweak the hell out of it. (if thats even possible) But from what I have seen and heard Lair should be a nice start.

Do you see all those soldiers on screen at once with their own independent AI and animation. Amazing I tell ya. Gotta give respect no matter how much you hate Playstation Brand.

6277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL @ Lame fanboy butt hurt over news. Call me whatever you want. You will get over it one day.

Troll...ahahaha yea thats it buddy.

6277d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just because I happen to be one of the more popular contributors on this site every time I post a story its

"GaMr post flamebait... GaMr post flamebiat"

Well guess what. Everyone posts flamebait. I didnt publish this article nor did I make the statement. Your all attacking me cause im in your reach. If you Xbox boys are really that torn up about. Start a petition. lol

This article popped up today I posted it today. I didnt make it. Its no...

6277d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"metal gear solid, for fans of metal gear, is one big exlusive game. final fantasy won't see north american soil until 2009 (japan at the end of 2008, and who knows for europe)."

Ummm... read your comment. Metal Gear is on big exclusive. But yet all I heard yesterday constally repeated was how Halo was the end of Sony. lol
This site is amazing. And here is some insider for you. Your completely wtong about Final Fantasy. here is all you need to know:


6277d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Daily Dose of falmebait is served. EAT IT UP GUYS.... Lets aim for 3 million pointless rants and comments and completely neglect all the real game related news coming in. Best example:


Halo 3 will put Xbox ahead of PS3: 2 hundred comments 1020 degrees....

New Lair video and Review: 30 comments 400 degrees...

Verdict: N4G should be on High Troll alert. We are almost getting as bad as the gamespot.com forums.

6277d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL..... Pathetic.


This game is nothing to get worked up about. Lets go over the usual. If its two seperate builds they will both look good. If its a Xbox360 to PS3 port then yea....it will look like trash. and if for some odd reason sega decides to make the PS3 the dominative system and give 360 the port well. Who knows. Thats yet to happen. Either way im not too worked up about this game at all. I'll be suprised if its Mediocre at best. My money is on Stra...

6277d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

if you look in the bottom right of the screens on the right you will notice the X,Y and B buttons. The ones used to assign different commands. I didnt know that the PSP and The Xbox360 share the same button layout and color scheme. Thats quite interesting news.

6278d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just when you thought it was safe to come outside....

LMFAO @ Biased idiot who calls themselves "top gamers". More like Top Fanboy.

"Stand out due to massive sales"....ahahahahaha

hmmmm yea.... So we have a large product line but 2 products stand out due to massive sales. Notice the word "Massive". Means that all people are buying cause thats all people really want. lol

6278d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

3.15 million in less than a half year

Just went world wide last month....

All Halo is going to do is prove to people that Gears is not the best 360 can do.... or... is it???

All I know is at this point Gears looks much better. Lets wait and see.

6278d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

50 cent (xbox360) LMFAO...ahahahah wow

6279d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DENIAL.... ohhh soo true. They are all in it my friend. Its sad.

Please people I beg as one consumer to another. Do not blindly follow any company may it may Sony,Microsoft or Nintendo. Cause they way some of you Microsoft fanboys hop on your defensive. Peter Moore can crap in a dinner plate and you will probably still eat it. All im saying is. They dont love you. They love money. So dont defend them like as if you took the to the high school prom or something.


6279d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is good stuff but the flamebait is getting all the love ... Shows were this site is at.

6279d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I honestly dont think Sony wrote this. But hell if I know. If thats the truth them im sure Microsoft hand wrote every piece of negative Sony news as well. lol


6279d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


Here is some real news N4G.

6279d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And Juicy Fruit Gum outsold Lamborghini's. Had to be a fanboy who submitted this. How many articles have we read already. The Wii is not a real next-gen competitor. Its more a toy than a console.

Real News----> http://www.n4g.com/NewsPend...

EDIT: ANTAN.... Im sorry... Someones misleading comments had me believe it was them who submitted it. I know your not a fanboy bro and I do apologize...

6279d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes... The Morpha-Ray..... awesome !!! LMFAO


6280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I cannot find or remember the one with the gun that turned his friend to a chicken. What was that. That was my all time favorite. Someone please find me the video.

6280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Desert Glory, Bitter Jungle, Sujo, Foxhunt, Blizzard...

Thoughts like this make me as happy as Solid Snake on the Battlefield. I cannot wait to see what PS3 will do to this game.

Blu-ray= Huge Maps

HD Eyetoy= In game video chat during gameplay

PSN: Unified friends list

Home: Automatic clan stat tracking.... gorgeous.

(Wishful thinking mixed with a little insider and speculation.)

6280d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment