
CRank: 5Score: 15150

The feeling of being alone in a dark, gritty, horrific environment is what made Dead Space a phenomenal game. Multiplayer would be very awkward for a game like DS. But as long as the sequel has a strong, engaging single player mode, I'll be content and happy.

5331d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

are new trailers. That's the only reason I'd ever watch it. Other than that, it's full of cheap advertising that goes on for hours. And the awards are so biased, they make Gametrailers look good. Oh, wait...

5331d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

there will be only TWICE as much chaos than we all expected!

5331d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

but I already preordered the Master's Edition :)

5332d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Jesper Kyd = Legend

AC1's soundtrack was beyond amazing. I hope they use the music more than in the first game.

5333d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Don't f*** with aria!"

5333d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

except for Fable 3. Fable 2 did NOT live up to the hype, but if Lionhead doesn't overhype it, I may rent it first.

But anyway, Mass Effect 2 and FF13 are day ones for me. And Alpha Protocol looks amazing, too.

5333d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Give me more reasons NOT to get Modern Warfare 2 and instead play these games!!!

BFBC2 is where I'll be at for sure!!!

5335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sometimes I think that they rate a game M "just in case" people complain, but then I play Infamous and Uncharted 2 and wonder why they're not M and The Last Remnant and the Halos are. I really don't care at this point.

5335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a multiplat game, therefore they have the right to "bash" it. If they notice that the game is low-res with the same graphics and has little innovation, then they should be able to say that. Why? Because it's not an exclusive game. You're acting like this isn't a multiplat game. If they can play it on their system, they're not fanboys, are they?

5335d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Metal Gear Solid 4: 8/10
Killzone 2: 7/10
Rachet and Clank Future ACiT: 7/10
Infamous: 7/10

Now here's the kicker...
Fable 2: 9/10
Halo 3 ODST: 9/10

So by their logic, Fable 2 and ODST have more originality than all those other PS3 titles? And now Modern Warfare 2 is original? I can understand Ratchet and Clank being more of the same, but if they gave it a 7 for lack of originality, then Modern Warfare 2 should DEFINITLEY be dow...

5335d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

If there's anything I can do without, it's ANOTHER FPS. It looks somewhat great, but I'm burnt out on the genre. I'll pick this up used in the future, though, because I'm not supporting Infinity Ward and Activision. But it's a definite used buy.

5335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but I'll hold off on it for now. I'm still playing Uncharted 2 :)

And with Assassin's Creed 2 AND the God of War Collection coming out in a week, I won't have time for another FPS. I'm burnt out on FPS's, GIVE ME SOMETHING NEW!!!

5336d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

So you know that they're working hard on it to make sure it becomes a AAA. I never played Revolver, but the trailer for Redemption caught my eye and impressed me. Another game for early 2010 (although I have a feeling it'll get pushed).

5337d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've seen better ones on VGBoxArt:

I was hoping for a more simplistic cover like the JP one, but you can't always get whatcha want (that is if this IS the actual cover).

EDIT: I found the same cov...

5337d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Assassin's Creed had some great tracks. Flight Through Jerusalem was an amazing piece. Assassin's Creed 2 has some great ones from what I've heard so far. Jesper Kyd is amazing.

Shadow of the Colossus had one of the best soundtrack in gaming histoy IMO. In a game like that, music was a key element to envoke emotion, and it pulled it off perfectly.

Metal Gear Solid (specifically 3 and 4) had great stuff, too. The Love Theme from MGS4 still gives me chills, and pla...

5337d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure, there's a handful of decent ones, and the legendary Goldeneye, but that's about it. And what makes this any different? 3D? Give me a break. The gameplay is what kills movie games. The graphics may be there and the 3D feature will be interesting, but from what I've seen, the gameplay looks repetitive and there's a definite lack of depth.

So sorry Ubi Montreal. I'll be getting AC2 from you, but not this. With all the AAA titles coming out, Avatar doesn't stand out at all. ...

5337d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

because the gameplay from the beta looks better than anything MW2 has shown. Oh, and because it's his opinion, too.

5337d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

That was a nice touch. The PMC commercials were done quite well actually.

5337d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment