
CRank: 5Score: 10840

I am a little worried about RRoD on my 360. I'm on my 3rd and I'd be lieing if I told you I don't get nervous when I play it for extended times. I still haven't decided which version I'll get -- I'm waiting on the announcement about how big the DLC will be. If it's not anything special - I'll get the PS3 version. I have both reserved;)

5997d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you say something in the forums, you should stick to what you believe. At some point most people jump for join when they hear that things look better on the PS3 and then when they say things look better on the 360 they change their tune by saying graphics don't matter it's all about the game play, or mods, or motion control, or whatever. Everyone has excuses when things don't fair better on their console.
At this point, there are no games out that can't be achieved on either console...

5999d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks =)

6001d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even though the 360 beat out the PS3 this month -- the simple fact is: both platforms are selling well. Fact: there has been an increase in demand for both hardware and software this generation. Fact: Each console has different features that may attract a potential buyer. Fact: all console have good things and bad things about them....the only people that can't acknowledge the "bads" in a console are it's fanboys;)

6001d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

If this is indeed true and I'm not saying that it is, but if it is, I've got to buy the 360 version of the game. 50 million does by a lot these days...

6002d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

It looks like GT5 Prologue is kicking some major arse!!

6002d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good numbers for all 3 companies =)

I just say, it's good to be a gamer! Software sales are estimated to be on the rise again this year which equals more software selections for all 3 =) It also shows that more people are buying plan to turn every human soul on the planet into a gamer is finally coming together....muahahahahha!! Can you imagine what will be out during the holidays this year -- I can't wait for the E3 announcements. I know all 3 will have something ...

6004d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

are a great idea. It doesn't make or break a game but it really adds some cool "bragging rights".

6007d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I thought XIII was a pretty cool game but was too busy with other games to finish it;) I do have to say, I didn't like brute force at all! The Chronicles of Riddick was awesome too!

6007d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is going to blow everyones mind! Game of the Year anyone? I sure think so;)

6007d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

NOW is the time for me to buy a PSP =) I'm a Final Fantasy addict!!

6050d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why so many disagrees! All I'm saying is...we all know that most Japanese video game consumers turn their head at the 360 and this has severely hindered their sales from the very beginning. This is a major "handicap" for M$ and I don't think any gamer really expected Japan to buy more 360s than Wiis or PS3s. When sales data is released the 360 has been at the bottom every time being out sold by even the PS2...sad but true. Why keep picking on a socially-handicapped-in-Japan gami...

6050d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

24-1 -- it's like making fun of a handicapped kid in the 3rd grade =(

6050d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

I'll agree with you on that one:)
The whole obsession with console counting is out of control =) I just like reading all the different posts when the NDP numbers are posted!

To each his own ;)

6056d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

of seeting GT5 screenshots!! Eye Candy!!!

6057d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The beginning of the article states "*Our survey suggests". It does not mean that they conducted an unbiased survey on a large pool of gamers. They conducted the survey on a site probably used more by PS3 gamers and yes I'm a PS3 gamer too. I just think that when data or information it thrown out on the internet, it should be taken with a grain of salt =)

Note: What's with this whole "full experience" thing? There is no doubt in my mind that all will expe...

6058d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I remember back in the day where gamers would get together and talk about who can finish what game the fastest or share a few cheats here and there. Now days, everyone wants to talk about sales figures -- I just don't get it! I hope ALL THREE SYSTEMS sale 250 million and gamers will take over the world....muahahahahhah =)

6059d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

I've got to admit, I'm on my 3rd 360. Went out and bought Lost Odyssey and with 20 minutes, I had the red ring of death. It's really frustrating =( It seems to always happen with games I've been waiting years for....the first was Oblivion, then Ghost Recon, and now Lost Odyssey!! It's so bad that my wife went out and bought Rock Band for my PS3 and I asked her why she bought the PS3 version and she said "So I know we can play it when we have people over without any problems". T...

6059d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

MOMENTUM, you've got to look at all the things Sony changed and made right to get to where they are now. I think it's safe to call it momentum. They lowered prices, changed SKUs, improved PSN, became humble, blu-ray won, and had good software selections during the holidays. To us, the fans it may seem easy or expected but, Sony worked their a$$ off because in the beginning they didn't do as well as expected -- they have even admitted that =) Whatever the case, they're doing AWESOME right ...

6064d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

So far, I really enjoy this one!

6064d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment