
CRank: 5Score: 10840

FFXIII will be awesome! I just can't wait to see the battle system.

6219d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

with the screen shots and videos I've seen lately, the graphics don't look as polished as Oblivion. I hope this all changes prior to it's release:) Only time will tell.

6219d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The fact is - the 360 does better upscaling! No matter what anyone wants to say, the truth in all of this is the PS3 may do some things better than the 360 and the 360 may do some things better than the PS3. I own both systems for different reasons and fanboys gotta realize that their console of choice isn't the best in every aspect. So, make excuses if you will but, I play my BC games on both systems and I've seen the proof with my own eyes!

6219d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

There are people dieing across the globe in under-developed countries; trust me - if the game was on 2 discs it won't be the end of the world:) It'll be a great game nonetheless. At what point do people decide the greatness of a game based on disc numbers. Last time I checked FF7 was one of the best in the Final Fantasy series and most people agree and guess was on multiple discs.

6222d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got my 360 at launch and 1 month later I got the 3 rings of death but, since I got my new one I haven't had any issues. My good buddy David couldn't say the same - he's on his 3rd 360! Boy were we pissed!!! I'm a big time gamer and love all 3 systems but, I just feel that THERE IS AN ISSUE THAT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED. One good rule in business is - you just shouldn't lose your customers trust or mislead them. I'm beggin' you Mr. M$, please give us a pat on the head and let us know that ...

6222d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Conviction is a 360 exclusive! In this day and age, it's hard to tell who's getting what exclusive (if any); so that's why I've purchased a PS3, 360, and a Wii! I think everyone should do the same - LONG LIVE VIDEO GAMES....ahahaah!

6222d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Okay, I know the first Killzone was only average but, something tells me that Killzone 2 is going to kick some major arse. My PS3 is collecting a little dust right now but, in 2008 - IT'S GAME ON!!

6222d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't wait for Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Mass Effect and Lost Odyssey! w00t, w00t!

6222d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In my opinion - you don't get it!
This is an easy fix; you do a timed exclusive for the 360 allowing ample development time for the PS3 version of the game and during the optimizing and polishing stage - the developers could start writing code for the 360 also easily making it possible to develop a PC version as well. From a business stand point-- no company wants to pass up consumers just for the hell of it. The only way anyone can stay in business is if revenues are greater than co...

6222d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only people that would say they don't want FF13 to go multi-platform are fanboys. From a profitability stand point, companies need to go multi-platform in order to generate increased profits to cover high development costs. If I had to choose, I would get it for my 360 and not my PS3 (hey, I've got to get the achievements points:) Whatever the case, this will be an awesome game no doubt!!

6222d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry but, those screen shots don't look that great. I'm not a fanboy and I own all 3 next-gen systems! I'm really excited for this game - I just hope it looks a lot better than those screens. We've got to be honest with ourselves; will it look better on release date...ofcourse but, are those screen shots jaw dropping...NO.

6222d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

All I've got to say is - whatever it is, it won't be available until Q2 2008; I bet anyone a million bucks on that one. It's good to see that hopefully I'll get some good "gaming" use from my PS3;)

6224d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You just keep playing your old PS1 games on your PS3 buddy. GTHD the downloadable game....that was a joke; it was so bad I even felt duped!

6234d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

All the comments about how Halo 3 is over-rated! What and Killzone 2 isn't!? Take a game where it's first version was only mediocore (come on, the first one wasn't anything special), show the sequal as this really cool CGI movie and people think the PS3 will magically fly of store shelves because over-night Killzone became Sony's Messiah.

Look, I own both systems and I all I hear about the 360 is people talking about it's games but, with the PS3 we talk about Home and how our...

6234d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Lets see just how stupid you sound - So what you're saying is that an upscaled version of God of War 2 on your PS3 looks better than say...uhhhh, Gears of War? Okay, now you're just being retarded and you obviously don't own a 360 and also did you just turn 13 or 14?? I own both PS3 and a 360 and let me tell you the upscaling on the PS3 is a nice additional but it doesn't make PS2 games look bettter than anything next-gen dumbarse!!!!

6236d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

We all know that the PS3 is's the most expensive console on the market! Most people simply can't afford it right many parents do you know that will drop $600 on a new console for little 13 year old Johnny? Not many! On top of that, we all know that the software line up is weak (Sony even admitted it) at this point. This guy may have got his information from a bum source be WE as PS3 owners know a couple of things for sure - 1. The software line-up sucks arse - 2....

6237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game can't be released soon enough!

6241d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Before everyone starts bashing Ubisoft and labelling them a PS3 hater - you've got to realize that there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes that us as the "consumers" don't get to see. People knew of crazy Ken's arrogance but, since he was the top dog, people had to put up with, it's a different story. Ubisoft aren't fan boys...they are a well established company that continues to make money hand over fist, putting out great titles and it's not because they are a b...

6243d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The software line-up for the PS3 is weak....really weak! I own a PS3 and it's still collecting dust, not because I want it to but, because there simply aren't enough good games for it (as of now). Everyone keeps talking about the future - what, 2008 or 2009? Sony was able to get away with over promising and under delivering in the past but, now that the competition is a lot stiffer - they may lose this generation. Emotion Engine anyone????

6245d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

We'll have to see how this plays out.

- When MS said "We can't wait to see Sony pull of a world-wide system launch" - Sony didn't
- When MS said "It's good to have 2 SKUs" - Sony did that too
- When MS said "Rumble is cool" - Sony's bringing it back

Only time will tell;) I hope it rocks because my PS3 is collecting dust at the moment:(

6247d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment