
CRank: 9Score: 74090

All they need to do is drop price on the Go and also the PSP phat and sales will be ok. PSP does have games, it just needs to be priced right and the GO! marketed better.

Launching platform is expensive, i doubt Sony will launch anything in the next 3 yrs.

5248d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment


5250d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

alot of mario kart clone tracks will be recreated haha

5251d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All these self-leak before E3; that means they have alot more secrets to show.

First SOCOM 4 at GDC (didn't expect that), then LBP 2 via Game Informer, and now..freaking Ape Escape!!? all big Sony franchises.

5251d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

But towards the end, i liked it. As things opened up, i felt more strategies involved, especially when u try to go for platinum on some of those marks.

5253d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everytime the PS3 drops the price, the gap shrinks by several millions. We can talk about killer apps all we can, but hey FF13 and GOW has come and gone. So called system sellers didn't really exert as big of an effect as everyone would have predicted.

But when Sony drop price to 299, it basically even'ed their sales in the USA and allow them to pull really far away in JP and EU.

One more price drop, regardless if Xbox will match the price drop, to 1...

5253d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

last map pack released recently on the Playstation blog, it is pretty sad seeing the comment. They got creamed pretty bad for making it time exclusive, and charging 15 dollar for rehashed maps.

5253d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

He just want to notify his fans that his game won't be shown in E3 so we shouldn't have our hopes up high, therefore fans won't be disappointed when they dont' see it...

u need to take a chill pill

Kojima..said he finished PW and now will help the MGS Rising team finish up...that's BS? wtf

You are the only one i see talking BS at this point.

5262d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Geologist (although maybe of D. of Land), but Geologist with Full Metal Alchemist style attacks would be rad.

5263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

with jobs such as Puppet Master (puppet and..what a stick and a hood? lol), Engineer (robot+gun), Scholar, Strategist

Also some idea for Discipline of Art (Buff/DeBuff/Time Magic class?)

Dancer, Bard, (or combine the two into Musician or Entertainer of some sort).


5263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

? Konami backed out right.

5263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everytime you shrink an chip component or the motherboard, you save money on the cost. The Cell and RSX being most costly parts of the PS3, Shrinking it from 65 to 40nm is about a 1/3 reduction. Not sure what the exact math is, but i would imagine it will cost them probably about 2/3 of origin price to make a RSX chip now.

5264d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please make the MP each round with no respawn allowed much like how Counterstrike was.

I don't like current FPS genre where there is unlimited respawn, it makes the game much less tactical. People don't value their lives.

Can't wait for them to bring back the thrill of Counterstrike-like based gameplay of yesteryear where every single life counts.

5265d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I see Macross, Patlabor, and Gundam Already

5265d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look at Incognito, when Cambell and Jaffe left, a whole crap load of ppl left...including Warhawk team, Dylan.

So if they by it, if Jaffe and Campbell leaves again...the studio gona be empty again -_-...

Unless, they stay for a while...

5270d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

means you will find it everywhere :)

5270d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

I love how people always talk about 1:1 head tracking etc but we haven't even been able to play it yet, just sonys statements, not ones from places known to be unbiased.

that's what u said, now the video shows the guy head movement and u see on screen movement, it's a journalist, not even a Sony employee.

And the thumb movement is easiest to implant, just one trigger squeeze, no question that it works.

U never mention HOW WELL it works, why can't u admit...

5271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i am wasting my breath. lol

Rather they implant it into a game, i can't say, but they can do head tracking, wtf, why can't you accept the truth.

5271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the tech demo of Anton with the wire robot, it does head tracking, and the two arms, with squeezing trigger that acts as a thumb. That's a demo that was shown to journalist. U can't fake that.

5272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment