CRank: 5Score: 7460

It is a shame that a lot of HMV stores are closing in the UK, it is our only national music retailer left and although it is a good store I'm afraid things are just so much cheaper online. I bought Wall-e blu-ray for a little under a tenner at in HMV store it was £29.99!!

Now I don't use HMV online but I imagine they are somewhat cheaper maybe not the cheapest. I think it is good that they have this on their site as it is usually who get these t...

4910d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

gta 4 yes halo 3 yes but not uncharted 2

4910d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played the demo and it was good but the actual gameplay was ok, I think the problem with the demo is it obviously doesn't give you much story and I can see why that could put people off it. It seems this game is appreciated for it's story and the more you play the better it gets but I am not sure if the gameplay is all that. TBH I am more looking forward to getting Dead Space 2

4910d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sounds good, I hear that the upgrades for weapons are different and so it will hopefully get players to use more guns... at least that is what they hope. They are fully aware that a lot of people used the plasma cutter and I believe it isn't nerfed in 2 it will be interesting to see what happens.

I loved the plasma rifle, screw precision lol just fire away :) was useful in a tight spot in the harder modes where u didn't have time for precision. Though the plasma cutte...

4911d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't wait for this game I reckon Dead Space is my fav franchise this gen more than Gears of War, KZ, Uncharted, LBP, GT and all the other solid titles.... I know call me mad!

I can't explain why it is but the fact I played it 5 times says it all.

I expect nothing less from the sequel but I don't expect the MP to be up to much.

4911d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am just waiting for KZ3 scores to come in I bet it will get anywhere from a 8 - 9.5 but I know full well people will kick off about it getting nothing more than a solid 10 or 100%.

4911d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said well said, yes I don't think MP was needed at all and most of these sequels jump on the MP band wagon and 9/10 they fall flat.

I played Dead Space on hard and it was frightening when you ran out of ammo, that was an awesome panic experience.

I think Dead Space 2 will become what Aliens was to Alien, though that might not be a fair comparison but I do feel we are in for more action than horror.

I don't mind more action (as A...

4917d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We will find out, I think it could be a member of the cult who worship the relic.

4918d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

No it isn't but it is quite atmospheric, I find the Japanese style of horror a lot more scary.

However I played the first one four times and it is hands down one of the best games this gen. The demo seemed to confirm that once again the 2nd one will be on a par if not better than the first.

4918d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment


4919d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Deeper story line about the helghast
Battlefield Bad Company 2 style dynamic sound
Smarter AI
More enemy types

4921d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They mention about the AI being improved, I thought KZ2 AI wasn't too bad especially on the elite mode.


4924d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well written indeed and interesting to get your insights. TBH I don't have an Xbox and won't buy one as I quite happily own a PS3. I don't have the time for 2 consoles.

So what are my sim options...hmm GT5. While GT doesn't progress that much although you have to admit the inclusion of weather, 24hr day cycle is quite a step forwards. Though I would have loved to have seen more detailed features for cars, i.e tire pressure etc.

Overall GT5 is ...

4924d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This one sided thinking is fanboyism and it runs deep through N4G veins. A lot of you are a joke!

Oh merry Christmas btw :p

4924d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

HAHAHA brilliant comment itchy, not often comments make me laugh.

Happy Christmas to you all.

4924d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It will be interesting to see how this turns out, GG got a lot of stick for Killzone 2 some legitimate most of it not.

While I admire they have fixed the controls, added more enemy types, improved the multiplayer, tried to break up the so called generic gameplay i.e the mech, added new weapons, new environments, stopped the small loading pauses, better story telling and script.

I have feeling that people may be expecting too much from GG, while I think KZ2...

4926d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That sounds great thank you for the feedback, I will be sure to try it myself out when I get home. I know it has someway to go but it is an awesome start.

4926d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can anyone comment on how good the shadows have been improved and the pixelation. This is a seriously awesome update, this tops Naught Dog and Guerrilla Games for post-care. Sorry guys your games are good but PD takes the cake and rubs it into your faces when it comes to patching.

4926d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thank you :)

4926d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have no problem with PC gamers or any gamer so long as they not trolls or haters for no particular reason. The one thing that does get my goat is when you will be quite happily discussing a game like uncharted or Killzone and some PC Fanboy will interject a comment like my gaming rig makes Killzone look like shite compared to Crysis.

Yes maybe butit is pointless comparing pc and consoles.... ugh

4926d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment