CRank: 5Score: 7460

Flower is still the best dynamic theme to me.

5153d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think the author has got what he was trying to accomplish...a reaction!

But ok I will bite and I throw in my two pence.

I have not played all of these but the ones that I disagree with are
Uncharted 2 (phenomenal game on all levels)
LBP (I appreciate what it achieved)
MGS4 (Had me gripped till the credits)
Braid (Wonderful little puzzle game)
L4D2 (One of my most played games of all time, simple concept but well exe...

5164d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Can not wait for this good to see the guys are still going and point and click has a new lease of life. Killzone 3 is nothing in comparison to this beauty ;)

5232d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We can't really take much away from this footage except for snow, a boot to the face and the WASP. I will wait for better quality footage before making a decision on wether the graphics are better but to be honest even if they are the same I am sure there will be much more detail, particles and effects in the final build.

Some people are already suggesting this just looks like Killzone 2 with snow... well have you heard there are jungle and space environments? Have you...

5232d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with Cueil to an extent, not so much on the puking side of things. I think 3D isn't that great in all honesty, not compared to other advancements in home cinema. I remember seeing Avatar in 3D and I wasn' this has to be purchased for the 3D effect. Just a matter of opinion mind.

Though I have yet to play a game in 3D but I don't think it is for me, plus it is a lot of money to upgrade. So if I buy KZ3 it won't be because of the 3D.

5238d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

3D TV is terrible

5238d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whilst I always welcome updates, I was hoping for programme recording.

5241d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm I swore I wouldn't play this game again but it is damn addictive despite it's flaws and is popular on my friends list so I guess I am a sucker but it is a blast to play. Having said that I am not sure I am willing to folk out for these overpriced maps until they come down in price.

5246d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow looks awesome, it is great to see the point and click franchise getting a make over, I thought it was virtually dead and had been lost to small flash based internet games. I actually own most of the 2D point and clicks (not 3D they never felt right) and I remember playing Monkey Island 2 on Scummvm a few years ago and thinking how great the graphics are compared to the original, full of rich colours and I even thought they are pretty good for that franhcise today. Except when I saw these ...

5260d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Didn't read the article but the title made me think of one game that has, not always mind, horrible players... COD. I don't know if it is just me but that franchise, especially MW AND 2 seems to attract everyone including those that I have to mute straight away. The amount of foul language,chavs, abuse, racism, screaming kids that won't let it go that you stole their kill etc seems to run rampant on these games. I guess because it is so popular it attracts everyone!

5265d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I couldn't care less with articles like this or the incoherent, seemingly endless comments that follow.

Whenever an article like this appears, it doesn't make me think, you know what? I got the sh*t version I should just snap the disk, throw out my PS3 and go out and buy a Xbox 360 and a copy of the game just so I can be relieved in the fact that I have the superior copy. Or I should buy a Xbox 360 and another copy of the game and just sit there playing both side by side whils...

5345d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Plucked these bits of info from latest Playstation magazine


The game is set on one of the moons of Saturn in a city called Sprawl. It is set three years after the first game and Isaac is there because of the government trying to re-create the marker. Though there will be more to the story of course.

New weapons include the Javelin Gun that pins necromorphs to surfaces. They also discharge electr...

5388d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I for one am going to support Naught Dog and will be buying this very shortly. What are people playing on their PS3 then?!

5396d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This isn't real.

5408d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still have not managed to pick this up what with Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story, MW2 and L4D2.

May be a Christmas present from the girly.

I take my hat off to ND and there was me thinking Guerilla were best for post support.

They never had a free map on their numerous updates for Killzone

Nice one ND!

5416d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What in the same way Resident Evil 5 lets you kill black people or GTA for a good few years lets you slaughter innocent civilians, the original Resistance lets you fight in a church?

Nothing to see here folks.

IW will be getting far too much money to care about this public outcry and backlash for this overhyped game.

5430d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Should help you create one.

5500d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a question regarding this Africa theme. For those who have downloaded it, I am curious to know whether these themes play on a loop and if so for how long? Or is it a set of certain animations but in a random order?

5501d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it doesn't matter which component does the decoding. This new support will not change the resulting audio by even a single bit.

5512d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

This doesn't make a difference to sound quality. It doesn't matter which component does the decoding. This new support will not change the resulting audio by even a single bit.

5512d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment