CRank: 5Score: 2090

And I suppose to you that the video that Microsuck showed off during the NFL season for Halo3 is on par with true in-game graphics, please!!!

Why don't you 360 flamers go suck your thumbs in the corner and get ready to get owned. Face sony is taking the strides now that you wish Microsoft had taken in the first place.

Here is something to imagine, Sony has a huge monopoly of the movie industry, they have sales figures from theatre showings they have done. Imagi...

6319d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wanted to say quickly that before you flame make sure you get the facts about this..Phil Harrison stated that this was a non-finished game, but that they wanted to showcase some of the power of the PS3. Other editors noted that it looked grainy, guess what, its a F'ing W.O.P (work in progress) for the slow.

Im out

6319d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would like to thank Sony for stepping up and snatching ninja Theory from the jaws of a fate worse than death, developing for the 360. Yikes!!

I laugh at you the 360 fanboys who cry out, Halo3 is going to kick ur ass. To you I say, sorry! Why? Because all you have is First person shooters. That is all that has been truly great on XBOX, look at the first XBOX, what games are the most memorable to you...Come one name one that is not Halo related...still waiting....oh yeah goo...

6320d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I can't wait to go "HOME" that just sounds so much fun. Time to make some new friends and flash my trophies

6320d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

First off let me say that everything is going to be difficult to program for as technology evolves and architecture becomes smaller and more complex. With that being said I would like to point to Sony's R&D division and point out that they are doing everything in their power to bring to life new development tools that will make the PS3 easier to crack and program for. This being said I say give Sony the chance that they need, and show some love to them cause they are trying to give us a...

6320d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just like your precious Vista the 360 will be hacked into next for teh second time. Down the tyrant known as Microsoft.

6320d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I must thank you for the wonderful scans of one of the highly anticipated titles. It's never too late to jump in to the Final Fantasy RPG's since they don't link together, other than Final Fantasy X and X-2. I love the new ideas that they bring to the fantasy world, the gunblades from VIII, the airships throughout. Great series to play, Love the summons and hope that they have more than ever this time.

6320d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love this video, the graphics in Heavenly Sword are sure to bring a lot of the PS2 fans "HOME" to the PS3. I can just hear all those 360 fans screaming in the background.

"No!! Stupid fat PS3 you ruins it!!RUINS IT!!"

Don't worry 360 fanboys PS3 has a "HOME" for you too so don't be afraid to "Jump In".

6320d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't wait until the unveiling of this new information, I even have the perfect slogan for Sony to use.

"Every now and then something great makes it's way into your hands that is an earth shaking experience. Sony is glad to introduce to you Sony Playstations "HOME". We invite you all to "Jump In" and "wii 'll" have some fun." To microsoft I say this.

Are you scared?

Live is a wonderful service put it la...

6321d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection was a download only as well, it was suppose to weigh-in at 800 MB and was only 555 MB. Remember that all the files that are downloaded from PSN are zipped, and the "install" is just uncompressing them. Am I the only one who knows this? As for Warhawk, I say give it time, its quite possible that this is just a part of a bigger picture, Incognito may be working on it still and this is just a downloadable taste of the game. Wait to hear the entire story....

6321d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Flow is quite entertaining, watching your creature evolve as you control it with just the sixaxis movements, and the R2 for boost. Give sony credit they are putting out some new game demos for their online service unlike the microsoft shell out of old arcade games you've played many times before (street fighter, umk3, pacman, dig dug, etc.) True sony is doing that is some respects too, as they have put up Q*bert and Lemmings, but everything else has been their own, (flow,calling all cars, Bl...

6327d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To theMart and all other Sony haters. Have you tried it?

I have the 360 I have the PS3 as I have stated over and over again, I will honestly say that the only game that has kept me interested in my 360 as of late is Gears of War, sorry thats about it. Crackdown looks kinda lame to me. As for the PS3 I love virtua fighter 5 it has very beautiful graphics a very defensive AI, the Gameplay is great and the unlockables keep you playing for hours. Today I will go home and downlo...

6328d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes I accidentally posted 499 and it should have been 399. I still think that all of the people here that regard the PS3 as a Blu-ray dvd player first and gaming second need to wait and see what is going to happen. If you think back not many people had high hopes for the 360 when it came out, matter of fact people were comparing it to the Dreamcast. The PS3 is just coming into a worldwide install base, so basically its still in the infancy stage, just as was the 360 until it hit with title...

6328d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with sony's decision on their price, just look at what you get. For $600 you get more than you got with the XBOX 360.

Sony: PS3
60 GB HDD compatiability to upgrade to larger hard drive
BLU-Ray Optical DVD Drive (Storage medium of 25 GB up to 50 GB)
Internet Browser (Doesn't effect the cost but still nice)
HDMI Output (sure its not necessary for HD right now, but maybe soon)
Swappable OS ( ability to completely customize yo...

6328d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

I gotta say that if you believe that Microsoft has built this great, absolutely F**king amazing machine you are sadly mistaken. Microsoft built a machine that harnesses a little power but limits what you can truly do. So it may be easier for the devs to program for the 360 at the moment, well whoopie. PS3 is a little harder to program for, a challenge for devs to conquer. If they could do it for the PS2 they can do it for the PS3. I own both systems, on both platforms, ie. PS2 and XBOX, ...

6332d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

To sit there and say that Sony's PS3 has nothing on Microsoft is just stupidity. first off let me point out that Sony gives you more entertainment options than the XBOX 360, I know cause I own them both. Sure Microsoft has XBOX live, which has been running since XBOX, which gives them that advantage, but Sony is just starting their online structure. XBOX live you have to pay to play, which is stupid. PSN is free for gamers to play to no extent, thus you get more gamers being able to play ...

6333d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

When is everyone going to realize this, that the Blu-Ray DVD drive is not just for movies, it is the main format that all games are built on. The Blu-ray disk is used to give developers more space to build on allowing for much larger and longer games, not to mention the 8 SPE's built into the PS3 to handle the various calculations used in AI, lighting, player motion and many many other things. I have a PS3, I love the system, it offers more right now in the ways of a computer, home entertai...

6333d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry but DOA was a mediocre game at best, great graphics but the same damn thing over and over again. Don't know about Virtua Fighter 5 yet, but here is why 360 sold so many copies of that game. It was within the launch window and there was not much else to play. Oh yay we could play Call of Duty 2, the crappiest Madden game they ever shoved out for a system, glad 360 got that one first, 07 is much better. If PS3 only had 3 games to play and VF5 was released around launch then hell ye...

6342d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just because one game by that company was on their system first, but the sequel is on every other system doesn't make that title and Exclusive. Exclusive means "Exclusive to that system and that system only"

6346d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont understand why everyone makes such a big f**king deal about the CGI demo for, there was no disclaimer at the bottom that said "THIS IS ACTUAL GAMEPLAY". They didn't come out and say that those graphics were how it looked, they put out a video clip to show what may be possible and to showcase a game in development. Everyone reads into this way too much. Thats like saying the video trailer for Halo 3 is what the game is most definitely going to look like. No matter what the...

6346d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment