CRank: 5Score: 2090

Microsoft is so scared of sony that they have to buy up all the game developers, then it just goes to show that MS makes inferior products...Look at the battle that was between PC and MAC, MAC couldn't get software developed for their system and PC squashed them, but in order to save from getting sued, Bill Gates loaned money to the MAC to stay afloat, now the MAC is coming back strong and crushing the PC.

MS just wants to rule lives and make money!!

6305d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't wait to get my hands on this PS3....oh wait...oh its the 360, oh but its black now? has HDMI (its not necessary)?, yeah, hmm how much money will MS suck from the sheep, I mean customer?

Black, HDMI,larger HDD....yeah copycat lol.

6305d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

See that all the xbox fanyboy's were raving that PS3 sucked because you couldn't play games while downloading. I pointed out that not everything was revealed about this update and sure enough, low and behold, the answer is right here. Both systems are great, so kindly quit trashing the system. Thank you.

IMO: If your an XBOX 360 fan who hates PS3 don't read the PS3 news, simple eh? For the 360 haters, same approach.

6305d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your more retarded than theMart and as smart as FordGT, what a dumbass. Ok let me see....

Home.."You will be able to stream video, music and USER CREATED CONTENT from other playstation 3 users."

Motion Control: Is a rip of a logitech idea from the 90's ya moron, get the info straight. The technology was free for anyone to use, Wii uses an infrared sensing bar, while PS3 and 360 use a built-in infrared sensor. learn computers and hardware before you le...

6306d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doesn't anyone remember that ALL the details would not be given until the damn update is out, hello thus you will recieve more info about this when launched.

Download the update try for yourself, if it doesnt work the way you want, contact sony and suggest upgrade ideas.

XBOX 360 is not perfect either, Red ring of death, Massive Freeze ups( which mine experiences at least 4 times a day).

6306d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although throngs of followers of the Mighty MS are devote in finding holes in all that is SONY allow me to say this. Sony knows that exclusives will come and go, because the industry is getting heavily populated with games that cost millions to make, so in order to get the revenue back they have to cross the platform barriers, but at the same time, when one system starts to gain ground they will jump to the one that heralds a higher audience so that they can push their game to as many people...

6306d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Although throngs of followers of the Mighty MS are devote in finding holes in all that is SONY allow me to say this. Sony knows that exclusives will come and go, because the industry is getting heavily populated with games that cost millions to make, so in order to get the revenue back they have to cross the platform barriers, but at the same time, when one system starts to gain ground they will jump to the one that heralds a higher audience so that they can push their game to as many people...

6306d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but to notice that theMart's comments have being yanked from other forum comments why is that I wonder? One sided flame wars? hatred for the better brand?

Why can't you all see that the 360 is just mediocre, notice the prescence of the ever approaching black 360. When it comes this time next year and 360 is below PS3, will MS come out with an all new 360 incorporating blu-ray DVD, Upscaling for older games, DVD upscaling, all other bells and whistles that sony is planning. ...

6307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Allow me to say this to all of those who are's WELL worth it. I have my PS3 and have 8 of the available games including Motorstorm. The pictures you have seen and the video as well are nothing compared to the experiences that you will enjoy when you wrap your loving arms around Sony's black box of joy.

If you happen to score a copy of Resistance: Fall of Man, look me up my gamertag is "Lionofheart"

6307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont't know if you realize what sony is doing yet or not, but allow me to explain it to you so you can understand it more. With Firmware update 1.6, Sony is setting the ground work for those of us lucky enough to enjoy the beta version of HOME. While immersed within home creating all the things you want to do, you will have the ability to do background downloading, while on the internet. Sony is lax on letting everyone know this because with XBL all downloading stops when you go online w...

6307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow being disconnected during a game of gears because the batteries die becuase the 360 controller sucks batteries dry.....Nice Microsoft, just nice.

Dont act like the 360 doesn't have problems, it has a multitude of problems, from freezing up in mid-game, to the Red Ring of death, to battery sucking controllers. Get over yourself and get a life.

6312d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Of course most of them won't work the system software update will not happen until the system fully launches. DUH!!

6313d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sabbath420 thinks that nothing could ever de-throne XBL or even come close to it as a gaming experience. Guess what Sabbath, Sony isn't trying to do either of those, they are creating a social environment for those who play games and those who do more than play games. You realize that Home will possibly draw people in like popular MMORPG's because it is a world outside of their own where they can hang with friends and play games in the virtual world or even go online and play together on so...

6314d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My question is this, will those that are Halo fans truly recognize this as a great game if it is, and jump systems?

How many of the 360 Users that read this would jump to a PS3 if this game is in fact the title that de-thrones Halo3 as the king of FPS?

Just curious no flaming necessary on this question.

6314d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait til July, form your opinion after E3 we will each have one, try and see it from the other side, take a step back, look it over and deduce what is good and bad, then let people know. Cut down on the flames to the fans, enjoy the games and hand and play them for what they are....ENTERTAINMENT!

I love all games and not just the great ones, the less than stellar as well. I love the old Master System and Nintendo, even Atari 2600 games, they didn't need graphics to be fun,the...

6319d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

How can you call it a lame duck, honestly XBOX360 didnt have anything truly great when it launched and still at the moment only has some cool games. Gears of War is great I love that game, but, limited player matches sucks. I would like to have more on each side. Have a 8 on 8 or more. I hate Halo, never thought it was great, its just the same thing every year with different items / weapons and a weak ass story. You could say every game ever made was a been there done that kind of game, ...

6319d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have XBOX Live gold, and there is nowhere where I can control a personal avatar to walk to other people's houses or go to the movies. I know that I can't go to someone else's house and watch tv on their tv on XBL. Where is the ripoff again? Oh you mean playing games with people online, right that was Microsoft's domain. Whatever man.

Home is one of a kind, nothing like it yet.

6319d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Listen to the damn keynote, understand that it is a tech demo of lighting effects and physics effects. A TECH DEMO!! A technical format demo of system power, I know that you lame a$$ b1tches don't seem to understand the technical data, cause all you have is G@y-lo 3 on your minds but take a break from your r-tard xbox and listen for once.

Physics demos and lighting demos are not a gameply demo, they show the contrasts in lighting and the advantages that the hardware has, thus ...

6319d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just because you love sucking on Bill gates , maybe all of us other people who aren't Microsuck sheep like a little variety. Just because Home makes XBOX live look like sh*t.

Home will be an awesome feature for the casual and hardcore gamers, not only for those playing games but for meeting people to play games with, share content and enjoy life. Maybe just cause you have 10,000 kills in Gears and you have no life you feel vengeful to those excited about something other than ...

6319d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kick ass Sony you rock, check out the theatre scene, notice they are talking about watching Spiderman 3 thats awesome, I'm waiting for you Sony, bad ass!!

6319d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment