CRank: 5Score: 2090

if you think pirates then maybe it would be a prequel to nathan drake, perhaps playing as Sir Francis Drake.

3874d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Could be Marathon a new iteration from Bungie, Could be Gears of PS4 from Epic, Zone of Enders 3 possibly

3875d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


3875d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought that the PS4 wasn't going to allow external media, if I am wrong please let me know....I await Greatness!!

3877d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Disagree, the policy is the same as it hhas always been looking at the pre-orders of knack and batman origins the policy is the same. You still have to have the purchasing account associated with the system for both to play.

3905d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gosh I hope they introduce TV for the PS4 because thats all true gamers want is the ability to watch TV and snap up their skype and other windows so they can multitask....LOL

Bring on the games and the October release date!! I can't wait to see another Uncharted, God of War, H-Hour (SOCOM), Agent, Grand Theft Auto Next-Gen and more!! SONY YOU ROCK!!!

4017d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

A little more research on previous release dates says that if in fact the European release date is between the 13th and the 21st then the North American release would be a two weeks to a month prior to that date. So possibly October 13th or November 4th.

4022d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looking at the history of Sony, the PS1 launch in September 1995 in NA, the PS2 in October 2000, and the PS3 November 2006.

This generation I think it's going to be released on October 30th.

4022d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not sure how relevant this is but the download in the background option is no longer available. Downloading Saints Row 3 and there is no download in the background option.

4024d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just wanted to let everyone know that the one thing that needed to be updated has been updated. The web browser now has flash player reinstalled so youtube is now reopened through the PS3

5843d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You do realize that if they give you Full in Game XMB features that this includes the music, the messaging and the video chat while in game. I direct your ATTENTION to the first E3 with the PS3. They showed that you would be able to simultaneously play a game and chat with your friends through video chat. If they pull this off XBOX360 will fall behind further IMO

5845d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Yes sir may I please buy the crap box, ya know the one that gives the red ring of death?"

First off before you spew useless information in a forum do some research, as a matter of fact go to and look at the release dates for September of this year. I could be blind but I counted at least 20, 20!!!! PS3 titles coming out, where as Microsoft is heavily relying on Gay-lo 3 to supercede all games launc...

6235d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who cares how they hell the elite is doing, its a waste of money anyway, still has the same damn problems. I own a 360 and PS3, my PS3 has been getting a lot more love than my 360.

The reason MS is selling so well is because they have an extensive library built for the system, and almost two years in I would think they had better. PS3 owners rejoice because update 1.8 upscales the old games and DVD's, great news as this will no doubt bring back the stragglers from before and ...

6242d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

How were you able to sign up foe Beta???

6269d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your as retarded as your name, I own both systems and must say I love the PS3 oblivion over the 360, and yes I have both versions. The PS3 is clearer, brighter, better detail and very crisp in graphics. Those videos you see are not that great, I suggest going out getting a PS3 and judging for yourself, stop making half minded comparisons of a system you know nothing about. When you grow up and your down sitting on Uncle Bill (gates) lap, come over to sony maybe there will be a "home&q...

6301d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Your a retard, XBOX also copied sony in the sense that the PS2 was black. Big whoop about your 120 GB hdd, sony gave us the option to upgrade to a MUCH larger HDD with the PS3. To sit there and say that Microsoft is great and Halo is god, is the most fking ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Show me something that MS has that is not cross platform, that is so damn great THAT IS NOT A FPS....

I own the 360 as well, don't plan on buying it in black, dont plan on buying their s...

6304d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

First off if HD-DVD does fail, not saying it has or will, but if it does, then those who bought the HD-DVD drive will be out $200.00 for an expensive paperweight as you say. If Blue ray failed, well guess what Sony would use DVD9 just like the precious XBOX 360 does, duh!

To say that if Blu ray failed as a Movie media storage doesn't mean that it would fail as a game storage device, dumba$$, think back to the PS1, who else was using black discs for their games, yeah stupid rep...

6305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some people are just UBER stupid. Ok first off......OF COURSE THEY WON"T PLAY!!! The update doesnt arrive on the system until Friday, you know the offical release date, DUH!!

Italy I'm sure is experiencing hell for the early release since the update hasn't launched yet. Give it time, a little patience is a virtue, and you will see that Sony sets it right.

(I can't wait for the update, I love my Sony PS3, its HELLA cool)

6305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You suck donkey ba11s, you need need to stop being so narrow minded, your starting to sound like theMart.

My question for the person who posted this, how many did they have to begin with?

6305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

*bows to Cliffy B* You made a game that has pulled millions of people to the 360, with the cinema-like graphics and total carnage, the blood bath alone is awesome. We praise you Cliffy B.....but at the same time we Dislike you, hate you almost. Where your game has made us cause massive damage to those who stand in our way, it has also driven us to the point of killing someone in RL because of the Constant glitches, the senseless booting when joining a ranked match, various connection issues...

6305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment