
CRank: 5Score: 41810

It would cost more unless they are selling pc components at a loss or barely break even. On the flipside pc games are much cheaper. Either way it's a comparison I don't even need to read this article for.

1930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He has a point tho. Nintendo loves to spend little to nothing and make big bucks. We got OoT, Starfox 64, Mario 64, Luigis Mansion 2 on platforms that don't do it justice at all. Where were those remakes on the WiiU and Switch? If they aren't easy inexpensive ports they aren't doing it.

1931d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

GC controller for the amazing control stick and triggers.
SNES for the unsurpassed D-Pad.
Switch pro controller for PC gaming. Great battery life and very low input lag in wired mode. Also very comfy.

1936d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Please enlighten me as to what these new experiences would be, and why they would need powerful hardware to exist. Anything that was developed with the Switch in mind can run on Switch. If all you're getting is ports blame the developers who think a million particles are more important than gameplay. And yes I want a more powerful Nintendo console as well.

1937d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

The remake being out of the question is probably for the best.
Square Enix hasn't made a good FF for the last 2 console cycles, I doubt they still have the capable people around to make anything solid.
You either get corridor simulator or backstreet boys: the game.

1937d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The real problem here is bandwidth.
Most players play for a week at best, and it's unfeasible to pay for all that extra bandwidth in the launch window.
Tl;Dr it's all about the money.

1938d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Definitely not lol. This game legit looks like a phone game with generic assets you could buy everywhere. It might still be fun but if it's 60$ I will just pirate it. It seems the only people interested in this game are those that played the original. Hope the game bombs so they learn we don't respect low budget efforts.

1947d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oof.. I cannot get over that art style.
Generic looking low budget assets. Looks about as generic as any other iOS game. Skipping this one.

1950d ago 9 agree13 disagreeView comment

Another demonstration why any form of RNG is bullshit when you're dealing with any kind of competitive play.
Man that hurts.

1951d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The term 'too good' is reserved for games released in the 90's and early 2000's.
Nintendo hasn't released any games that are 'too good' since the GameCube.
And even if their games sometimes came close, there's always a few minor things they manage to fuck up which makes the experience worse.
Nintendo managed to make the biggest fighting game ever, but all the characters and stages can't make up for the 6 frame input...

1953d ago 1 agree17 disagreeView comment

It's almost as if you can't make money selling games to people in a sandbox.

1953d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe stop pouring so much money into final fantasy and keep publishing and funding good games like nier automata. We don't need millions invested in games for the sake of having amazing visuals, just have some good programmers and script writers do their thing so you don't have to post losses or milk us dry with dlc. It really is that simple.

1958d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

@AspiringProGenji: Every current gen game can run on the Switch, as long as these games were built with the system in mind. Development on World started way before the Switch reveal. When all you're targetting is one platform, there's no need to make things work dynamically. Thus if you want to port it you're suddenly facing tons of issues and you need to rewrite a lot of code to make it all work. Switch is capable of pretty much everything minus the high resolutions, texture qual...

1959d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Still the same shitty input lag and terrible online. Characters and balance don't mean anything when your game is practically unplayable. Back to melee.

1964d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Tbh the backtracking and not knowing what to do and the constant need to scan things makes this game really annoying for me personally. The 2D metroids kick ass tho.

1966d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

No, we simply need a beefed up console-only version that plays all the normal Switch games. Considering most games on the switch have dynamic resolution scaling it should work beautifully right out the gate.

1979d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

League of Legends anyone?
The game itself is absolute garbage.
I fail to see what's so fun about a raging team full of SJWs that are preying like vultures to report you for saying anything bad.
People dislike it so much that the majority of players just afk in game, especially if the match goes on forever.
Ask anyone what their favorite game is, nobody will tell you it's league, despite having spent most of their time on that pos. Is it because eve...

1980d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Quite ironic considering MS has always been using the 'exclusive' buzzword like it's nothing.
In fact, during E3 we did a drinking game where you'd have to drink every time you hear 'exclusive'.
As you might expect we had to stop not even halfway in to avoid potential comas lol.

1987d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Meanwhile I'm playing melee over here using an emulator online against my friends with so little latency it feels like I'm playing offline random hiccups in connection aside.
They even messed up the smash ultimate GameCube controllers with the majority of them having bad neutral stick positions.
Nintendo is no longer the company known for having tight and responsive controls with very little latency.
All these characters don't mean jack when the game doe...

1996d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

From a developer's standpoint the architecture you're targeting doesn't really matter in terms of code. There are very few situations where inline asm is used for performance reasons. Other than that the compiler takes care of most of the work. You're still writing C++ in the end and using Sony's libs.

What does matter though is the design of the system. Cell is a very complex CPU that requires you to program differently because of all the SPUs in order ...

1997d ago 17 agree3 disagreeView comment