
CRank: 5Score: 7000

The king is back!!!

5655d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I accept some people like it but I don't accept that no one thinks it's controls are flawed (at least a bit) on N4G... I'm far from casual and I still think COD4 is the best shooter this generation by a long shot. 14 days played and running this game is awesome!!! November can't come quickly enough...

Why is there acceleration when you turn in KZ2? This causes you to overturn since it's not a steady speed of turning like COD. Call me noob or whatever... but it's like driving a ...

5656d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've had one question that no one can answer... how can there be 20 million PS3s and only 1240000 copies of KZ2 sold? This was the second coming of Christ remember... This game had less impact on the system than LBP.

Can someone admit the controls are bad? PLEASE just one honest PS3 owner... I play COD every day and I've played tons of games so please don't say... you suck at videogames... cause it ain't true and I don't have to prove myself. Trust me I'm a hardcore gamer... I...

5656d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I just hope you don't have to pay 400$ of REAL money to have all the cars like the rip off prologue was... DLC is at it's early days and there is alot of abuse from developers

5656d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm not a marketing wiz so this is just an opinion but this doesn't sound like a good solution. Every system looses money to make some down the road so why don't they do it now and get systems sold...

On another hand... I was at the store the other day and Bluray players are 299$ Canadian so if they lower their price they will kill the companies doing bluray players for them.

5656d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

RROD will most likely hurt 360 and slower sales than atticipated wiil hurt PS3. Some people wait to buy the winner of the console war to buy to get the best developer support possible. It was the case in PS1 vs N64 days and it's still true today. I have friends in a chain of 10 videogame stores and many new customers ask the question which system has the most games before buying.

5658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Chrome 4 life??? are you serious... you remind me of that guy in Grandmas boy that says backstreet for life!!!

F big corporate companies.. We have no choice in gaming (Sony, Microsoft) but we do in browser so I use Firefox!!! Support small companies!!!

5658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm just trying not to encourage Google... they are collecting information everywhere about everything. These guys are scary...

5658d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ohh... so there were problems with controls... Finally someone admits this. This game was flawed and I might buy this one if it's playable. The controls are horrible as they are right now.

5659d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

I'm old school too but online is the way to go in my opinion... I still appreciate a long single player adventure/action game and I will buy this like I bought GOW2, LBP, etc.

5661d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I buy every AAA title but that is a valid point... not every gamer is a hardcore must buy everything player... there are people that don't have alot of money that will rent. On the other hand those people probably don't play online anyways since you have to pay for internet connection. One thing is for sure those gamers are not on N4G

5661d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Free online... but also bad support online... games lag big time online. It's a fact start being more critical. On the other hand I've been talking smack about the PS3 online functionalities and we might have multi-game chat... things advance when you complain a bit.

Stop saying things are perfect and you just might get something.

Do you go into a TV Store and ask for less or do you try to have him throw in a free cable. PS3 still has a lot of potential but you hav...

5662d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

You want to know what happened to that one million pre order... it's called propaganda... by Sony. They tried to lead us to believe that they pre ordered 1000000 copies to hype people up to actually reaching 1000000 copies quickly enough to look like pre order sales. Do people remember the fake PSP website that Sony put up that they tried to lead us to believe was a fan website? Sony has some messed up tactics... but the real problem is they get caught. I'm sure Microsoft does similar but at ...

5667d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2 is a great looking game with bad controls... it's sad but true. It won't sell systems since you need a solid month of university to "get used to" the controls... and those gamers are not the type of people that buy systems. Rock Band sells systems, Guitar Hero sells systems this late after a system release because they are easy to get into... KZ2 doesn't sell systems. Hell I have all systems and I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Uncharted made more noise for ...

5667d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Hey Sony Solidier,

I have a 16 meg download internet, 1 meg upload and it still is jagedy here and there... you don't see it but others playing against you do... I've tried it and my connection is probably better than yours. Google it you'll see.. but coming from a guy whos name is sonysolidereternal I'm not suprised. Anything you say will have no credibility with a name like that.

5667d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't wait to play on PSN where people have Wi-Fi and ennemies leap 4 feet at a time... that stuff is great. I don't want the next systems to have integrated wifi... it sucks. Plug your damn system and WiFi your computer. You loose packets of information and games lag big time.

5667d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I can't agree with this article and I think PS3 while not being my first choice for gaming at the moment is a great media center... Bluray is the way to go and without it I would still have a PS3 but I wouldn't be as happy with it.

5668d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Do you play on storage? You should buy a 1 terabyte hard drive you would have so much fun... You don't play storage you play games my friend. Games are just as pretty on 360 but hey keep having fun believing that. PS3 has potential but the only reason I STILL have mine is because of the exclusive because we all know the multiplatform games are usually better on 360.

5668d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Butterfinger I hope you know that your tv is not for gaming... 120hz tvs have really bad input lag. the 60hz actually are still better for gaming. Input lag is when you press A on the controller for example and it's the time it takes for the signal to get to the screen... this is a problem with 120hz LCD's... Plasmas are still better for gaming on this point.

5668d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok here's a list of fanboys in your eyes... for those that answer f yeah with no solid argument:


I have a PS3 and I'm happy to have it as a bluray... I'm also happy for the exclusives... I'm not happy for the online and multiplatforms. Xbox multiplatform games always look better. So you have to start thinking maybe the PS3 isn't that powerful to play games. I think it takes 5 years to m...

5669d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment