
CRank: 5Score: 7000

This is why I don't visit this site anymore... Am I allowed to be excited by this new piece of hardware? I have a 4k TV and I asked for the Scorpio. Why does everything Xbox does have to be talked down.

2722d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its funny thinking about the guy sitting at home thinking about this kind of stuff... I wonder when the PS3 will tie Xbox sales hhmmmm

5265d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They are official killing this franchise... 3 games is too much. we will all get sick of this franchise if they start doing this... this is from a HUGE fan of the series

5268d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just think the suits and ties are running the game and it shouldnt be that way. It should be gamers running the videogame industry. I was one of the few celebrating when they got fired because I knew this was going to happen. Medal of Honor fell to COD because of these 2 guys now prepare to see COD go down the same way!!!

5276d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

No they will do a new IP and this is GREAT news for gamers!! Finaly a challenger to the crown... IW youre going DOWN

5278d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

What are you saying... its a legitimate critic. I wish the game was grimmey like Fallout 3. The same way COD is set the bar for first person shooters Fallout 3 did for RPGs. It should be COMPLETELY reinvented and certain reviews have pointed this out... Nowadays reviewers are not gamers but writers. Seriously gamers see flaws in EVERY game but reviews never point those out.

5288d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah not severe enough like all the reviews out there... 10 on 10 shouldnt exist... FFXIII sucks and deserves a 3/10 in my humble opinion its the worst of the series. Its a genre that dates 25 years or so... I mean when are they going to let go... turn based??? REALLY??? AND whats up with Barbie and Ken being the main caracters in all the games. The caracters are Emo as hell.

5288d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

They should be free... still bought them. Call me a sucker but man this game is great. Not as good as COD4 was but hell I played that one way too much and was long overdue for a change.

5290d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeah i bought them... and sadly they are much better than all the maps included in the game. I still feel rapped by IW but if you are brutaly honest they still are n1 in front of Battlefield 2... numbers dont lie and MW2 is n1 and Battlefield is n3.

5290d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Biggest Home is not that free you gotta buy your virtual stuff... are you playing home tonight? If not its not that good!!! I wanna new island retreat... NOT. Both of these things are gimmicks and both suck equaly so they are similar in that way.. I've played both I know its not the same thing my point is GAMERS are playing GAMES not HOME or GAME ROOM.

5295d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Game room does suck tried it today... but Home sucks just as much. Why doesnt Microsoft and Sony just concentrate on trying to beat each others franchises so WE GAMERS can benefit from the healthiest war gamers have had a chance to be caught in... A TIGHT RACE between PS3 and Xbox is the best thing that could happen to us so PLEASE everybody stop the hate...

5295d ago 2 agree21 disagreeView comment

They both have people to spread propaganda on these websites...I'm sick on fanboys and I'm sick of the politics on this website. I'm happy to have both systems and there is clear propaganda from Sony and MS on this website and as a videogame fan not a multinational (MS and Sony) fan! I'm sorry but Sony has a bad record for this with their all I want for Christmas is a PSP false fan that was found to be a paid Sony employee. Just look at all the disagrees and you'll see there are way too many ...

5305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who cares really... 360 benefits from PS3 and vice versa. Competition is beneficial for US so stop acting like you hold stock and be happy this is a close war.

5309d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dont get me wrong I think this game will be epic but the false 10 on 10 from IGN on this site is yet another proof this website is mostly propaganda from the Sony team. Too bad I like my news impartial... On that note cant wait to play this game. Sony has a division to post stuff on blogs and websites and this website is no exeption.

5312d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sue sue sue... everybody copies everybody. Jaffe like many others feels the best way in life is to sue... come on man this guy is a joke... he says all kinds of bullshit to get attention. Hey Jaffe yeah we know youre there and yes youre special just like your mom told you when you were a kid... now PLEASE stop talking.

5317d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seriously man... you pay 40$ and you get 40$ bucks worth... You always get what you pay for in life!!! Speaking of which 40$ sounds like alot to you and you seem kinda broke do you need me to send out a little something to help you out? I have both systems and live is superior I'll give you the great lineup the PS3 has right now but online belongs to LIVE...stop fanboyism and start critisism... it what makes things advance. Youre the type to say no Toyota has great cars and I dont mind the ga...

5318d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think right now PS3 has the best lineup for single player games right now there is no doubt. I also think Xbox holds the crown online. The servers are much more solid and playing on a 25down, 7upload connection I see a hell of a difference playing on live. I'm really not a fanboy but you pay 50$ a year to play on live and it shows... you get what you pay for in life and PS3 is great for a free service but far from live. COD MW2 online comparing xbox to ps3 is day and night if you are object...

5318d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe they will reopen another studio and build something even better... they did it once when they left from MOH to start COD...

5319d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you serious about Killzone 2 having good gameplay??? its horrible... all the critical website put flaws in that category. Its foaty, slow and accelerates on turns making for over or underturn. Its straight up bad.. On top of that i checked it out a the local Best Buy and I turned the caracter quickly and I saw how much blur is in the game (both on plasma and LCD so its in the game not the screen)... its insanely bad programing and this is just being critical... not fanboyical!! I have fri...

5320d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2 has flowty and straight up bad controls... Halo isnt much better but better. COD has it down with controls if they would lower the auto aim then it would be perfect. I dont care about graphics as much as controls... gameplay is key so this is again Sony employees writing stuff on this blog. They have a division to write stuff like this on blogs I'm 100% sure

5320d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment