
CRank: 5Score: 7000

He said that Splinter Cell is not confirmed on the PS3 and 4 people disagreed???? People now diagree with facts??? Its possible its coming to Ps3 but not confirmed... damn fanboys are NUTS!!

5328d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game style is over... turn based was cool in the eighties but the Fallouts, Mass Effect etc have revolutionised the genre. Its funny how people who havent played the game know what score this game deserves. The last good final Fantasy is the 7th and downhill from there. Now you play as Ken and Barbie (but more emo) and the story is just bad

5341d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok so you said if gamespot says its not a AAA game you will beleive them? Ok then here's what I think: If gamespot says Barbie Treasure adverture is good than I'll buy it...

Make your own mind up... saying you will "beleive" a review if they say something is telling everyone you don't have an opinion of your own. Oh and I just played MAG AGAIN and seriously its not a 9... an 8 if you push... HARD. Not a AAA title but hey I'll have to wait on what gamespot says to be su...

5351d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I tried the BETA and wasn't expecting anything... play this and tell me this is better than a 7 and you're lying to yourself. To really say if a game is good please play it a couple of hours. Every game is good for the first 20 minutes. This game is going against MW2, Battlefield 2, Halo, KZ. I personnaly don't play spacy games so I'm more MW2 and Battlefield but both those games are superior or will be to MAG.

5354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait for IGN, 1UP, Gamespot or even better try it for yourself

5358d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they wouldnt have bought the exclusive rights to Gears they would have bought something else. It could have been worst like GTA or... who knows COD or maybe a bunch of lower profile but still great games like Dantes Inferno, Fallout 3, Bioshock... people have to realise Sony and Microsoft have budgets to buy some exclusives...

5359d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you say Microsoft is lame for using these tactics well you have to say the same about Sony. They did the same thing with GTA last generation... These tactics have existed since the Snes, Genesis days

5360d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

30 days is long... for a hardcore COD fan.

5360d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everytime people talk to me about something I always end up deceived. In movies: Slumdog Millionaire... everybody said it was great ended up thinking it was alright but way overhyped. In games just this year Killzone 2 and MW2 were deceptions for me good but deceiving. I think if you don't overhype games you end up pleasantly suprised. So please shut up about GOW 3 and I'm sure I'll be very impressed. If you keep saying its the 2nd coming of Christ its bound to be a bit under that... Thats th...

5368d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'VE played both and I rank better on PS3 my ratio is a full .25 higher... Its easier because it has less players and competitive players are on 360 due to the more solid servers on xbox LIVE. I'm not saying this as a fanboy just trying to make a point that PS3 has great single player games (more on the way in GOW) but 360 is the machine for online. My 2nd point about the wifi is that the PS3 has it built in therefore people use it more this makes for laggy games. On the 360 most people didn'...

5382d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

WTF are you talking about every body on PS3 plays with WIFI since its built in (It's not an N but a G BTW)... this is slower no online player plays wifi they are hooked up directly. 2nd there are twice the ammount of players in MW2 on xbox 360 therefore the caliber is WAY higer... Try stuff before judging since its quite apparent you have no idea what you are talking about. I had a friend of mine that has only the PS3 come over to my place to try MW2 on 360 and he couldn't beleive how harder ...

5382d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have both systems and anyone who has played COD 4 or MW 2 on both systems can tell you there is a much higher caliber of players on 360. I played many many hours online so I expect people to disagree here but reality is those players have never played on both systems and are not competitive players such as myself. TRUST ME THERE IS MORE COMPETITION ON 360 and since you have to buy a wifi adapter there arent that many. There is a G receiver in the PS3 so the high percentage of players that u...

5382d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wow first time someone on this webster doesn't say F you when they don't agree with what I said. Thanks for that. Still I play with a group of people online and we didn't play this one it was too "floaty". It accelerates when you turn... this makes you over turn sometimes. Every shooter should have a fixed speed to which they turn (like the COD franchise). They talked about disappointment so you can't put games that had no expectations. They should have put Tony Hawk Ride in there.....

5387d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The reason it was disapointing to me was because the controls were horrible. Gameplay should be the #1 priority but everybody wants graphics... this is the reason you get bad games that look and sound amazing. I gave this game a 7.5 on 10... good game but I agree with Kotaku on this one: disappointing. Is there any room for dialog on this website or the minute you don't agree you're considered a fanboy? There are many other games that should have made the list that I do agree. The number one ...

5388d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

For a smart guy you still managed to write your instead of you're... here's a trick write you are instead. I'm not english BTW!!!

5389d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey I've been to a bunch of events and seen games in development and if you go there with a mind frame that one system is better you end up just looking at that company. ex: go to E3 thinking Ps3 is better and chances are you won't even check out Xbox360 or barely. This is biased 100% nobody is killing Mario any time soon... stop your Sony Fanboyism its anoying. No journalist either IGN, Gamespot, Gametrailers etc has titles like his because its clearly a statement you prefer PS3. Remember Al...

5391d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have both and I have problems when playing online with my PS3 (lag) online Xbox wins... the games is another debate but online its not even close

5400d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

Some people say boo some tools told me Xbox 360 would be dead this season? You really have these discussions in your real life? Are you holding Sony Stock?

5400d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Killzone drops to 20 frames in some areas. The controls are bad. God of War and Gran Turismo are not out yet. Playstation employees really have taken over N4G and its a shame. remember all I want for Christmas is a PSP... Sony paid for that ad and they are still doing propaganda in websites like this one. Uncharted is not superior to Modern Warfare so its not true PS3 exclusives are better quality.

5414d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

If you think 15 years of the same controller makes sence you might think Nintendo should still have the square controller right? It's called innovation. Planes, cars, houses etc have innovated PS3 controller hasn't! I have the adaptor on my PS3 to use the Xbox 360 controller its the only way to get me to play my PS3.

5415d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment