
CRank: 5Score: 80260

you should ask yourself, what else can Phil do? He is just a middle manager, not a top one, he can't dictate the budget or the direction xbox is going, that leaves the CEO or other top guys to do. Moreover, he is only being the head of xbox for 2 months!! how much can he change within only two months? Games take years to develop! You really think under Don Matrick, MS has a lot of exclusive games that can beat PS4's? They wanted it from the beginning to be a multimedia hub, they e...

3758d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

some people are very stupid. Xbox one is substantially weaker than PS4, this is a fact. Ask any non-biased developer, they will agree. Just because xbox one can output 1080p doesn't mean anything. The graphics will still be inferior to the PS4. Even the original Xbox can display 1080p, does it mean its games looks like PS4's?.

3758d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

but this is what MS is going about, if you really think MS's ultimate goal is just about games, you can't be too bright!! Yes, I know they are changing focus to games now supposedly, but ultimately the goal of MS is to compete with Google, Apple and other companies which will affect its survival and advancement. Microsoft uses the xbox brand to achieve the purpose of its company wide purpose, to create a ecosystem like Apple's, that's why MS still not focus on games as much...

3759d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

is turn 10 a one trick pony?
is lionhead a one trick pony? so on...

3759d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you know what, they have nothing better to show, that's why they show multiplats!!

3760d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


3760d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

the funny thing is you won't see many AAA exclusives from xbox one in 2015 either apart from the ones that are announced. That makes no reason to buy a xbox one. why? at least with ps4, even not counting the superior exclusives, they have superior multiplatorm games.

3760d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

garbage, sorry the exclusives they are showing are either garbage or no gameplay at all. xbone sales will go down even further.

3760d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

xbone dead

3760d ago 15 agree6 disagreeView comment

lol, great minds think alike. In fact, Sony objectively got the best first party games, but will he praise his direct competitor which is going to outsell his company at least 4:1??

3760d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

10% is nothing compared to the big power difference between xbox one and ps4

3761d ago 14 agree15 disagreeView comment

if you think xbox one is going to win e3, you are really stupid

3761d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

really stupid article, then there should be only one machine.

3761d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

all those technical things are useless when the games show big differences, guess there are some devs which are pro xbox and I am not surprised.

3761d ago 22 agree4 disagreeView comment

you know what? EA loves Microsoft! Look at Titanfall!!

3762d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS4 still has better and more games, more powerful hardware, plain and simple. Give me for free, I will want a xbone.

3765d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

are you really mentally challenged or blind or both?

3765d ago 27 agree6 disagreeView comment

image based lighting, hahahaha, so last gen, same as Forza 5.

3766d ago 4 agree21 disagreeView comment

whenever a xbox fanboy saying how xbone is gonna catch up or beating PS4, stupidest things appeared.

3767d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

funny how xbone fanboys use ps4 's superior graphics to critize the games' gameplay. It is like having superior graphics can't have superior story or gameplay. It is so stupid. try harder

3767d ago 19 agree3 disagreeView comment