CRank: 5Score: 38660

Their last game release was three years ago, there would have been an announcement by now if they didn’t waste their time on that stupid factions game.

371d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

ND: No new SP game after focusing on a live service GAAS game (that no one asked for) for the past three years…

Also ND: Photo Mode! 🥳

372d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Instead of your snarky pride, do you ever stop to think that maybe there is something you are missing?

This is literally a paradigm shift in computing.

There is absolutely no headset in the world with tech and features that is close to this.

For the amount of tech this packs $3,500 is a deal.

376d ago 2 agree19 disagreeView comment

They’ve already said they are going to do that.


378d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

One thing is experimenting. Another thing is reducing the quantity of what your known for and good at.

“Back in 2019, Sony was investing 88% of its budget in single-player games, with 12% allocated for live service titles. This year, the publisher expects just 45% of its budget in traditional games and a bigger 55% in live service according to the latest financial results. That investment is set to increase to 60% by FY25”

378d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean "literally" nothing isn't true.

We know its a handheld, that streams PS5 games.

They are discussing the fact that it only streams games (which we know).

And yes gamers like options but are we not supposed to be discussing the options that we have put out for us?

If we dislike certain parts of the options are we not supposed to say we don't like it or just be quiet like lost little children?

379d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Its amazing when you consider it.

“Hey guys, you know what we are amazing at and leading the industry in? Ground breaking single player games. We have decades of momentum and almost every new game we release breaks records”

“Yeah! Lets ease up on those and do micro transaction multiplayer ganes that there are 100s of and we have no expertise in!”

“Sounds like a plan. Let’s do this!”

383d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

And the internet.

The point is use your judgement to determine what is a fad and what isn’t.

Paying for JPGs is stupid. A computer than pass complicated exams on its own is a big deal.

(And yes people doubted the internet)

383d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The problem with this is that it takes years to give them a chance.

4+ years with MP games
(Flunk & Layoffs)
4+ years where they try again with a sequel or another MP IP

Then here you are a decade later a shadow of your former selves with no talent to make a genre defining SP game again.

No company goes GAAS and comes back in tact.

383d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Longer dev cycles or being distracted by forced multiplayer projects?

ND would have likely had a 2024 project ready if Factions 2 didnt balloon from a game mode to an actual game.

385d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Exactly they have put out three games in less than three years. I think its safe to assume that the studio is at max capacity especially seeing that there is no release date for wolverine.

No matter what you say RE4 is stretch to list in a conversation for new AAA exclusives.

And certainly didn’t mind crowding the original FF7R release with two of the greatest games of the PS4 generation in 2020. (GOT & TLOU2)

And listen I’m not a ...

385d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I obviously mean wholly developed Playstation Studios titles.

You really think wolverine is coming next year with Spiderman 2 this year? From the same studio?

KOTOR is third party and has no release date
FF72 third party, not from PS Studios
Resident Evil 4 is out already

385d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Tell me one other year when Sony didn’t have exclusives announced 12-18 months in advance?

Just one year please.

What I’m saying is based on historical evidence. You are saying based on delusion and suppositions.

There absolutely no evidence to support 2024 SP AAA first party releases.

385d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or how about they don’t have games for 2024. How bout that obvious conclusion instead of jumping through all the mental hoops.

385d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Maybe they should have been working on a single player game since 2020. It would be ready to show by 2023.

You still haven’t given a first party 2024 exclusive game for Playstation.

I don’t care about Xbox and the childish wars and comparisons.

Sony is slowly failing against their playstation 4 standard and it is finally starting to show.

I’ve been saying this from 2021. Sony is the best gaming company by far but they...

385d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Sony is on the wrong track and its time for Sony fans to start admitting it. How are we going into 2024 with no SP first party games set for next year?

This live service focus is going to make Sony go the way of EA, Activision, Ubisoft and Microsoft.

Releasing stupid multiplayer games no-one cares for.

386d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

So then why was wolverine shown?

386d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

Well tell me whats the big exclusives for 2024?

Why haven’t they been shown yet? Is a 1 year marketing cycle too short?

If yes then why was Wolverine shown?

Where is Bend, Asobi, ND, Sucker Punch what are they doing?

Why is Guerilla and ND working on live service multiplayer games no one asked for? Is that due to creative inspiration or desperate Gaas money grabbing?

The Sony first party line up is...

386d ago 7 agree10 disagreeView comment

You see the problem with this line if think is, many people do not like the direction that Sony is heading.

In the game industry it take years to correct course.

387d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The scary thing about this is that wolverine was given a cgi trailer while insomniac was fresh off of Ratchet AND Miles and had Spiderman 2 on the way.

If Wolverine can be announced the where is Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Bluepoint, Bend.

2023-2025 isn’t an unreasonable marketing cycle.

387d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment