CRank: 5Score: 26260

What's dumb, and maybe hypocritical, is it's not realism across the board. The article appropriately mentions "the world’s reaction to your crimes," but another example is that R* chose to make going to West Elizabeth while wanted DOA to be like GTA with infinite law spawns, and they know where you are no matter what. If they don't want us going down there early on, just do something else to deter us, or do what many games do and have a message pop up and turn the charac...

2142d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's also just general animations they've chosen to be slow and long. I Don't think it'd be a big deal to patch in him walking faster, not have a to take 8 seconds to hitch horse, loot and pick up bodies and carcasses faster, ect. Doesn't need much, just a touch.

2144d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I so wish the millions of people that do had this discipline, so R* wouldn't focus so heavily on them and online, and put work into story DLC.

2147d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks, partner.

2147d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Make a mobile game, whatever, I don't care, but exactly, the problem mainly was ending the show highlighting a dumb mobile game and assuming people would be pumped. I think this outcry doesn't happen as badly, not nearly as badly, if they maybe open the show with it without much pageantry. It wasn't a strong show to begin with as there wasn't much for them to bring, so I guess their best bet would have been to end the show with WCIII reforged? End with WCIII and throw the mobi...

2152d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

They made a great move saying there would be no D IV announcement at this Blizzcon. The reactions would have been WAY worse.

2153d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Undead Nightmare 2, some sort of cannibal cult, or vampires. But yeah, R* is done with single player unfortunately. Really sucks. Here comes years of Online with Cigarette Card purchases.

2153d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They better not ditch SP story like they did for GTA.

2155d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

While DLC is rampant, I do really hope they do a sort of UD Nightmare 2. Hopefully free if they do.

2155d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think it's Witcher too and I didn't love the game. I think it made WAY better use of their maps. Remember how littered the maps were eventually? Yeah there's awesome, interesting and creepy things to discover in RD2, but Witcher was just covered in ghost hunts, investigations and whatnot.

2155d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yep it's absolutely ridiculous. 1. Paid $60+ for it 2. It's 17+ rated. 3. We paid F'ing $60+ for it. Pretty stupid having a profanity filter coming from R* of all developers.

2156d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Strike first. Strike hard. No mercy.

2162d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope/can't wait for R* to slice and dice college campus culture right now. Thin-skinned whimps. R* is untouchable to me like South Park. Don't be swayed by these selfish, entitled brats. Keep making your fiction and entertainment.

2164d ago 45 agree7 disagreeView comment

and R* shouldn't give any sort of a shit either. All fiction is allowed to exist. People need to take responsibility like the rest of us and simply not engage something if it bothers you. Don't. Fucking. Buy it. if you know it's not something you'd like. People right now want things to not exist because it bothers them. That shit's simply insane.

2164d ago 29 agree1 disagreeView comment

"...while also complementing the refined naval and melee combat." Wow, they simply can't be compared. Ubi still uses clipping (no entrance wounds, damage, ect.) and very aged blood spray for their weapon-to-body connections. The combat was awful to me, sliding around on the ground like Guild Wars, hacking and slashing away at guys/health bars who are almost naked but showing absolutely 0 damage. Witcher at least had maiming and amazing end-of-combat finishers (and you could mod ...

2168d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Loved the game. My only criticism would be that there aren't enough villain missions. I get Spidey is all about helping New York, but I liked Arkham's thing where almost every side mission is villain-related. I wanted Mysterio missions, Chameleon missions, ect.

2173d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

or, you know, sex. People are afraid of saying biological sex now for some fucking reason.

2174d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I simply can't root for any adventurer named Larry.

2174d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Eh, 2018 textures and whatnot? Some people playing in 4k? I don't think it would have been a big deal. One is very glossy and shiny, moves around with sporadic tendrils popping off, the other just a texture like the classic suit.

2176d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I couldn't believe Future Foundation wasn't in. Was thinking way ahead I was going to play a lot of the game in that along with Noir (during night time story) and Classic. I knew 0% chance Symbiote would be in, BUT remember Back In Black, the cloth suit. I definitely thought we'd get the non-symbiote black suit.

2177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment