CRank: 5Score: 26260

Yes, it has. Combat is garbage health bar hack-and-slash, nothing even close to AC. One game is fine for experimentation, especially considering that was the game that followed after the hiatus, but they need to go back to the chaining combat now with Witcher type violence and maiming. Enough of the outdated, purposeful clipping method to show weapons hitting bodies with low-res blood spurts. Take four+ years to advance the series, or don't.

2119d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please do this with the Animated Series.

2119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah there seems to be such animosity toward people who even mention 3rd, but all we're asking for was the option, like GTA gives for FP; R* is even doing it again with Red Dead. I'm pretty much positive that 3rd person development is more difficult and adds way more time because of the avatar, animations, ect., and it's no secret that CD has a deadline. I think the "immersion" talk is BS. They just knew the game would be even more complicated with 3rd.

2122d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

"This perspective enables us to maximize your immersion" lol ok, and save tons of development time to meet your deadline so you don't have to design, animate the 3P avatar. Third-person like The Witcher please. "You can fully customize your character using a deep customization system" for..a fucking first-person game. Great idea guys. Can't wait to see my guy on the pause menu like Far Cry. Third-person please.

2128d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeah, absolute lame waste of time for a six-year-old game. Better have something else to announce at BlizzCon.

2140d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

"No shit" comes to mind. Red Dead Redemption 2 vs Space Invaders graphics comparison shows significant improvements.

2142d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Admittedly, any single player expansion packs (Undead Nightmare 2?) might instead be online multiplayer content"

Yep that's what disappoints me. God, I'll snap if they do an UD Nightmare and it's for online only.

2143d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GoW's story was cool, but I think RD and Spidey will destroy it gameplay-wise. GoW was just so painstakingly repetitive with the clearing tendrils, running back, do this to open that, ect. Just wasn't fun after a while.

2144d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

"Red Dead Redemption 2 Will 'Redefine' Gaming" Only if they finally got rid of tapping X/A to sprint.

2147d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

Back In Black suit..likely, symbiote? I highly doubt it as it messes with his demeanor, anger, dialogue and whatnot. Of course, devs could just ignore that and just let us play in the symbiote suit, but just seems unlikely to me, while the cloth black suit I'd be blown away if it's not in the game. I'm just worried the suit we're wearing won't carry over into cutscenes like they do in Arkham.

2151d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hopefully not. World needs less exclusive games. Can't imagine the amazing things modders could do with Spider-Man if it was on PC.

2152d ago 1 agree16 disagreeView comment

No, they don't, but it's way passed time they did. EA needs to be pressured into developing good sports games. Their devs can't even put together responsive menus; they're pathetic and need competition to kick them in the asses.

2155d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Symbiote suit on Spider-Man doesn't = Venom. Don't give a shit about Venom.

2158d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah it's unfortunate. It's like Far Cry, only seeing whatever gloves or something you're wearing in FP, and only seeing your guy when you check menus.

2159d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Probably would have got tons more pre-orders if last suit was symbiote, regular black, or classic.

2166d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Only reason why it's at 340 degrees haha.

2187d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Trust me, I do. I couldn't care less about being closer to the action, and the oft-used BS excuse of "immersion." A third-person cyberpunk game, zooming out seeing the city, seeing my customized guy? That's incredible to me. Appreciate the vote of confidence, but ..I really, really do want it in third-person. Nothing can change that personal preference.

2189d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Only reason you're getting downvoted is because it's the most overused perspective in gaming, and everyone plays these BS first-person shooters online with each other. Atrocious decision. Hey, include it, great, fine. GTA did it, but my god have both. I'm sick of hearing that it was a decision for "immersion" and "to get the player closer." Those are utter excuses because of imposed deadlines they couldn't dream of meeting. FP allows them to completely jett...

2193d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

YES please. I decided a while back to wait for PC, even thinking it'd be like 2021, but awesome if it's much sooner as this suspects.

2194d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who is this for exactly? The very small amount who's bothered by it? Things like this are mainly about YOU throwing your site out there as a champion for diversity. Wow, you're to be applauded! You made it on N4G bc of your bravery! None of us give a shit she's found companionship in her shitty world. That's NORMAL behavior. When is a same-sex relationship in entertainment going to be normal and doesn't require people to shout about it? Get over it indeed. And that means ...

2197d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment