Shaking fist at sky.
CRank: 5Score: 43780

The graphics of 2015’s Bloodborne do not hold up. This game needs a remaster.

832d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

What is the point of this article? What’s done is done. Personally, I like having PS5 versions of games like Metro Exodus, Jedi Fallen Order, and A Plague Tale: Innocence. I might even play the PS5 version of The Last of Us.

832d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

My usual pattern with Bethesda games is to finish the main campaign after about 75 hours and then quit forever because I’m exhausted by it all and my character is living god anyway. Forget DLC, I’m satiated. But I like to have all of the options even if I don’t go down every path.player choice includes the choice to skip vast swaths of content.

832d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Does anyone outside Redmond know the breakdown of Series X and Series S? Series S aren’t really current gen console owners. The Series S has already struggled with current gen games, and upcoming games like Starfield look even less forgiving. I feel like all those Series S customers are potential PS5 and Series X customers.

833d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because Switch has the handheld market all to itself (except for phones). It’s a last gen home console but a current gen handheld,

833d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So after you finish the story in “Starfield”, you go back to playing “No Man’s Sky”.

833d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

This was just an Xbox thing and really only because they were losing to Sony. They promoted the Xbox One X as the most powerful console ever and then made it obsolete a couple of years later. Console hardware is a kidney loser. The big money is in software. So console makers want long cycles with lots of software sales per console.

834d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same. I thought I was going to start with Ghost of Tsushima because it’s been in my wishlist the longest, but then I downloaded Returnal and Guardians of the Galaxy and Tetris Effect Connected. Just so many games. I haven’t processed the enormity of it all.

835d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

My PS5 cost $400. I couldn’t even buy a graphics card for that money. I also don’t need to deal with Windows 11, drivers, Steam updates, and all that other PC bullshit. Been there, done that. People have plenty incentive to not buy PS5s over gaming PCs.

835d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

Exclusives sell consoles in the console market and even that can be broken down into handhelds (Switch) and living room consoles (Xbox and PlayStation). PC players are a different audience. Sony is smart to sell to them. Also, consider that consoles are sold at cost or a loss. The big money is in games and service. More revenue for Spider-Man means more money to invest in Spider-Man 2.

835d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

“nothing of value will be losr”

Is this a joke? Games on Game Pass aren’t free unless someone else is paying your subscription. Game Pass is not an excuse to release mediocre games. (Just like Netflix isn’t an excuse to release the worst movies ever made.) As a long time fan of Bethesda who hasn’t seen a good Bethesda RPG since Skyrim, I would say a lot of value will be lost if Bethesda screws up with Starfield.

835d ago 15 agree4 disagreeView comment

Classic quality over quantity debate. What bothers me is the number. Why 1000? If these planets are procedurally generated, which they would have to be, then why not a quadrillion planets like No Man’s Sky?

835d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This looks like it need more delay than it has so far. Was this running on Series X or Series S? Gameplay is slow and boring with boring weapons against boring a.i. Is this the best they had to show or the best they could get to run? Getting Cyberpunk, Anthem vibes. What did Microsoft buy themselves into?

836d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

I dunno’. Halo Infinite was supposed to have been the exclusive that won 2021 for Xbox but it fizzled out and disappeared. I will always take quality over quantity. Give me 1 great exclusive like Horizon Forbidden West over 5 mediocre ones like Crackdown 3.

838d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don’t believe internet dogpiling by incels.

838d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I could collapse all 10 into Starfield. Hellblade 2 looks good but Hellblade doesn’t have nearly as big of an audience as a big RPG from Bethesda.

840d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Was this paid for by Microsoft?

841d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Buying Bethesda and Activision wasn’t about getting more games for Xbox because these games would have released on Xbox anyway. This was always about keeping games off of other platforms and eventually tying them to Game Pass. So Microsoft doesn’t really care if the games are good.

845d ago 24 agree3 disagreeView comment

Microsoft’s PR team could have done a better job writing this.

845d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dear Bethesda, please don’t listen to Make a modern Fallout game that doesn’t look and play like garbage. Maybe look into Unreal Engine.

846d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment