CRank: 5Score: 6440

Their last three games contains hundreds of hours of gameplay, literally. You're getting more than your money's worth for every game of theirs you buy.

My personal favorites would be:

Quantic Dream (Indigo Prophecy, Heavy Rain)
IO Interactive (Hitman series)
Bioware (KotoR, Mass Effect)
Square Enix (Final Fantasy)
Rockstar (GTA, Manhunt)

Bethesda, Naughty Dog, and Infinity Ward definitely get my respect too.

5294d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

The PS3 was taking a lot of crap during its first few years, I can't imagine what Microsoft fanboys were saying back then. I must say it's a little satisfying to hear people admit the PS3's recent progress, considering that these same people were predicting that the PS3 would be dead soon after it launched.

5295d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You notice how people looking forward to these Xbox 360 games don't take the time to brag about how they're not available on the PS3? They just comment on how cool the game is, how much they're anticipating it, and so on.

But, in every PS3 exclusive (or any PS3 article for that matter), within the first comments you'll almost always have people reminding you that it's only on the PS3, and how it's an infinitely better console than the 360, and yada yada yada. Sometimes they do i...

5295d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Congrats to Killzone 2 for winning the award from Gamespot though. It's just that in MW2, there's so many different attachments for every weapon, killstreaks to reward people for doing well, challenges for virtually everything, and I just found it to be so much more addicting. To each their own though.

Uncharted 2 definitely had great multiplayer too, but the long loading times killed it for me. As well as the grenade spamming and taking 8 bullets to kill someone. And no, I don'...

5296d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

you only have two bubbles.

5296d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

is in Mass Effect 2. That Miranda Lawson chick is pretty attractive, her chest in proportion to her body is ridiculous. Even more so was that blue-haired villain in Valkyria Chronicles. Now THAT made me say "WTF?!" You would think she was modeled after Cynthia Myers, hahaha

5297d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

what he thinks the gamer audience is anticipating. Not that that's a bad thing, just an observation. Because I know Final Fantasy XIII and Gran Turismo 5 have A LOT more people following them than Bayonetta. Anyways, these are my top 5 anticipated games of 2010.

5.Splinter Cell: Conviction
4.God of War III
3.Mass Effect 2
2.Heavy Rain
1.Final Fantasy XIII

There's a lot of other great titles that will hopefully come out this year (like The Last...

5297d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

about the consoles. Mainly between the Wii, PS3, and the 360. There's always these fanboy console wars between the PS3 and the 360, so why not just leave it between those two. When he's saying that games are 360 exclusive, he's basically saying you can play them on the 360 and not on the other consoles its competing against, the PS3 and Wii. I think all you fanboys know that too, but you continue to argue it anyways cause you have a technically valid reasoning.

I know there's ex...

5297d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dude, before you go on correcting the logic of other comments, make sure you spell your sh1t correctly. Especially if the whole word is capitalized, haha.

5297d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because those 4 actually played the whole game. How long has XIII been out in Japan to the public? Oh yeah, all those people already beat the game a day after getting it, and it prompted them to give it one or two stars on Amazon. -_-

Even if Famitsu gave the game a sh1tty score and Amazon users gave it universally high praise, I'd still regard the magazine review to be of higher value. All it takes is one click, raters on Amazon don't even have to know anything about the game to ra...

5298d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Over the Famitsu review. Sounds like you're just paying attention to what you want to hear.

5298d ago 13 agree25 disagreeView comment

immediately dismiss FFXIII just because it's a multiplat. It was in development since 2005, how the hell could the PS3 version have possibly been compromised, with all that time it took to make the game? Whatever, don't play it if you don't want to, it's completely your loss.

You all act like the gameplay and storyline would have been exponentially better than it is now had it remained only on the PS3. What, the storyline for XIII is gonna get a little crappy towards the end beca...

5299d ago 24 agree24 disagreeView comment

That last paragraph was unnecessary, and makes you look like an arrogant snob. I was shaking my head as I read it.

5299d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

360 owners don't even care about Ninja Gaiden going to the ps3! They don't get butthurt over these things. Sony fanboys always give me the impression that they're desperately trying to justify their reasons for purchasing their console of choice.

If Mass Effect 2 or Splinter Cell Conviction were announced for the PS3 in the nearby future, you won't see this many 360 fans going apesh1t and calling the games "crap" because they're multiplat, i'll bet you that. Most of us ...

5300d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Missing out on a lot of great titles for no logical reason. How dare you call yourselves gamers. You act like multiplatform titles are crap just because they're developed for more than one console...Fallout 3? GTA IV? Dead Space?

You fanboys gotta understand that these games go multiplat because they have to try and make a profit! Look at Uncharted 2 for example. One of the best games of this gen, that thing basically was the symbol of the PS3. Damn thing didn't even make the top...

5300d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Did the quick time events you speak of in MGS4 change anything? I don't think so.

For Mass Effect 2, that character that you killed off in an "interruption sequence" might have some huge consequences (or benefits) later in the game or even in Mass Effect 3.

5301d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

appreciates what hip hop gamer is doing. Don't know why so many ppl hate on him.

5301d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've gotten great scroes with an assault rifle noob tube, one man army, and danger close. noob tube's are almost always a one hit kill, as well as claymores, and you can refill them at anytime. Yeah, you don't get a secondary weapon, but when you got a danger close noob tube, you won't even use the bullets in your primary weapon.

5301d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mass Effect didn't.

5301d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

You might not like the game as much, but took seconds to get into a match, and if too many people on one side quit, other people would be able to join in within the minute.

For this game, sh1t takes like 3-4 minutes to get a match started! And I'm all about my kill/death ratio, so if teammates quit, I'm not gonna be very happy about dying 50 times. But shoot, how hard can it be for players to join matches already in progress?

5301d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment