CRank: 5Score: 6440

My point is, if the game is good, you won't give a damn at all

5337d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

More talk like that on 360 articles and pretty soon no one will care what you think cause your comments will be hidden.

5337d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Go have fun with that game, I hear it's a blast, hahahaha

5338d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Especially when you compare how the 360 almost always has the upperhand over the PS3 when multiplatform titles are compared. And look at how hard Bayonetta sucked b@lls on the PS3.

5338d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

Just the fact that they keep comparing future shooters to MW2 is enough to prove the dominance of the Call of Duty franchise.

"this shooter will beat mw2"

"this shooter will be better than mw2"

"mw2 is going to be outdone by this shooter"

SERIOUSLY. This only shows that MW2 is the game to beat. The game that is the standard.

5339d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

voice of Liara is also the voice for Lightning in FFXIII. Just an interesting tidbit!

5342d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry, man. It's not my fault the game has very subpar graphics with stiff aiming.

Modern Warfare has killstreaks and tons of weapons with attachments. Bad Company 2's weapons feel very good, getting kills there are very satisfying. And most importantly, the aiming is smooth. MAG's main attraction of 256 players in a match is completely useless if the gameplay isn't good...and it isn't good. Man, aiming down the sights and shooting a few rounds in MAG...God it looks so awful. ...

5342d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Modern Warfare 2 and Bad Company 2. Returned that sh1t to Gamefly the day after I got it.

5342d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment
5344d ago

once again, have fun with your towns, FFXIII haters! hahahaha

5346d ago 7 agree15 disagreeView comment

threw a grenade immediately. i hate it when people do that as soon as they see you. those things are waaay too overpowered in this game imo.

5346d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have fun with your towns, guys!

5346d ago 11 agree20 disagreeView comment

well, white knight chronicles is a jrpg.

5349d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The friggin galaxy? You make it sound like every single planet has its own city just waiting to be explored. The majority of this friggin galaxy you speak of are numerous planets that can be scanned for resources, and that's it.

5349d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lots of reviews are saying it has the best graphics in any videogame to date, and that's impressive, considering that the games with the best graphics are usually shooters with short to medium length campaigns (Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, Gears of War). I read of reviewers sinking more than 60 hours into this thing! Music is also fantastic, and I'm hearing that this game has one of the best and most developed casts in a videogame. And you're not even gonna give it a shot has no towns?...

5349d ago 5 agree37 disagreeView comment

Japanese theme song when most of you have no idea what the heck it means. You just prefer it because you don't understand Japanese, which means anything that's foreign sounds good to you. They could have made a song in which the singer sang about the Japanese alphabet and all of you still would choose it over an English theme song.

It's like how a lot of Japanese gamers prefer to play games with the English dub. Play the game first, then judge whether or not the song fits.

5350d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

They could have just left out that content and left it at that.

"B-b-but they could have included it in the game at release date!"

Yeah, then have the release date set back a few more months, right? Stop being cheapasses, the game itself is more than worth $65. Remember, Purchasing dlc is OPTIONAL.

5351d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

say it's a pretty damn long game with hours and hours of content. You're all acting like this deleted content would have made the game the perfect masterpiece. This kind of stuff does happen you know? Like deleted scenes from a movie, things have to be taken out sometimes. From the reviews I've seen, people seem to think the game is very good, and that's without this deleted content that everyone keeps complaining about. I could swear that more than half these games released nowadays have som...

5352d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would have been more excited if it was an announcement of when they are going to announce that Resident Evil 6 has begun development.

Sort of like some other game I can't recall at the moment, where the anticipated countdown on its website just revealed when they were going to announce the game's release date, haha.

5354d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

playing Mass Effect 2.

Haha, sorry. Not trying to troll, but I couldn't resist. Bad joke. I got this on Gamefly, hopefully it will be good enough to keep for awhile.

5355d ago 6 agree18 disagreeView comment