CRank: 5Score: 6440

that this game will be a great addition to the 360 AND PC library, as he usually does. HAHA! He's trying to get approval from everyone, don't fall for it!

5355d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

shipped me my collector's edition.

On another note, everyone should go ahead and try to de-bubble Saaking, I'm tired of reading his stealth troll comments. Go to any FFXIII article and I guarantee you'll come across a comment of his with the word 'gimped' in it.

5356d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

You and a bunch of other people might not have liked it, but overall it was still very well received by critics and gamers alike.

5357d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment
5357d ago
5357d ago

Even though the sequel to one of your favorite games is just around the corner? I guess. You must be strapped for cash, dude. If you really want to give it away, might I suggest selling it online at least. Stores like Gamestop rip you off when it comes to trade ins of any sort.

And a word to the practical: 1 brand new game is equivalent to about 3 months of Gamefly.

5357d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nothing wrong with playing a game again to get them. Makes me try things I would never do in the first place. Doubt anyone would have wanted to beat 'Mile High Club' on Veteran difficulty just for the hell of it.

5358d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you'd all be laughing and pointing your fingers, saying their business strategy is stupid and whatnot.

5359d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Been using the noob tube with danger close and one man army long before anyone started writing about it, and man, I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

I always thought that the grenade kills at the start of matches in COD4 were a helluva lot cheaper. I mean, 10 seconds into the match and everyone just points up to the sky and throws all three grenades they have on them? THAT annoyed me. This, not so much. Well, cause I haven't encountered anyone yet with the same perk/wea...

5359d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

most likely just suck b@lls in the multiplayer. I can't you imagine all of you whining this much if you got chopper gunners every other match like I do. It's like any other multiplayer: you're having a blast when you're owning, and it's the worst game ever when you're losing.

And I still stand behind my theory that most people on N4G hate on MW2 because it posed a threat to Uncharted 2 in both critical reception and sales. Couple million gamers don't just keep playing a multipla...

5360d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox guys making a big deal about this. It's the Sony fanboys that are trying to start arguments over it.

5360d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

stfu with the whole gimping thing. Ha, good, I'm glad he's butthurt about it.

Anyways, I'd get the Collector's Edition for the soundtrack along. The few tracks I've heard from the game have been fantastic. This game's battle theme is my favorite among all the FF titles.

5361d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

That fool always goes into every FFXIII article, saying something along the lines of "Yeah, I'm gonna get FFXIII...but wait! Remember everyone that Versus is gonna be better."

It makes me glad these games become multiplatform, so that people like him can brood and get all butthurt about it.

5362d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment


Edit: I was hoping the reviewer would mention the music, which (from what I've heard and from what others have said) promises to be one of the best soundtracks in like...ever.

5362d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment
5363d ago

Have you guys actually played through the game? That's what I'm curious about. If you saw all the cutscenes, I really can't imagine why any guy with normal levels of testosterone would hate on her. Oh well, that's unfortunate for you guys.

I personally loved the game, and her accent and way of speaking during cutscenes was just so damn entertaining for me. Before this game, my favorite 5 female videogame characters were (in no particular order):

Tifa (FFVII)

5363d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

I could swear that Final Fantasy X and XII have outsold God of War I and II. Off of that I'd judge that God of War is stupid for going up against Final Fantasy XIII.


5364d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Gives you Sony fanboys something to cry about, and more importantly, more people get to enjoy the Final Fantasy series. Judging by how well PS3 exclusives have sold in the past, going multiplatform was definitely the wiser choice.

People are still saying that it took them about 70+ hours to beat, so I don't know what you guys are complaining about. Seems like more than enough gameplay for me. Content always gets cut out of games, like deleted scenes in movies.

You a...

5364d ago 13 agree31 disagreeView comment

I noticed that sh1t back on my first playthrough, haha. I was in the 7th grade back then, just getting into that puberty stage.

I can almost guarantee you when Advent Children was about to come out, all the guys who beat FFVII were asking themselves, "I wonder how Tifa is gonna look in CG?"

The makers of Advent Children did a good job of maintaining her most famous characteristic, but kinda toning the sexuality down in the form of a new outfit that wasn't ...

5365d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Five Reasons You Absolutely Don't Have To Buy An Xbox 360 This Year
1. God of War 3
2. Heavy Rain
3. GT5
4. The Last Guardian
5. White Knight Chronicles
Yeah, I said it.

Seriously, some of the reasons are "the Live experience", a speculated price cut and unproven Natal. C'mon, really? My list is better." (end quote)

Unproven Natal? Well in that case, all 5 of your reasons to not buy a 360 would be unproven as w...

5366d ago 35 agree19 disagreeView comment