
CRank: 5Score: 18230

You're completely right, I can't believe I missed that post fro MRV321. I can only assume I thought this was all a thread from the first post (which is even more ridiculous because I would have had to hit reply to mrv321's post.) I really thought his post came out of nowhere.

So, he wasn't the first idiot to mention F3, just one of them. My overall point is still relevent though; his name is 'IHateYouFanboys'' yet here is is trollling a PS3 thread acting like a fanboy. I don't c...

5199d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, you go ahead and keep telling yourself that IHateMyself, and you may actually begin to believe it.

Again, who the fu*k is talking about Forza 3? GT5 is a PS3 exclusive, F3 is a 360 exclusive, so whatever you feel F3 accomplished doesn't really matter does it?

My point is that you were the first fanboy post in this thread, and IHateIrony.

5199d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

He's got a name 'IHateYouFanboys' yet here he is trolling a PS3 thread with a brand new acount being the first idiot to mention Forza 3.

Dude, look in the mirror.

5200d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

Are you suggesting there was a PS3 version of the game running for comparisson at Microsofts X10 event?!

You've made some pretty delusional comments over your post history so I just wanted to clarify.

5200d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess no inferior multiplat should matter, right? So I suspect we won't be seeing the usual suspects gloating in the multiplat comparisson threads?

Lol You guys are pathetic (you know who you are)

5212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would love to see the comments from these 2 hardcore fanboys if the shoe was on the other foot. Yeah, I'm talking about you Foxgod and Murderdolls. You guys are a joke.

How many of the people in this thread acting like 'what's the big deal?', are the same goofs that jump all over a story that claims 'when you zoom in 500x you can see some jaggies on that shadow in the corner of the ps3 version!!!'


5212d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You need to check your filter settings. I saw plenty of official US servers including several US rookie servers recently. I also just called a friend who is currently playing on an official US CTF server to tell him to be careful as he must be in the twilight zone.

WTF you smokin? Just checked myself to confirm and there are plenty of official US servers. Stop spreading the BS.

5215d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I'm glad you like M.A.G cause it seems no one else does :)"

Funny, because my local EB just sold out if the game. Maybe there are actually people outside of the members of N4G.

5219d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I dont think people are simply going by NPD, they are going by the statement "In 2009 US Xbox 360 console sales topped 10m units".

They clearly said 'US'(which Im sure is just a mistake, albeit a pretty big one). Using NPD to try and add some clarity shows somehwere around 4.7m units sold in the US. Are you suggesting 5.3m units were sold in the US through Walmart and online retailers?

5230d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

No doubt its a mistake and they were talking about WW numbers, but if that only brings them to 37.2m; where does "a worldwide Xbox 360 install base of 39m" come from?

Not to mention that in Microsoft's 3rd quarter report for their 2009 fiscal year (ending June 30, 2009), the company announced that it had shipped 30.2 million XBox 360 systems to market worldwide, which would mean they would have to have sold 9m in 6-7 months. Something just doesn't add up here.

5230d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

"In 2009 US Xbox 360 console sales topped 10m units"

So whats your point?

5230d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL its amazing that you can still find guys like you whining about HDDVD, get over it. It's also amazing that people can have such a deep rooted fanboyism that it allows them to think it looks 'so much better' than Blu-ray. I took a glance at your comment history and saw that you believe MW2 has better graphics than KZ2 so that explains a lot. To be that much of a fanboy and suffer from that level of blind obsession is truely psychotic.

5250d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Try lighting him up with the flamethrower.

5254d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been thinking the same thing. I bought MW2 and I enjoy it, but it doesn't imerse you in the intesity of battle the way KZ2 does. It really doesn't get the credit it deserves for pushing the genre.

5254d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Have you played NHL 10? There is a reason the NHL series has easily been the most critically acclaimed sports game over the last three years.

You are of course entitled to your opinion, but it's only your opinion, and it seems the majority of opinions out there would disagree.

5263d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You talk about crybabies? Even though UC2 deserved this award, it's really not a big deal to me.

It is sad though, to know that you are a grown man and still such a rabid fanboy. From your post history, I would have thought you were 10-14 years old. It's sad to know who you really are, I honestly wish I didn't.

5264d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

What makes you think NPD numbers do not include Canada?

Edit: I did a little research (should have before my post) and it seems you are correct that NPD tracks Canada's numbers seperately, so I apologise. That could account for some of the descrepency with these numbers.

5264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do you have to be slow to be a rabid fanboy? There is no 'install' on the PS3, welcome to 2009.

It plays great and certainly does not 'chug'. I havent noticed a single framerate issue, but then again I am enjoying the game when I play it, not testing the frame rate.

I cant speak to the 360 version but from everything Ive seen, it runs equally as well on both consoles.

I know thats hard to hear for a rabid fanboy desperately trying to spin things, ...

5281d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Now GEC, I realize you probably won't read this because you've recently sprayed yourself down with AXE body spray and are currently walking the streets wondering why random women are not tackling you.

You see, that's a marketing campain; an exageration of the claim that women will like the way you smell. The exageration is directed entirely on the function of the product, much like how 'everything' exagerates the functions of the PS3, even video capatibility. That's marketing. 'E...

5285d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had hoped when I used the word 'logic' I would get just that in you're response, yet what I got back was 'fanboy logic'.

Sales of a game are not affected by it's percieved 'importance' to a console'. Sales are affected by marketing, brand recognition, size of user/ install base etc. Only a fanboy buys a game to 'support his console'.

With that said, UC2 sales will continue to grow as the quality of the game will push word of mouth. Remember that it's a relatively n...

5285d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment