
CRank: 5Score: 18230

Hates the ps3 yet one of the first to visit and comment in this thread.

Do you 'dislike' the PS3 because you don't think its a good piece of hardware, or because it was mean to you?

5699d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just threw out my PS3. Even though it brought me countless hours of entertainment and some really great gaming experiences this author has informed me that my friends and I have been living a lie.

If you cant tell I'm being sarcastic.

The sh!t that gets posted on this site... I am starting to think this site is actually lowering my IQ.

5699d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Y'know, I used to be a bit of a bully back in school , not something I am very proud of, and something that has caused me a lot of remorse now that I have my own children.

However when I read POG's (and his fantastic friends) ridiculous rants I can only wonder how I could have possibly been expected to not want to punch people like POG in the back of the head?

5699d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

wrong spot

5699d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5699d ago

I normally dont comment in the openzone, because...well...I dont have too, but does anyone on this site make themselves look like an idiot more regularily than the Mart? Sure he has comepetition but he is definitely up there.

FYI- the demo is not the beginning of the game you fool. Furthermore, i didnt know 9/10 was for generic piece of crap while 9.3/10 is a masterpiece. You really are a tool.

5703d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think a lower price point is needed in order for Sony to gain any ground, however both consoles will be here for the long haul.

There is enough money in this industry to keep both consoles sales going for quite some time, not to mention that I think the competition has really benefitted all gamers as the bar is continually being raised.

I dont have enough time for all the great games out there, how can I complain about anything.

5703d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel the same way, I love the atomsphere (from what I have seen).

I just dont understand everyone's hang up with color is. It seems to be only brought up with KZ2 though and rarely mentioned in the critiques of Gears2. I guess I do understand it then.

5703d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never understand when prople say there is nothing new, the cover system alone is new to FPS's isn't it?
What about betting poitns against other clans? Also, I have yet to see such realistic AI, not to mention the physics of the game.

A good example of something I feel id different is when you throw a grenade. In a lot of shooters, if the grenade doesn't kill your enemy, they will remain standing, they maybe stagger, grunt and lose health, thats it. In KZ2 you blow guys...

5703d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

"beating the demo 3 times showed me nothing"

So the games not that great but you keep playing the demo.

Must have been torture to be bored by the same old thing over and over.

EDIT: Also, he never said the graphics fall short he said "the diversity in graphics is lacking". I know he has an accent but thats no excuse for you being an idiot.

I just took a peak at your comment history and its quite obvious you are a...

5703d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

After re reading your coment I realize that you are obviously joking, so I apologize for my specific attack.

I certainly do not agree it is an 'accomplishment' however I believe I over-reacted.

I am very sensitive to this subject as a friend of mine was kidnapped, raped and murdered when she was 15. That, and having a daughter, naturally makes this a tough topic for me.

While there are definitely some wierd attitudes in this thread, with a little t...

5704d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5704d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats EXACTLY what I am saying (even though that is not what we are talking about). You see, as a society, we don't have a process of looking at every questionable relationship and decide on the merit of it before allowing it to continue. So, we make laws with specific rules to protect children and young teens form being manipulated by someone who should know better.

Hey, why not go a few years in the other direction by your logic. How about a 28 year old and a 12 year old, wha...

5704d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Thank god your friend isnt a social worker and after this situation I would seriosly questions his motives for wanting to become one. he got everything he deserves. Any guy in his 20's who has sex with a girl in her early teens is one sick f*ck.


"a girl of 14/15 (can't remember age exactly) snuck into the bedroom and managed to have sex with him (How she managed this still mystifies me to this day as he was unconcious the whole time)." <...

5704d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

If a 27 year old slept with my 16 year old daughter I would make him a lump in my backyard.

I dont care what 'relationship' you are in now, you should have been locked up. The fact you had anything in common let alone found her hot is f*ckin seriously disturbing.

5704d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

23 years old is not a few years older. were not talking about a 16 year old sleeping with his 14 year old girlfriend after school.

We are taliking about a 23 year old man (predator -if he thinks he 'cares' for her or not), and that f*ckin sick.

5704d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A fine for statitory rape? Are you f*ckin serious?!

Did you just compare smoking pot to a 23 year old man sleeping with a 14 year old?!

Get some help.

5704d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

You and your friends really think its an 'accomplishment' to sleep with a 14 year old from your 'college' perspective?

I sent this link to my buddy who heads an international child sex crime unit (he recently arrested a pedophile in Thailand) and made sure to highlight your comments.

While I realize you are probably just some stupid punk trying to be funny; as a father of two, I am not going to just pass over your comments. With your 'college' perspective you are...

5704d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

the difference is,nt the 'c0ck' as you put it you stupid f*ck. The difference is the 18-25 year old is an adult and the 14 year old is not.

If you think its ok for an adult to have sex with a 14 year old you are a sick f*ck and you need to be watched very closely.

EDIT- @JsonHenry- So that justifies it?

5704d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why are you going into playstation forums...oh wait...I forgot...trolling is your job.

@Tarasque- give it a rest, you have posted the same sh!t in every KZ2 thread, we get it, you dont like KZ2...then why is it you visit every thread...oh wait...I are Jason360.

5705d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment