
CRank: 5Score: 40370

But the part that stood out to me is he claims that there is a limitless amount of art and texture that can be applied with out performance issues. He said that the game is created by what ever means and then the dev goes in an adds any amount of detail. That is when he said it took only 10 days to create. He said in another 10 days it would look twice as good. If he is right, then WOW, it will look good. Can't wait for E3.

6311d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He said they would have the same code running on all three platforms (PC,360, PS3) at E3. So, yes, it will be on PS3.

6312d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6312d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not a price drop. These happen every week for both systems. This is similar to the crap about getting an extra controller with a PS3 from a week or so ago. No body makes a big deal that 360 games have the same sales. Doesn't necessarily reflect a price drop.

6312d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

big anouncement for today. I hope not. This is nice and will probably be a good site to visit, but not a huge anouncement.

6312d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that looked better then that. They also only show that same levels over an over. I can't wait to see the rest of the game instead of the same levels over and over.

6313d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

worst move ever for us (the consumer). Crappy versions of the Tom Clancy Series and so on. Ouch!

6313d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Of course it will have a vga out or even a HDMI out, but it still is very clunky to hook it up to a TV.

As for college students, you have a point. I am in my last year of Graduate school, yet I don't rely on a laptop to support my viewing habits. But I can understand why some would. For them, it will help. As for the so called war, it won't make much of a difference.

6316d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They got to the point. Toshiba is going to include a HD-DVD drive with all of its laptops. They say they could sell 10 mil in a year. Well that is nice, but I hate watching movies on my Laptop. I think that it will help HD-DVD a little but not like a standalone unit.

6316d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is usually followed by a let down. Example Pac-Man was a big announcement. I don't see how that is a big announcement. I will keep an eye out but won't expect much.

6318d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most big titles get a collectors edition. Good news for those who collect them.

6318d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He said there was co-op split screen. That was not in the 360 version. It did allow for 4 player online co-op.

I wonder what online additions are that guy wasn't able to tell us.

6318d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

10:1 vs the 360. We get it. It is kicking everybody's butt.

6318d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The price will come down in a couple months and you will have some more games to enjoy alongside the 360 games that are coming out. You won't be disappointed.

6318d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The game has sharp textures and high detail but the controls are horrible and the animations are terrible. The first guy you see looks like a monkey with his huge ears and long arms. I can't say I wasn't surprised since it came from midway.

And to think this was one of those games TheMart was touting because of its exclusivity.. Ha

6321d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it idid happen? No, you would have already enjoyed the game. Like others have said, no big deal if it is true. Same with MGS4 or FF.

6323d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

1. Not sure, but probably needs charging.
2. Not long at all. Maybe 20-30 mins tops. I usually play while charging.
3. Seems to last many hours. I hardly ever have to charge mine.

I wish I could give you hard facts. But this is my experience with them.

6325d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I went to my brother in-laws to play some Halo3 beta and his died out of no where. I am on my third machine, but this one performs better then the first two. I have had this third unit for over 6 months now with out any problems. Now that my bro's has passed on that makes 6 of my close friends who have had the same problem. As for customer service, none of them have had any problems getting their machines replaced.
I was really shocked when my bros died without any warning. It wa...

6330d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It might seem like a fair comparison for RFOM and COD2 or 3, but I would disagree that they are as similar as you say. I have both RFOM and Call of Duty2 and 3 (on XBOX 360) They may share the FPS genre but they are very different.

RFOM plays like a sci-fi game where as COD play as a historical game. Even in multiplayer they have different strategies, paqces and an overall feel.

Now, I had a different approach. I played through COD2 and 3 and even GEARS b...

6331d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But the Beta is for Multiplayer purposes only. In order for them to have a version that plays at a constant frame rate without drop and great performance on live at this stage for us to try is to have place holder graphics. It is not a demo that has a finished level or two to try. It is a work in progress. This is why they usually don't make a huge deal out of the betas. I understand the urge to compare the graphics but that should be held off of for a few months.

I know...

6331d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment