
CRank: 5Score: 39910

How DARE Naughty Dog try and make a "zombie" / survival horror game for adults?! What were they thinking? /s

4576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Along with Uncharted 3 and Batman - I suggest try playing them all in 3D (if possible), it will add some wow to your experience.

4589d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Going over UC3 with 5 fine toothed combs to see what points they can deduct from things that are:

* Given a complete pass on other games
* ADDED bonus features that they don't personally like so much
* Not being anything new or different than Uncharted
* Too much variety (My personal favorite)
* For costing $59.99
* For being an exclusive to PS3

4629d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

For me yes, since it is $9.99 to PSN+ members. I have no idea how MS gets away with charging $19.99 for their paying users on XBL.

For PSN Plus members - I'd say worth it if you like the series.

For XBL members - Not so sure, personal taste @ that point for twice the price.

RE4 is still easily hailed as one of the best in the series

4657d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

RE4 HD Last night. Guess I'll take a few breaks inbetween Gears 3 and R3 to try it out.

But on topic - no network is perfect and 10/10 will experience some downtime sooner or later - even if for a couple of seconds.

4659d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The LAST thing you want is your favorite handheld get in bed with a wireless phone carrier. All your favorite Zelda and MGS handheld games interrupted by a phone call? No thanks. Expensive Mandatory data plans on your handheld, and then there is ball cancer.

It is bad enough that men walk around all day with cell phones surrounding their crotches all day. But a natural sitting position while handheld gaming is to hover that thing right above your crotch while thumbing a...

4665d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I Pledge to Go Commando On September 20th!

* Looking at Pic, who's been in my underwear stash?

4666d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I Pledge to Go Commando On September 20th!

4666d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To making the girlfriend obsolete.

4679d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seems like Square Enix was becoming the fast food of RPGs. All the old magic that made Final Fantasy special for most gamers seemed to evaporate.

I wish the old formula would come back to light. I would like to personally play a game based off Advent Children. I don't want the Final Fantasy famous name selling the games, I want it to be determined off excellence.

I am currently playing Xenogears on PSP.

4695d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

For some gamers, a great story attached to a good mechanical 3rd person shooter can provide added depth. Uncharted does story pretty well, and I have no doubt is a part of its success. Gears can offer the same thing without taxing the already great gameplay it has to offer. A win-win for gamers IMO.

But I must admit, I will play Gears even if the story was about mud.

4696d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even still this game seems to be scoring pretty well. As Bigpappy seems to point out - it seems like the execution of Kinect is very good. Which IMO, is the most important thing along with having fun. I believe this game will eventually find its way on my 360, and I anticipate that it will be fun to play alone, and/or with or while watching others.

4698d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You probably won't be thinking about a Vita once you hit BUDS training. But I tell you what, make it through BUDS and your PS Vita is on me.

I think a Vita would come in handy for entertainment in between whatever mission you may ensue. But you prove that you made it through BUDS, your Vita is on me.

And for those who think I am nuts, if he makes it through BUDS, he would've earned the Vita.

God bless the troops and God bless game...

4698d ago 18 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree that the best dance game in my opinion is Dance Central. It is fun for all ages, made very well, and works awesome with Kinect. But there are good selling games like Zumba Fitness that work better with the Move (surprisingly) and some bought the PS3 version because it worked better and reviewed better than the Kinect counterparts. The same holds true for EA Active 2, etc.

But IMO it is inexcusable to not have a Star Wars Lightsaber based game for Move. Heck, even ...

4706d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

In reverse to all the winners.

4707d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well Spent - One of the complete and stellar dev teams that breathe high quality products.

4709d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Purchase for me. Batman Arkham is he best Comics-to-Game translation IMO.

4711d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe they'll start using solar panels on the outside of handhelds to extend the battery life in the near future. Or maybe use the friction from button presses and analog stick movements to generate additional current. Then perhaps our handhelds may cost $900.

Ok, nevermind, I'll take my Vita now. I'll just buy and extra battery and a charge station please.

4716d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No amount of hate on this green Earth is going to stop Uncharted 3 sales. It will sell millions, some of you guys act like you don't know that yet. Also, with a movie in the works, especially one they are trying to do right - should only boost the life of Uncharted game sales.

I haven't preordered Uncharted 3 or Gears of War 3 yet, but I'll be damned if I won't own them both. Two of some of the best reasons to be a console owner.

4717d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

Some people just can't let Kinect be what it is. Some idiot always has to talk up the device into some magic miracle better than a mouse phenom.

Then when those with common sense respond to this drivel, they get blamed for bashing Kinect.

4717d ago 16 agree4 disagreeView comment