
CRank: 5Score: 39910

But is it really worse than Anubis 2?

Or Ninjabread Man

4756d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure, you don't want things like this happening on live television, but we can assume the game will be awesome. It looks good. At least they know the glitch is there and can patch it. The more issues they find early on, the better for the end product.

4757d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just bought Halo Reach off for $24.96 w/ free site to store shipping. I had $12 left on a gift card, so after taxes, I only paid $15 out of pocket for Reach. That is a good game for $15 end cost.

4757d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know this is Edge reviewing, but this is bad. TBF, I have seen other sites score this game in this range. Perhaps die hard Duke Nukem fans won't care either way.

4757d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That Nintendo already has a 3DSxl on the shelf. Once Vita releases, they will drop the 3DS to $199, and release the 3DSxl at $250. Just a guess though. I am preordering a Vita.

4760d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

" An on-screen prompt appears enabling the player to "spank" the girl to stop her from impeding progress." I'm sorry but half-crazy women activist groups would likely include 'spanking' on their list of assault or improper treatment of women. Especially if the spanking is unwanted and not for pleasure, etc. The reference to Chris Brown is unnecessary.

And I can't lie, if I was driving a rented Lambo, and a woman started going upside my ...

4761d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I knew these guys were a part of Anon's lame DDoS attack, one of the groups you worship. I am glad they got caught, and the amateur data they left on their PCs may help apprehend others. And let's not forget the fact that these clowns are afraid of butt rape in prison, so if they know names, ips, anything they will roll like a pair of skates.

Don't worry, LulzSec is not as tight as you think. All it takes is for them to hack the wrong host where someone cares e...

4761d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

Comes around. The only "cause" hackers have is their own. Only a fool would believe hackers are on their side. I wonder how Cliffy likes his 1st taste of working with hackers.

4761d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I warned people here not to join or even visit any site affiliated with Anon. There are discovery tools that can trace back malicious activity and reveal your name, address, ip address, service provider, and phone number, etc.

People who believe they are actually anonymous on the web are complete morons who don't understand how the network operates. If you can find someone, they can find you back, plain and simple.

Let's just hope they don't pas...

4762d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

A 32" would've sold me immediately. But I will wait for price reductions and look at user testimony before I leap into this deal. Besides, how many games benefit from the split screen?

4763d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm so glad gamers from both consoles can get to play this. To all my fellow gamers, enjoy this. It is likely a day one buy for me, and I don't blind buy many games at all.

4764d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

A gaming device which I own. I mean, if you can PROVE you own a device, you should be allowed to have your opinion of it. You shouldn't be de-bubbled, with no chance of gaining more bubbles no matter how many agrees or well said votes you get. I've been at one bubble forever... in the previous system I had 6 or 7 bubbles.

What is funny, if I say the same things today about Kinect, most people would agree. I don't hate the product, but if it is new, has flaws, ...

4765d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

But look at what happened to Ninja Theory when they put out that mediocre Enslaved game. When indeed everyone knows that they should've made Heavenly Sword2 since PS3 fans were the only fans they had. The results were abysmal. Multiplat Enslaved couldn't even outsell Heavenly Sword and Ninja Theory is left twisting in the wind, taking a complete backwards step. I know Insomniac is a bit more established, and has given PS3 supporters many great titles. Gamers should be a bit more ...

4766d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Or do these screen shots look similar to Dynasty Warriors?

4769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Western Digital Caviar Black - glad I did so. I am ready for the downloading to begin.

4770d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is the core base who supported their 1st game. Instead of pissing in their mouths with Enslaved, they should've looked to improve and ADD to the core audience they had captured. But they got greedy, thought multiplat was where it was at, and made a mediocre Enslaved, which I think sold less than HS1.

Ninja Theory squandered the MOST quickly accepted female main character in gaming since Samus Aran & Lara Croft - I have ZERO sympathy for them. The core audience...

4770d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

But the blind support of COD has caused it to get to this point. I remember some folks on this site warning others about giving COD a pass... now look where we are. Bobby is hell bent on ruining gaming at the cost of a buck. Working our way towards the MMO FPS.

4770d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards --
and even then I have my doubts.
-- Eugene H. Spafford

4770d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Other than that, they have great franchises. Zelda is possibly the best as far as being innovative without changing up the original formula in a negative fashion. Mario is also great in this regard. But there are other games where you can take too much risk and possibly ruin the game for some. I think Metroid did this for some people, while others liked the change. I would like a side scrolling Metroid game again, combined with FPS style play.

Overall, Nintendo has great...

4771d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

But people said the same thing about "Wii" after everyone got used to calling it Revolution. Does anyone know why companies do this bait and switch with the name?

4773d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment