
CRank: 5Score: 9910

Sony should have kept multiplayer free on their console. . considering their network is subpar compared to the competition.

I would trade the "free games" for a more reliable service.

3638d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

more of this crap. .

There will be more games that will sport the same resolution and frame rates on both consoles

as SDKs get better..

You better get use to it, otherwise you'll need plenty of tissue.

3638d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

How do you know that the games are on par?

Is it 'cause the resolution and frame-rates are the same?

You should remember that, the last creed game had to be patched on PS4 to get 'full hd'.
That was a cross-gen game.

Unity has been in-development for 4 years. . Exclusive to current gen systems and PC.

Why would they 'downgrade' one version of the game for the other?

I know you'...

3638d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

The order isn't 1080p either. I don't know if much has changed but as far as I know, it also has black bars plus it's running at 30frame.

It is a linear game. Not an open world game with lots of npcs like Assasins creed.

Where are the articles questioning the order?
Ready at dawn also made the 'cinematic' statement.

3638d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

The dev said that, 30 Frames is perfect for an action adventure game. . . Also, they could make the game look better at that frame count. As opposed to a twitch FPS that'd benefit from 60 frames.

For example, fast paced Call of Duty multi-player.
It really does depend on the genre.

3638d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

With games like quantum break
2015 is set.

I'm not going to watch any more footage. The last I saw was the gamescon stage demo.

3638d ago 14 agree12 disagreeView comment

Resolution isn't graphics though..
This is the type of ignorance that plagued gamers ^_^.

What is 'next-gen gameplay'?

Last gen, a lot of games barely made 720p which is HD. .
Now we actually have more games running at 1080p than ever on consoles.

These numbers have become a tool..

3638d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I want it, only because I'd like to play some of my Vita games on the big screen.

3639d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Insomniac helped me start off my PS3 with Resistance fall of man.

Now they'll help me start off my XO with Sunset Overdrive.

White XO SO Bundle. :D

3639d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

“We’ve spent four years building the best game we could imagine,”

“Why would we ever do anything to hold it back?”

. . There's no convincing these clowns. They seem know better than actual developers. .

3639d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

What do you know about games development?

Efforts to 'punish' them will be futile.

Surely, a man knows this.

3639d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment

We need to let it go..

3639d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

I guess being on the "most powerful console" with great graphics and 1080p didn't help.

3640d ago 33 agree50 disagreeView comment

If only it were really that simple.

Blame Microsoft for PS4's shortcomings. SMH.

3641d ago 10 agree29 disagreeView comment

Yes. . if I'm able to tweak settings like PCs, sure. I can switch back and forth to see the difference.

On a console, I'd need to have the two games, two Tvs and two different consoles running the game side by side to notice, otherwise =>


3641d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Playstation exclusives are only comparable to XO ones when:

It's backed up by 10/10 reviews across the board, and dubbed greatest game of all time, also the majority online think it's a better game.

otherwise, "click-bait article", "different types of games" and finally "apples and oranges".

3641d ago 16 agree6 disagreeView comment

Would it put your mind at ease if I told you that, the PS4 is probably still running the game better than XO? Despite being the same resolution and frames.

The issue here isn't that fact that the game couldn't hit 1080p on PS4. The problem is, the resolution and frames rates is the same as XO.

In the minds of many, the PS4 has unlimited resources.

3641d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

How does one expect flawless performance from €399 hardware?

is this not the first Creed game built solely for the current consoles?

at the expense of frame rates and resolution, you get better A.I and increased NPC count on screen plus the best looking Assassins Creed yet.


1080p and 60frames, last-gen visuals, Stupid A.I, reduces NPC count... blurry textures.

and so forth.

3641d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment


If Sony and Microsoft had opted for 1080p & 60 frames standard capable hardware. You'd have to pay more for the consoles.

Then, people would complain that the console cost 600 bucks.

Price-performance ratio.

Also, Halo 2 Anniversary is running 2 engines at once. . so that players can switch between classic and modern GFX on the fly. Something has to give for that to be possible.

3641d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm glad I waited
'nd still waiting.

Why buy a console, if it doesn't have the games you want to play yet?

3642d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment