
CRank: 5Score: 9910

But not comparable to the maker of Windows. It is quite obvious who's got the better software engineers between Microsoft and Sony.

3632d ago 20 agree4 disagreeView comment

Just right..
Not too much, And not too less.

Quality over quantity.

I was actually worried if it'd be one of those padded games.
Now I've got to decided between this and shadow of mordor.

3632d ago 1 agree15 disagreeView comment

..PS4 hasn't ran any demanding games at 1080p and 60f either.

Battlefield 4
Watch dogs
Assassins creed Unity
Shadow of mordor

Even on the exclusive front, driveclub is 30frames, 1886 will be 30frames, second sons and shadow fall is 30f, unlocked 60f and sub1080p in multiplayer. You can't blame XO/multiplatform development here.

The PS4 isn't significantly better than XO spec wise, better nonet...

3632d ago 51 agree31 disagreeView comment

They don't have to outsell PS4 to be successful, but..

it's a marathon not a sprint.

They can gain a lot of market share if they maintain their strategy thus far. They can also be aggressive, Microsoft is no stranger to that.

and Phil is definitely the guy for the Job. .

Quantum break, Sunset Overdrive, Scalebound and Ori 'nd the Blind forest.

3-4 new ips being worked on, two of which will be out ...

3632d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

You can always count on spencer.

It won't stop more articles 'bout the parity nonsense.

Folks are going as far as making sh!t up now.

3633d ago 32 agree31 disagreeView comment

I wonder why the game is so unoptimised.

It runs poorly on both consoles, especially on XO.

Only the PC can do full HD and unlocked 60fps, even the PC version is unoptimised.

3633d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

It does what it's designed to do..

I guess we aren't ready to embrace new ways to play.

We just want our traditional controller, which is fine.

I'd love if devs married the two styles of play, not just one or the other.

3633d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's all in your head.

Sackboy is still as cute as ever..

3633d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

900p plus the game will be upscaled to 1080p to fit your screen.
Resolution is not an issue at all for KI.

60frames is a priority. It is a fighting game.

Gameplay centric.. Two characters on screen.

Why do you find that hard to comprehend?

Edit: also the graphics have been improved for the new season, not just resolution.

3633d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

The gaming community loves controversy, so much that the make their own sh!t up, and believe the hype.

besides that, we're cool :D

3633d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm looking forward to bloodborne as much as my next door neighbour. But. .

let's not exaggerate the difficulty.

The author describes Demons Souls as 'ultra-difficult'.


3633d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

2015 will be awesome

Full steam ahead from then on.

I'm very happy with fall 2014 thus far..

There's been a lot of good games. .

3633d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Unless you can't get enough. .

3634d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


.. So, The last of us is the first game to introduce a distraction mechanic. . right.

3634d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I would rather a dualshock 3 to be honest.
So, the DS3 bundle is fine for moi.

I already have a 32GB memory card for my Vita so I'm set for this.

3634d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

While your XO friends list temporarily down, the entire PSN is down.

Pick your poison.

3635d ago 39 agree32 disagreeView comment

Patience. I'm sure PSN users are use to the downtimes by now.

@RiPPn: Except, Xbox Live is up and running.

3635d ago 15 agree18 disagreeView comment

Guys...they are optional :)

I'd only attempt to get all points if I absolutely LOVE the game.
Otherwise, Nawh. .

Time's too precious.

3635d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

2014 - I'll have to give that to XO...and the WiiU.

The PS4 is no where to be found this year regarding exclusives.
But... In 2015 when the likes of Bloodborne, 1886 and U4 release.

Then..we can discuss PS4.

3635d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

You're curious to know about SALES rather than FUNCTIONALITY

3635d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment