
CRank: 11Score: 20970

The badges system sounds like a very interesting take on the classes, particularly the ability to mix and match two classes.

5791d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


We also didn't quote anyone from Microsoft or Nintendo. Additionally, we were only referencing quotes from 2008. Perhaps every gaming discussion must ignite some kind of flame war, but we don't feel that way.

5792d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Circus clowns? Don't you think that's a bit harsh? I love the Blezinski quote about betas though.

5792d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well story is a main focus of Old Republic. They've written more story for it than all of their previous games combined (according to them in an interview with GameSpot), so I think it'll pretty hard not to get too involved with the story.

5807d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And it justifies their purchase of BioWare so much. The MMO business, if successful is disgustingly profitable because of subscriptions. For example, 10 million subscribers at $15/month is $150 million per month in revenue. That's just disgusting.

5807d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I run a somewhat successful web publication, I freelance for GameSpot and AOL's I'm about to graduate with honors from St. John's University, and I have a part-time job at an advertising agency.

I have enough jobs actually.

5810d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

For quite possibly the first time in my game journo career, I've been called the voice of reason. That makes my hearts smile. It makes me feel like the guy in the cartoon I've attached.

5810d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


When discussing the game industry, the term software is synonymous with "games." It's just a different word for games. I'm not talking software in the traditional sense, which would be computer programs like MS Word or iTunes.

Also, your assertion that I am in anyway a fanboy is misguided. Anyone that knows me can back up my objectivity.

The problem with "media bias" is that people tend to take disagreements as bias. ...

5811d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, I am the co-publisher and founder of another gaming site (Gamer 2.0: I've written what some people would call anti-Sony articles, but it isn't because I dislike the PS3.

In fact, I will admit that in my pre-press years I was a Sony fanboy and Xbox hater. I thought the Xbox was big and clunky (much like Microsoft's still terrible OS and productivity programs), focused too much on graphics, and thought they had no real business being in the videogame ind...

5811d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

CliffyB is still young though. He has to wait a little longer, do a few more things :-P. We can't put Lebron James in the Hall of Fame yet either...I suppose lol.

5818d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bill already gets a lot of credit for starting Microsoft even though he practically stole everything he needed (DOS on the cheap; the faux partnership with Apple that kind of spurred the interface for Windows) for his success.

Gates was a hustla

5818d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I also feel the expanse of the West encroaching on the East. It's welcome for me though. I do like Japan's penchant for fantasy, but I'm finding myself a lot more engaged with games rooted more so in realistic settings like Mass Effect or BioShock.

5820d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like the choices, and I have an additional recommendation. Foo Fighters cover of Fade to Black by Metallica.

5835d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That was a hell of a good read. I would consider myself a low-ego, high task gamer.

5870d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm torn on this one. Gearbox is good, but Bungie not doing a Halo feels very unnatural. I'm sure they'll do an admiral job, but it wasn't exactly their baby.

It's all a bit disconcerting.

5870d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I also hope his mother does well and that he lands on his feet. Perhaps he can start working independently. Maybe he'll make the next Braid.

Do you guys know if he has a blog?

5870d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I definitely agree with the comments, hell, I wrote the article.

Look, games may have some effect on kids, just as TV, music, and movies can have an effect on some kids, but to find porn and alcohol consumption among teens less objectionable than playing a game like Grand Theft Auto IV is preposterous.

I attack porn in this article as a way to show you can demonize everything, but even porn isn't all that bad if the person subjected to it can handle the content.

5881d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ballsy statement on a much hyped game, but I have been thinking the same thing:

"What we hope for when the game comes out, is that intriguing gameplay isn’t the only thing that it will bring to the table, and that there is an equally intriguing story line to back it up. Our major concern is that it will fall victim to the same issue that plagued Assassin’s Creed: repetitiveness. All the sliding and jumping in the world won’t be able to save this game if doesn’t do more than ...

5891d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just want a BLOODY REMAKE! I would buy a remake for $80 new, but not a sequel. I hate spin-offs and sequels. If they did a sequel it would be terrible, IMO. I seriously see them just messing it up.

A sequel would have some half-baked story that didn't have nearly the tension, impact, heartache of the original. They've done "the story" in that world. There isn't the mythos of Sephiroth, the mystery of his past as well as yours, the identity crisis of Cloud, AERIS, unco...

5896d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm well aware Ready 2 Rumble was made by Midway. I was saying this seemed like EA's version of Ready 2 Rumble

5896d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment