
CRank: 11Score: 20970

But as I cite in the article, it could be interesting if OnLive can deliver on what it promised. It did impress at DICE.

Still, the tech you would need for it seems a bit crazy. OnLive's CEO Steve Perlman claims that for low-fi you'll need to be pulling 2 Gb down, which 75%+ of internet users already do.

For that extra oomph? 5gbs... about 26% of online population has that kind of speed.

It's not impossible, however. Consider tha...

5154d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Xbox has done a lot to shake off the RROD issues they've had and still has really compelling services including Netflix. A lot of people I know who haven't picked up a console yet find that as a big feature, while some consider the PS3's Blu-Ray as a big selling point.

There are still a lot of people who haven't made the leap to this generation as evidenced by PS2 software sales. Traditionally, a very large percentage of lifetime sales for a console come after 2 or 3 year as ...

5419d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nah, apparently some guy named JJ Abrams does that. I'm just giving you guys some background on who I am and what SmashPad is for those who ask.

I'm speaking for other "little blog" guys who have spent years in the industry, have something to say, but are dismissed by people who haven't put in that work.

Google my name along with "Gamer 2.0" or "SmashPad" to see other articles I've written and if you enjoy, then great. If not, no sweat...

5419d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

SmashPad is a side project of mine and extension of its mother site Gamer 2.0, which has been around since 2007. I'm an 8-year game journalism veteran whose written for publications such as GameSpot.

The article is mostly sarcastic as I've actually had pleasant e-mail exchanges with this Brian before (as I mentioned in the post.) But seriously, if you're a writer for Forbes and you post an article saying that what Sony has done with the PS3 Slim is "Too Little, Too Late,&quo...

5419d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's okay, I'm used to it after years of this stuff.

5419d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's no problem. My delivery in this one was for stylistic reasons and to call out Forbes for their terribly unprofessional article. I choose my voice depending on the kind of article I'm writing. I'm much more casual in blog posts, generally. I've actually freelanced for GameSpot in the past.

If you want a sense of my more professional tone, I'd suggest these two article that I think you'd probably enjoy.

Sony, Not Nintendo, Should Be Very Afraid of the iPhone ...

5419d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thanks, like I said, I've responded to a few of his articles in the past. In past articles, he's at least cited statistics (usually outdated, but statistics nonetheless). I was appalled by how void his article was of ANY justification. It sounded like a blog post written by an MS drone.

And that's coming from a 360 owner who doesn't even have a PS3 (yet, I'm liking the price drop even if the Slim is ugly)

5419d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"To show up one element of his argument"

What argument did the Forbes guy have? He only cited current price points, so I sourced a handy table rather than writing it out in a less comprehensible prose style.

There isn't really much I could have replied to his "argument" with because he didn't have anything. The point of my "smackdown" was to point out how poorly written of an article it was for a publication with the esteem of Forbes and...

5419d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll definitely agree with you on that end, themyk. I still personally think the 360 has better features (I wouldn't give my Netflix up for anything in the world), but I was never a big fan of XNE's look. I think the Cross Media Bar is superior, and the new animations look great. Hell, look at the vast majority of the comments here: Everyone thinks the LBP theme looks SICK

5420d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey everyone, SmashPad publisher here:

I had a long talk with our writer about this update, and his main point is that none of the updates are necessarily "bad" but they're pretty underwhelming especially since the firmware version got the 3.0 treatment. Usually in software releases ".0's" bring significant additions to user experience and there are no big additions.

I actually argued with him over the grade, but he made that point and I had to ag...

5420d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We talked about this after your interview and yeah, the negative reviews for Mirror's Edge don't make much sense. I can't say much about Dead Space since I only played it for about a half hour, but it has solid, if not exactly "groundbreaking," action.

But in regards to Mirror's Edge, I thought it was a damn fine game. I understand the issues some other reviewers had with it, but I didn't find them to kill the experience. I was actually grateful for the difficulty of th...

5615d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's beyond "long." That's a book lol

5634d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hardcore gaming is not just FPS. Many other genres fall into that category. RPGs, the adventure genre (which has all but died making it 'super-hardcore' lol) RTS, etc.

5634d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agreed that most of mainstream crap sucks but not necessarily everything and I don't subscribe to the belief that just because something is popular it's crap. Sometimes people get so into their anti-establishment beliefs that they dismiss perfectly good things as "bad" because they're "mainstream"

What I'm saying though is that there can only be but so many mainstream products before Company X's mainstream product isn't noticed by anyone because it's stuck b...

5634d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I see where you're coming from on that one, but I'm with blue. At least to me, hardcore games are more involving types of experiences (Halo, GTA, COD) while casual are short little pick up and play games along the lines of Rayman Raving Rabbids and so forth.

Also, both hardcore-styled games can be good (Mass Effect) and bad (Legendary) and casual games can be good (Rayman's not bad) and bad (Imagine Cheerleader).

But yeah, it does depend on your d...

5634d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A bit extreme, see my other comment. But I really just wanted to comment so that I could commend you on your avatar. I loved FFT.

5634d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I HIGHLY disagree. Everyone thinks this happens in EVERY entertainment medium. "MAINSTREAM MOVIES SUCK!" "MAINSTREAM MUSIC SUCKS" and they do, for the most part with just a few exceptions, but an large and fairly profitable independent audience grows and "films just like they used to make them" thrive in their own way. We're just seeing gaming getting larger, but not exactly worse.

After all, if EVERYONE tried to make the exact same thing - really ma...

5634d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe that's why that woman started hooking around in Second Life:

Italian Woman Tries Prostitution Through Second Life

5635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just wanted to touch on a few things.

I sometimes hate writing these kinds of articles because they're typically not read and quickly lumped in with the rest of the mindless drivel that's typically spewed out about the PS3 and its sales. So let me set some things straight:

* I have said publicly in the article linked in the blog post, that I think the PlayStation 3 will end this generation in the #2 spot in sales behind the Wii.

* My main thought is that...

5636d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that's simplifying it a bit much. If you look at the body of the 2008 year, the PS3 did really well. Once the economy went to hell, the 360 bumped up in no small part because of its price point. The December numbers are more of a reflection of value than anything else.

5642d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment