CRank: 5Score: 30310
2070d ago Show
2070d ago Show

Here is a partial transcript of this thief's discussion appearing as a guest on CNN: Nintendo be racist! Nintendo be keepin da Black man down! Doesn't Nintendo remember slavery!? What about slavery!!??

2092d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

I'm sure Microsoft is intending on beating the PlayStation 5 to market; The only time the Xbox brand ever became more successful than the PlayStation brand - albeit just temporarily for a few years - was with the Xbox 360 and that's because the Xbox 360 jumped the line and beat the PlayStation 3 to the market by a whole year.

I'm sure Microsoft and the XBox division are banking on this strategy for the next generation, so I'm sure they intend on hatching bef...

2092d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

You know what can save you even more money???

Not buying the game at all. They get Woke, We Make Them Broke. Go pound some more SJW crap, EA.

2095d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hey come on man! You're so mean. Don't be going and ruining all of the Xbot Fanboy's pie in the sky dreams by bringing up things like facts and reality. 😉😁

Seriously though, the best Xbox could ever hope for is coming in second place...but it's articles like this that point out, Hope springs Eternal...

2102d ago 14 agree3 disagreeView comment

You can always tell when we're on the backend of a console generation when all the Xbox Fanboys and all the Xbox brand loyalists come out with the whole "next gen will be different" schtick.

it's like a bunch of loser college students that proclaim that they're finally going to get laid next semester and next semester will be different than every single prior semester.

2102d ago 18 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome and it's real. Hyper-Leftist Snowflakes just go completely 180 degrees from the direction that Trump is located at. I'm hoping one day President Trump will be in favor of oxygen so then we'll start seeing all these Never-Trumper's stop breathing...

2103d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment
2103d ago Show
2103d ago Show

My god this just REEKS of desperation and self-assuring hyperbole; The Xbox brand loyalists are in hyper-drive right now trying to talk the Xbox brand up to take away from ANY discussion of the Playstation 4's dominance of 2018. This is just like last generation after PS3 overtook the X360 in lifetime sales, all the Xbot fanboys were then going with the narrative that Cross-Game Chat was THE defining feature of any game console.

2104d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

The games industry is just Racist. Soulja Boy dindu nuffin. He a good boy. The games industry just be keeping the Black man down! *Extreme Eye Roll*

2110d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

These ghetto thug rappers certainly have a penchant for ignorant, broken English thug ebonic talk. What I love is how people like you who just assume that I was suggesting that All Black people talk that way really just expose their own prejudices and their own habit to project; You obviously didn't think on that level and you view this pathetic rapper as any everyday Black person, otherwise you wouldn't have made such a stupid and blind comment. You're just like those virtue-sign...

2116d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

If this guy didn't have a lawyer to file on his behalf and to make his claim sound like actual appropriate English, I'm sure his entire deposition would be: "They be stealin' my fresh moves! Cultural Appropriation! The crackas that make Fortnite be keepin' da Black man down!"

His claim has absolutely no merit, but of course we all know this is all just a ploy to get free publicity; Just like that one rapper that "disavowed" Kanye West af...

2116d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

If this pinko thinks that anime T & A is the true "experience" to the Playstation platform, then he should seriously seek some help and/or should step off of his soap box because a real Playstation gamer wouldn't put so much weight on the ability to gaze and drool over anime titties. I would think that a real male gamer in this day and age - with the ability to pull up provocative free images and videos of real women literally at the tip of your fingers with smart phones- wo...

2117d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

That is exactly what I was going to say. Being a PC baby is the only meaning in the lives of these people. If that were taken away from them, they would be like in a house of mirrors; Confusion, lack of perception, unwarranted self-reflection, and lack of direction would be the only elements making up their existence.

2121d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Could somebody give me a tip on how exactly Uncharted the Lost legacy got caught up in this random frantic sjw fervor? I recently finished that game about a month ago and I really liked it and I saw absolutely no problem with it. Female characters like Chloe and Nadine actually were really great characters and those are the kind of female characters that I look forward to being in lead roles in future video games.

I interpreted nothing wrong with that game or its story or s...

2121d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

No you should be tolerant and then admit that Elizabeth Warren is the chief of your ancestor's tribe and you should admit that she is a Native American just as much as you...(if you know who Elizabeth Warren and her whole DNA test debacle that of course Fake News spun like a washing machine then you should understand the sarcasm here. 😉)

2121d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Do you want to hear something similar that's just as ridiculous? just look up the recent controversy regarding the new Batwoman film; The lead actress that has been casted to play Batwoman is not a full lesbian but is instead bisexual and apparently the batwoman character has always been a lesbian so now SJW NPCs on social media are crying and complaining that it is intolerance or homophobic or Misrepresentation or whatever to cast a non-fully lesbian woman to play a lesbian character... ...

2121d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

If the basement Liberal NPCs way of feeling relevant in today's world. A great majority of them do not actually have jobs or friends or families that they can pass on good habits and good sensibilities to, so they just complain and whine from the safety of their bean bag chairs and they just break their wrists patting themselves on the back complaining about non-issues and ignoring the real relevant issues.

2121d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment