CRank: 5Score: 30310

Well whatever it is, let's just hope he doesn't have such a shaky professional disposition as previous Xbox figureheads.

Example Given:

3349d ago 5 agree21 disagreeView comment

It's not about making them "ugly", but you're close. It's about making them adhere to some code of beauty that won't make all the femi-nazis feel insecure about themselves, which is then naturally followed by anger and keyboard backlash.

3350d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Vinyl has been making a big comeback, so they are with the times.

3350d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well you kind of have to look at it from a different angle. Is the CONTROVERSY that is being created around Shenmue 3 Overshadowing Sony's other E3 offerings? You see, that is very likely. Not that any of it has merit, because controversy and nay-say is just bound to happen anyway particularly from the people on the opposite side of the fence.

3352d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

You mean every FF game that's been released on Xbox? Yeah probably, but every FF game period? Oh hell no, especially the installments after FFX (with the only possible exception being FFXII, which I liked).

3352d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge.

Would you like to play...again?

You have

3357d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL. Now that was funny. But now I'm going to have that lame song stuck in my head for the rest of the day...

3361d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well of course sex has an effect. Sex is the only thing that has sold since the beginning of time.

3362d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Given the artistic design of the commercial set pieces and of the game itself, its more reasonable to say the name is more of a rip off of Game of Thrones and God of War, instead of Gears of War.

But aside from that, don't you just love how using sex to sell a product is being shamed now, but when something that's catered to women like Magic Mike XXL or whatever comes out, nobody seems to bring this topic up.

Only when sex is catered to men does it be...

3362d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly. Dammit Sony why don't you just COD-ify all of your IP's so that you can give video gaming "journalists" a new angle that they can go off of. Because we all know if Sony did make GT a yearly franchise, journalists would then complain about that and start spewing out articles with titles like:

"Does Sony Care About Making Quality Gran Turismo Titles Anymore?"

"Does Making Gran Turismo a Yearly Franchise Indicate It Is L...

3367d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

This may have been an accident, but N4G made a slip-up of its own; Planetside 2 Is In Fact Available NOW for Free in the US PSN Store, and not just in the UK. I live in California and I'm downloading it right now.

3378d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was going to put you up to task and ask you to actually substantiate your comment with facts and information, but then I realized you have one bubble. And that alone kills any hope of you having a legitimate opinion.

Just remember kid, Don't run with scissors.

3380d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment


3380d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

You don't know what anyone else would or wouldn't do and that's a fact, so why don't you single bubble MS sycophants stop coming in with your predictable "comments" or come up with something new. Sheesh!

Xbox Fanboy Food for Thought...

3380d ago 21 agree12 disagreeView comment

Of course the pissy Xbox sycophants think it was a horrible conference, because the goal posts have now been realigned again; before E3 it was "Only Teh Holidays Matter". Now the new standard is "Only Teh Backwards Compatibility Matterz".

What's funny is despite BC always being a great feature, that seems to be the only real "Megaton" from Microsoft's conference. And I say that because that is really the only bragging point that Xbox Fanb...

3385d ago 14 agree3 disagreeView comment

Not true at all, but even if it was, that didn't keep you from enjoying Titanfall, now did it?

BTW, referring to your last response to a comment of mine, if you hate PS Fanboys so much, why are you trolling Sony-related articles?

Edit: LOL, MariaTheGreat your account is less than an hour old? You are already down to three bubbles? You are one persistent (not to mention pathetic) troll.

3386d ago 52 agree8 disagreeView comment

...and Kinect, I mean if you really want to go full circle with your pessimistic outlook and not look too much like a fanboy.

3386d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was practically in awe throughout the whole demo. From what we've seen today, Horizon definitely has the potential to become the next big blockbuster IP for Sony.

3386d ago 42 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sony's conference has amazed so far. I thought they were going to close the show with the announcement of Final Fantasy 7 but nope hopefully they have something even more amazing.

3386d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


"Sony just won E3..."

was there ever any doubt???

Sony clearly has not become complacent with the ps4's success; they are still bringing their best.

3386d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment