CRank: 5Score: 30310

If it could somehow be done in a natural, logical way according to the narrative and canon, that sure I'm all for it. but if it was a shoehorn tactic just to appease all the hyper leftist lunatics, then no it would fail. #GetWokeGoBroke

If Sony wanted the next God of war to fail as badly as Captain Marvel is going to fail, then yeah then I would say it's a great idea. Identity politics is a plague, so these kinds of things must be done with great care and considerat...

1943d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh no! Somebody's huggies seem to be all wet and itchy. That's a no-no, because babies get very cranky when their huggies get very soiled and itchy. Who here on N4G wants to change Belasco's diapers???

1957d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Phil Spencer is basically a used car salesman, and this Duke Nukem Forever-grade bomb proves it.

Maybe next gen, right Spencer??? Just wait until next gen...give all the little Xbot fanboys some new empty promises to go by.

1957d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just another momentous over-sell by puff artists Phil Spencer. With this glorious letdown, The Xbox fanboys must now feel like all the kids feels when they find out that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny where just figments of their wild little imaginations.

1957d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

What the hell happened to the destructible buildings?????? That was a major selling-point of this game...

Oh well. Better luck next gen, right Xbox Fanboys???

Teh Powah of Teh Clowd will be back and it will actually be real next gen, am I rite???

1957d ago 25 agree0 disagreeView comment looks like Microsoft is certainly poised to overtake Sony in the blockbuster Exclusives department...yep...Sony better watch PlayStation's back because Microsoft is starting to gain on doubt about that...LOL!!! 😆😁

Oh I thought I could make it through that joke, but I just couldn't.

1957d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment
1959d ago Show

I put you to task first to substantiate your character assassination claims against President Trump and you completely sidestepped that and since you're now running out of steam, you're focusing on the Mexican border wall funding...

You are clearly a long bridge to nowhere and you could have saved us both a lot of time by just being honest and just expressing your true underlying principle: "orange man bad orange man bad".

The longer pe...

1976d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

The only time I would denounce any of your sources as liberal is if it was indeed a leftist source. Do you not know of any non hyper-leftist news sources? Like any of these:
1976d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

Well even if Trump is pushed to the brink and has to use his Executive powers, that would still only account for one instance in a tally that is still significantly below Barack Obama's tally. After all, Obama signed more executive orders in his first 12 days in office than Donald Trump. Aside from that, you seem to make it appear taboo if a President declares an executive order at all, and that seems to stem from some kind of irrational and illegitimate disdain of President Trump.

1976d ago 12 agree8 disagreeView comment

You know why Trump hasn't declared a national emergency yet? Because he has tried to avoid such an extreme measure and is still trying to see if the Democrats will cooperate. Only someone with TDS and/or in complete denial would try to portray that as a fault.

I can already gleam from your ad hominem, Fake News manufactured talking points of Trump being immoral and cheating with pornstars and acting like a pre-teen (oh BTW, you left out him having small hands and being ...

1976d ago 12 agree8 disagreeView comment

@knickstr, If you don't know that Republicans do indeed control the Senate and the Democrats do not have absolute Congressional power, as you seem to believe, then what else are you ignorant of?

I assume you also believe all of the Democratic histrionics about impeaching Trump, which is by the way would have to be done with a complete lack of due cause and evidence, but of course we all know that Democratics and leftists feel that their feelings and their prejudices ar...

1976d ago 17 agree11 disagreeView comment

Here's an actual news update for you: President Trump didn't cave at all; He's simply giving the Democrats until February 15th to finally come up with a compromise. He has only reopened the government in order to serve as a relief for all the government workers that have been on furlough. Now if the Democrats still want to act like globalist swamp rats and still did not come to a compromise to fund the Border Wall by 02/15/19 then Trump is fully justified to declare a national eme...

1976d ago 33 agree16 disagreeView comment

"your character has a child from a heterosexual relationship..." there any other kind of relationship which can result in procreation???

No there is Not.

Oh but excuse me! I don't mean to sound racist or sexist or homophobic or intolerant or whatever-have-you by relaying scientific biological fact. I know that Lunatic Leftist Feelings supercede reality and rationality and facts. 🙄😏

1976d ago 41 agree7 disagreeView comment

Just go and look up the experience that Owen Shroyer from Infowars had when he was at a Women's March just recently (I don't know if it was the one that was recently canceled because there were too many white women there, but they all are pretty much the same). He was grabbed in the crotch violently by a woman, on camera, and the woman just stood there contining to mock him and laughed at the idea of him having her arrested for sexually assaulting him.

These hyper l...

1976d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know how we can all change it? Never vote Democrat again and don't just ignore but specifically decry the orwellian fake news complex.

1976d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

And this kind of arrogant, chauvanustic hyper-leftist rhetoric is what is known as "Toxic Effeminity".

If you have more estrogen than testosterone in your body as a man and you can not attract a woman, what else can you do??? You can pretend that you hate men and even basic principles of masculinity as well and you essentially try to attract women by pretending to be their girlfriend.

Soy boy culture.

1976d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment
1981d ago Show
1981d ago Show
1981d ago Show