Kevin butler For the Mutha F*ckin WIN"


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at this point i don't think a price drop on the 360 would really help it out as much since it kinda already hit the sweet spot with the arcade units being $199. I mean if you are looking for the cheapest HD gaming system on the market without all the bells and whistles that the other skus offer (especially in this economy), the arcade unit is the one a lot of average joes and "kids who don't want a wii" would choose.

And at $199 id be willing to say that a significant a...

5550d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really and truly want to believe this, but that site might not be credible. Until we hear it officially from sony from their blog, this site could have just as much credibility as some of you guys favorite website, .just saying

But if its true, FvCK YEAH

5550d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

i'm wondering what exactly is your definition of "not selling"? last i checked its doing pretty well

5550d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Seriously funny sh!t man

5551d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The ironic thing is that while trying to prove pwnsauce wrong, you actually helped out his argument quite a bit, his point is that fan for MS should harp so much about the 8 million or less lead they have, as tides can always turn. And besides, its not like the 8 million or less lead it has makes the ps3 any worse as far as quality goes

A price cut would help out sony much more than it did for MS in my opinion.

5551d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought last year raped my wallet, oh well, let me start handing my wallet over to sony

5551d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

He does own a ps3....

5551d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

If a majority of the customer base are casual gamers ( soccer moms, younger kids, older people ) I would think they need to focus on getting more games geared towards the more than casual gamer, these are the ones that would like to take gaming online more so than the others i mentioned.

Thats not to say the casual crowd wouldn't go for it. But honestly, i think die hard gamers already get their fix on their 360s and ps3s and i don't think ninty has a chance in hell to catching ...

5551d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seriously, what the FVck are you rambling on about? if you are gonna hate sony, do so in coherent posts, not that gibberish you just spat out.

And please try not to pull facts out of your ass next time, it makes you sound like an ignorant person who just likes to be heard

5551d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

to judge by this small gameplay vid. Really isn't too much of a graphical improvement from this vid though but i think we should wait for it to be seen on our tvs.

However, i don't believe some would be perfectly ok if it was of the same graphical quality as the first game. I think all gamers want the sequels for their games they play to be better than its predecessor, graphical and gameplay wise. To say other wise sounds like hogwash. This DOESN'T make someone a graphics whore, ...

5552d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

That patch that came out for it fix most of the graphical hiccups the game had at release for the ps3. The first game was pretty good, but not this groundbreaking experience like some made it out to be, just my opinion though and it gets kinda stale and boring a lil more than half way thru

It was a rental for me, not because of no multiplayer, but because besides the fact that you can try to beat it on harder modes, there really was no reason to go thru it multiple times unless ...

5552d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really think you expected too much for a dlc announcement shortly after its release. These maps might cost money, but if they are free cool. I see them raising the level cap via patch, not thru dlc so everyone can experience it. Kinda how they added the superhuman co op mode for Resistance 2 through a patch

5552d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

So looking forward to it, hopefully they scale it and make it bigger, my memory is bad right now, but i don't recall the stage being too huge

5552d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i agree with you 100%. The fact that sony was able to sell more units in the same amount of time than MS is amazing , at least to me. Thats the only way people should compare sells instead of looking at a year head start by MS and saying "that 6.6 million lead is awesome".

Both systems are selling decently but im more impressed with the ps3 as far as life to date sells are concerned. All that and it cost more and was able to cut down the lead? color me impressed.

5554d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

not even spell checking could help that gibberish out. Failed attempt at sounding like a fanboy on his part

5561d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Those same late adopters are potential customers for the new system, they shouldn't simple be discarded like they don't matter, unless MS doesn't care about sales anymore,

You get them in, you show them what they have been missing, and wow them with whats new on the newer system. Don't be bitter because the newer owners are paying less now. I think a company should treat their customers equal instead of favoring those who adopted earlier. Unless they want to lose that customer,s ...

5561d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

LULZ! thanks for the laughs but im sure you are aware that Treyarch made the last CoD game right? and Infinity Ward is making this one, so its really been two years since the team that made CoD4 has made another game.

That doesn't mean it wont be more of the same though, hopefully its a large improvement over its predecessors

5563d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was a great game but lets not start pretending it made great strides as far as innovation goes. It did what it did well, thats it, thats all

5563d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are aiming for a duke nuke em vaporware title for this next one...

5568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Perhaps he did read the article, no need to get your panties in a bunch.

From his statement, i read: The quality of a game to him is valued more than the amount of hours a game can provide. (although these two CAN go hand in hand, its not always the case )

If you read him saying quality games are better than the amount of games a system has, i think you read it wrong.

Games like uncharted were the perfect length, never felt like it dragged on for longer ...

5568d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment