Kevin butler For the Mutha F*ckin WIN"


CRank: 5Score: 28600

Dude give it a phucking rest man, some didnt like this guy's review. We all have opinions and we are entitled to them right? then the same can be said when someone has an opinion about this review.

I could care less about reviews but you seem to be on some crusade defending the review. You yourself have stated no one (gamers, which is also wrong seeing as though some like myself have gotten ahold of early copies) has played the full game so who are we to judge. Wouldn't that inc...

5600d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Even before this game was announced as multiplatform ( doesn't matter to me for obvious and various reasons ) My interest in it has be waning. Maybe its me getting older, or maybe its the onslaught of other great games coming out NOW for the ps3 and yes, for the 360.

I mean, infamous, uncharted 2, prototype, lost planet 2, mass effect 2, dead rising 2, amongst a sh!tload of other games coming out, its getting harder for me to look forward to the next FF game like i use to back w...

5602d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not defending him or anything, but i saw those same shows you are talking about and read the same posts. As far as i know, he NEVER said it was a 100% true and was fact. Clearly from the way he was talking about the things you mentioned any average joe shmoe knows it was a rumor.

Unless im wrong of course, do you think you can link us to some of the stuff when he says its a fact, no doubt in his head that its gonna happen?

True, the headlines that comes from tha...

5602d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What bothers me is the way he comments in the comment section, seems pretty unprofessional and looks as if he just wanted to get some flame wars going and hits to the site.

Why the hell would a reviewer find a need to defend his review? His review should do all the talking.

5603d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This new footage provided doesn't look as good as the one with the chick imo, this game has went from a no buy for me to a a possible buy when it comes out since it has been moved till 2010.

Thats not to say the graphics are bad because they aren't, it just seems as if it needs some more polish kinda like what the demo with the chick had. I got faith in them though. Besides, im in to thrillers with a good story and this should be awesome if they pull it off right

5604d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

it doesn't sound fanboyish but some eager xbox 360 fans might take it that way.

It actually makes sense, the original xbox wouldn't have been what it was without bungie making halo 1 and 2. And because of that, it spawned halo 3 ( not my fav fps game but arguably one of the most successful fps series, like it or not, it has done great ). Without bungie, the original xbox or the 360 wouldnt have moved nearly as many numbers as it has. Might get some disagrees with that but its tru...

5605d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Clearly if you would reread his very first comment ( its the first one period ) he mentions the cryengine 3 demo for home consoles which hasnt been featured in a game on either home console yet, which is the point the most are making. Crysis on the pc is top notch, granted. But the cryengine3 for the consoles is a different story. Its nice looking also, but has yet to prove itself in an actual game yet. Although it may be a bit of a stretch to call him a 360fanboy, i can see how some would ac...

5610d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

didnt know the amount of sales for a game is how websites and magazines pick out their GOTY, sh!t in the case wii fit cant be beat right?

I do think that if ubisoft can nail the fun factor down they will have a contender on their hands for AC 2, but that really remains to be seen. So far over the last few big games ubisoft has done, i have been a tad bit disappointed

5611d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because they are fanboys?

5612d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A nice try at the end of it, im trying to be a smart ass? sure buddy, whatever helps you but that wasn't the case

You said the score was pretty much spot on with what yours would be, i assumed you meant the lasting appeal also since that was a rather large reason why the score was lower.

The reason why i mentioned that both reviewers scored the graphics the same was because of your original post ( not because of your response to ps3freak18 ), where you complain abou...

5612d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dont some people ever get tired of phrases like system seller? seriously Aus, who have you heard say this was a system seller? Its like you wanna give the game a "job well done" compliment but just had to let some fanboyishness in "Its not a system seller lolol". i guess sales really are more important to some people

5613d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You sound a bit upset that the other ign sites scored it better in their opinions, just let it go, if you would have looked at the info you provided more carefully, you would have saw that graphics was rated the same

Also as the guy above me mentioned, the reason the score is a tad bit lower is for lasting appeal, its not cuz they thought the graphics was of lower quality than what greg miller found. Greg has played it thru with both good and evil and thought the lasting appeal i...

5613d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Really? how so?

5614d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

IW doesn't do a CoD game every year....

5615d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

its as if its required to mention KZ2 with some of you guys, just let it go, we are focusing on MW2 here, not CoD4, not KZ2, and not metacritic.

Its like you have to find a reason to bring KZ2 down because it is indeed one of the most impressive looking titles to hit home consoles "bu..bu..but it has a lower metacritic score than CoD4"
But really, who gives a damn? its only by 3 points and who says metacritic is a good way of judging how most gamers think anyway...

5615d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

mass, incorrect labeling FTL

5615d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its not first person....

5615d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They might not be losing money in your mind since they never had it, but thats only common sense that they are losing potential sales which in turns means they are losing money.

If Bioshock would have been released on the ps3 at the same time as the 360 version, it would have sold much better than it did when it hit the ps3 at a later date. The reason being is the interest in the game was a lot lowered by then, especially when you had other great games hitting the system around i...

5615d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you should know better than to use common sense by now

5615d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

you shouldn't compare the wii sales to the 360 sales, because then some rabid fans of the 360 will point out " bu..bu..but that means it killed the ps3 lolulz!"

5615d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment