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When what you feared comes true

Those of us who have been playing computer games long enough became all too familiar with companies selling us broken games that they fixed later, or in some cases never really fixed at all.

You'd buy a game, get it home, and then find it was such a crash ridden and bug ridden mess that it was nearly unplayable. The company that sold you a broken game knew it was broken, they just didn't care, they had your money and so they take the attitude that they can just "Fix It" later.

And by "Fix It" I mean "Finish".

When consoles began their inevitable march toward online ability we looked forward to playing consoles with an unlimited number of people across the world instead of just playing them with a few local friends but online capability has brought with it the twisted game developer idea that a game can be released then patched later.

Now, this is not to say any game developer who patches a game after it's released is up to no good. Most companies want to release products that are stable and function correctly and sometimes in spite of their best efforts a title can go to market with a serious flaw. Patches that improve a game, fix issues QA missed, or just clean up little annoying issues are always welcome.

On the other hand we've already seen games that came to market obviously broken and in need of months and months of more development/testing... But hey, a patch is released later so it's fine now right?

No it isn't.

Situations will crop up in which a patch will never be released for one reason or another. The most common of these situations is that a game was rushed to market because the company or group that was making it was about to go bust and they hope a quick infusion of cash from sales will keep them going for awhile... Except it doesn't happen and they close up shop, leaving a broken game on the market.

What's sad is that people predicted this. In all of the screaming excitement about consoles going online there were a few quiet voices bemoaning the forthcoming "Release it now and fix it Later" games, and our fears are coming true.

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10 Xbox Exclusives That Deserve a PlayStation Release

There are a ton of great Xbox exclusives that would thrive if released on the PlayStation. So, here are ten titles that should make the leap.

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Community15m ago
purple1013h ago

Seuna and starfield on that list

2 games PlayStation we’re going to have, had ms not brought them

On a second note, why would ps fans want these 7/10 games when they’re used to 9/10’s

Lightning7749m ago

Hellblade 2 has a similar score as the first one.

purple10120m ago

you raise a very fair point

let me open up a new view some have thought but perhaps not said.

when seuna was on Ps, it was viewed as a small indie game, nothing that would tip any scales, but a welcome edition all the same. Everyone knew it was a small 'art' game.

when seuna was on xbox, its hailed as a big exclusive for that year, a major release.

truthBombs2h ago

and Xbox deserves God of War, Returnal, Uncharted... Yeah I know it sounds silly right?

A simple horizon lego games literally skipped Xbox. MS can do whatever they want with their IPs that's fine.

Nothing is deserved. Be consistent with the stupid articles.

darthv721h ago

SSOD seems plausible, since IG owns the IP. They wanted to make SSOD2 but MS wasnt interested and then Sony bought them. So, Sony should have let them do that one before sidling them with SM games. And Psychonauts 2 is on PS... its not an exclusive. QB2 is something Id love to see Remedy bring to fruition like they did AW2. It just took longer than expected.

Lightning7747m ago

"deserved" is a bit strange. "Want to see on PS" I get that but deserved sounds like major entitlement.

Julion071542m ago

Xbox have no games, Xbox games sucks but on their knees for a port when will it make sense?

Lightning7735m ago

I remember back in 2019 and 2020 on Twitter they said Xbox wasn't doing nothing with those studios. Just sitting on them, not developing nothing. Thinking these games take a year to make or something.


Nintendo Direct Announced for Tomorrow, With 40 Minutes of Switch Games Coming Out Later This Year

Nintendo has finally provided a date and time for its June Direct, which is set for Tuesday, June 18th at 7am PT / 10am ET.

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Community1h ago
VenomUK3h ago

I’d love to see a nice, accessible, mainstream fun game in time for the Christmas season.

Hotpot2h ago

They've confirmed no hardware announcement in it lol, the wait continues.

Terry_B1h ago

Won't watch it but look forward to any news of multiplatform games. Maybe the long rumored Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster will be shown finally.

Kurisu1h ago

Love Final Fantasy, but I suck at Tactical games. I tried to play War of the Lions but my god, was I awful at the game and barely touched it. The game gets so much praise though and I'd love for the remaster to roll around for all the fans!

Stanlittle1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Nintendo PLEASE let Switch 2 be an OLED

ABizzel135m ago

By all intents it should, with them maybe making a “lite” LCD version just to have an affordable option for consumer that Nintendo can still profit off of Day 1 or Year 1 - 2.

neomahi1h ago

Oh, it's IGN. Who cares......

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Boomerang RPG Review - Hardcore iOS

Train your attack power, put on your armor, grab your magically enchanted boomerang and run. Keep running, and never stop.

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