
Mass Effect 3: Opinion Video

Mass Effect 3 Opinion Video.

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Ashunderfire864578d ago
Ashunderfire864578d ago (Edited 4578d ago )

This is why you can't trust critics, especially the ones who got paid to say just the good things about the game. They would never mention that Mass Effect 2 and 3 is the only games were you have to switch 2 disc 3 to 6 times. They would never mention that many might not like the ending that just make no sense. They would never mention the plot holes of the game. So what if gamers are making a petition to change the ending let them do it. I am tire of journalist saying that you can't change their vision of the game. Blah Blah Blah!!! The fact of the matter is they knew from the very beginning when they started the Mass Effect series, that it was going to be a decision based game like Kotor, and Jade Empire before it.Why streamline the game to just one path leading to 3 endings that look very similar to each other? This guy think we are all just kids? We are gamers just as old as him. Mass Effect 3 needs to be fixed and another trilogy in the future. They could talk about the race before the Protheans. They might have been the true creators of the Reapers, cause machines don't create themselves. Halo is getting another trilogy too with their mystery about who were the Forerunners.

Nimblest-Assassin4578d ago

Well I'll agree with him on two things.

It is stupid to attack the people at Bioware and tank the metacritic user score.

However, there is a reason people are disappointed at this ending and that is because all that time we invested in this series, just ended.

It was so abrupt, it felt like a slap to the face kind of like the ending of Halo 2. It just feels like your scrotum just took a quick jab, and before you realize you are on the ground crying.

I don't mind if the endings are changed or not, if they add to them it is great. But I want to see the response Bioware has about the endings because I want to know why they ended this incredible franchise in the way they did.

But I will do so in a civilized manner, not rage like what most of the internet is doing.

--Onilink--4577d ago (Edited 4577d ago )

honestly people, dont even bother watching this video.

The guy is literally making an opinion video to tell you have no right to voice your opinion.

He can complain about games on his reviews, but you are not allowed to, otherwise you are an entitled whiner.

You need to be proactive when you dont like something, but again, you are an entitled whiner if you voice your opinion on Petitions or forum posts.

He doesnt even talks about the very specific and non-debatable issues that fans are talking about regarding the endings.

The only good point he makes is about how some people have reacted in a completely disrespectful manner, but then goes on to generalize that all the people that are voicing their discomfort on petitions/forums/etc are all the same as those who reacted in an improper way.

004577d ago

This is kind of funny coming from IGN.


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anast202d ago

He was one of my least favorite characters. I wish they would have done the Proths different.


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