
Mass Effect 3 ending originally led to ME4, says ex-BioWare writer

Mass Effect 3, BioWare’s staple space RPG, originally had an ending which would dovetail into a fourth game in the main series, says one ex-studio writer

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-Foxtrot744d ago

I mean they had that ending with Shepard breathing, gasping for air in the rubble, but they never elaborated on it which is a shame because I thought the expanded ending they did would have given us more

anast743d ago

ME 3 felt like patchwork. I enjoyed the world design better in ME1 and the story of ME 2, but ME 3 lost me. It wasn't that good. I actually prefer Andromeda over ME 3.

QuarkZ743d ago (Edited 743d ago )

My face is tired just reading your comment

anast743d ago

Nice. You might need a nap after that one.

Ashunderfire86743d ago


You didn’t get the reference?

Well I guess your face is tired to think also 🙃

MontyeKristo742d ago

I didn't get it; what's it from?

Ashunderfire86738d ago


That reference is from Mass Effect Andromeda. One NPC lady said her face is tired 😴 and it became a meme the internet took notice!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 738d ago
HollowIchigo25743d ago

I am willing to criticize ME3 all day long
but don't compare it to the abomination that is Andromeda. Andromeda almost killed the Mass Effect franchise. It's one of the worst games Bioware made and if it weren't for Anthem it would have been THE worst.

anast743d ago (Edited 743d ago )

I just compared it. Bioware/EA did an extremely poor job with ME 3, the story was okay even the ending, but the game itself is not good. The Citadel felt claustrophobic with a loading screen to push through the next small space. It was jarring and it took me out of the game. It felt like EA trimmed everything down to save money. The fact that it was nominated for a GOTY just shoes how long game journalism has been corrupt.

If we are to mention bugs, then every game of recent memory is okay or below save a few outliers.

Lastly, almost every single game in gaming has sucky writing and dialogue, so we can't really hold that against Andromeda or ME 3 either. The bar for any kind of literary art is set really low in games. There are some outliers that reach acceptable levels but for the most part game writing is in a horrible state.

Pocahontas743d ago

I loved Andromeda except for all the virtue signalling

HollowIchigo25743d ago

Mass Effect 3 was a better game, period. Citadel wasn't great? ok but the rest of the game was fun. ALL the priority missions in ME3 were good, Tushanka, Palaven , etc were great . The whole *feel* of the earth being invaded and having to bring everyone together to defend it was amazing. Even the DLC like Leviathan and Omega are better than everything in Andromeda. Please tell me what is better in Andromeda? which mission/part stood out for you?

anast743d ago


Both games were okay storywise. Okay means nothing really stands out. Since both games were okay all the way through the only thing that stood out to me was how cheaply EA/Bioware approached the Citadel in ME 3. It was bad, bad enough to throw me out of the game. ME 3 has a mediocre story with subpar design. Andromeda was mediocre experience across the board. Once again okay means nothing stands out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 743d ago
LordoftheCritics743d ago

The disagrees says it all.

ME3 was a great game with a botched ending to the trilogy.

anast743d ago

I could get a million downvotes saying "Candy Crush is sh#$". None of that matters.

ChasterMies743d ago (Edited 743d ago )

I never joined the internet dogpile on Mass Effect 3. Truth is that it had great missions that felt huge and a cutscene with the biggest space battle I have ever seen. The ending was a little jarring because the war between organicas and synthetics was only part of the larger narrative. Still a great game and now you have an even longer ending that ties up loose ends. You also don’t need to play on-line to get the “best” ending. (Back in the day, I had to use a free Xbox Live weekend to finish up all the on-line requirements.) Anyway, Mass Effect Andromeda should have received more love from EA. If it was better, we wouldn’t pine for Mass Effect 4.

VenomCarnage89743d ago

As someone who didn't play the series, the title comes off as absurd.
The third ones ending almost led us into the 4th one?? You don't say! How wild of concept that would've been!

Knightofelemia743d ago (Edited 743d ago )

You're missing out by not playing the trilogy.

VenomCarnage89742d ago

I definitely missed out on the first one, I only had a ps3 at the time unfortunately. I've been meaning to grab the PS4 remaster trilogy during a digital sale to check them out

Knightofelemia742d ago (Edited 742d ago )

ME1 eventually came to PS3 digitally first then EA threw the ME1 and released an ME trilogy on PS3.

CobraKai743d ago

I never experienced the very original ending before the patch. I need to look it up

Rebel_Scum743d ago

imo it was better than the patched version. Some things are best left open ended.

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