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Proof Mass Effect 3 Endings Were Indoctrinations writes "Mass Effect 3's endings were disappointing to many for more reasons than one. One of our members has an excellent video behind the "true" ending and is gaining support by the minute. Check out the video below and tells us what you think in the comments."

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Spoiler in title.
Nikhil4579d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(0)
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Community4580d ago
Double_Oh_Snap4580d ago

This, people happy with the ending lol there not even real.

Chuk54580d ago

So this random guy's theories (as intresting as they are) are now fact?

TheGOODKyle4580d ago

Even I don't think this is fact. I'm just using what the game gave me. Also, there's more stuff about the kid's voice, the dreams, etc. It's all very complicated to regurgitate here. But on the Bioware forums they are livid.

Chuk54580d ago

I think the video makes good points. All this discussion of the ending reminds me of the massive discussion around Limbo's ending. However, it's Hollowtipz comment that I take issue with.They're pretty much saying people are foolish for believing that the ending was real.

Double_Oh_Snap4580d ago

read it and weep facts buudy

JaredH4580d ago (Edited 4580d ago )

I don't think the title of the article should have a maybe massive spoiler. I guess


But yeah this ending makes the most sense to me since I learned about it a couple days ago but if it's real isn't this just going to add fuel to the fire for hating Bioware, EA and DLC since the actual ending will be probably be released as DLC then. Like it'll make people happy but just as many will be mad...

crxss4580d ago

so basically Shepard's just waking after being the reaper hits him after he breaks from indoctrination? makes sense but that means he still has to reach the conduit after he gets up. it also means that Bioware delivered us a game without an actual ending?? and they were going to give us one through DLC?? that just adds more fuel to the fire for Bioware/EA being DLC $$$ wh0res.

Raf1k14579d ago

This theory isn't fact at all but IMO this theory turns an otherwise kind of crappy ending into something so much better. It still wouldn't be the everyone lives happily ever after ending we wanted but it's certainly interesting.

Nimblest-Assassin4579d ago

What does indocrtination mean? I have heard it multiple times in Me3, and I looked up the definition, but it escapes my understanding, anyone want to clarify?

Coolmanrico4579d ago

From what I got from the in game journal, indoctrination mean that the reapers has planted a thought into your head and is slowly trying to take control of your mind. The victim is mostly unaware of it.

Aloren4579d ago

If this is true (and it looks like it could be, from the points in this video, and some others like the different voices the boy take etc), it could be a very interesting ending.

Now, what would be pure genius, is if Bioware actually planned to enrage everyone with this ending for 2 or three weeks (with all the risks it implies from a business perspective) before releasing a surprise and free "Live to fight another day" DLC with the final chapter of the game. Now, that's wishful thinking obviously, but it would go down in history as the greatest "coup" in a video game. Just imagine the impact on the fans... just like waking up from a bad dream. If oyu have to pay for it it would still be a coup, but it would also still be a bad dream.

And BTW, bioware are awfully silent about this, I mean absolutly no reaction, no usual speech about their fans, etc, that has to mean something...

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donator4580d ago (Edited 4580d ago )

Whatever endings/theories people believe in is their choice. I understand people are upset and are actively looking to salvage the endings by supporting alternative endings/theories. But some of these things I think are desperate grasping at straws.

1. Wasn't wearing armor: Maybe Bioware found it easier/cheaper to make one damaged armor model than for each set/piece of armor.

2. Infinite ammo: Lots of games do this where they give you infinite ammo for set pieces in case you waste ammo. If you were like me, you tried shooting the kid. What if you ran out of ammo? You can't destroy the reaper tube thing then.

3. Running shadow animation versus slow walk. Could just be because of the engine or the way they process shadows. If you played Dead Island and looked at your shadow, it looks really weird (exampe:

Whoops, meant to post in reply to HOLLOWTIPZ's theory.

Simon_Brezhnev4580d ago

Whats funny is I really think Bioware will use this indoctrination theory in some DLC to make it an ending. I bet they didnt even think about it nor do they care. All they care about is money.

ljh2174579d ago

One massive plothole for me was how the hell did liara get back on the normandy at the end.

Aloren4579d ago

The normandy crash scene looks like a dream imo. If the endoctrination theory happens to be true, it could very well be Harbinger's attempt to give some rest to Shepard, you know, the whole "and your friends crashed and lived happily ever after in the garden of eden, so now will you die already ?" and then the catalyst would say "leave harbinger alone !! leave him alone ! I'm serious !"

4579d ago
Double_Oh_Snap4580d ago (Edited 4580d ago )

People in every article agreeing with nonsense. SPOILERS SPOILERS I will be discussing endings below.

Ok someone needs to tell you why people are pissed and I guess it's me. So your happy with the ending are you? Well news flash you've been played by bioware.

Now I will explain SPOILERS The so called end of ME3 is not the end. If Anderson was vaporized by Harby which is clearly seen how do I see him? How do I have Unlimited ammo? How did I get to the citadel? comm said nobody made it, and if Anderson didn't get vaporized then how did he get to the counsel before me there's only one way? Why does the illusive man appear eaper like all of a sudden?

Isn't everything you see oddly similar to previous games? TIM shooting himself, the human corpses, and shepards fear of being controlled since ME2. Why does the GOD/CHILD tell me things I know and doesn't explain the things I don't. If the reapers kill us so we don't make synthetics that will always kill us. Then what was me uniting the quarians and the geth, and If i'm the first organic there how does the GOD/CHILD know what happens when I activate the crucible? It's never been made before only a blueprint for thousands of years. Heres the defining moment you know it was a dream, I chose destroy blew up citadel, mass relays and all but I awoke on earth in my ending. Now I purpose this theory.

Double_Oh_Snap4580d ago

1. The endgame scenario is Indoctrination/Manipulation from the Reapers (Harbinger) trying to force you into choosing to let the Reapers live. Shepard is not awake during the final sceens!

2. Choosing to control the Reapers allows them to live. Reapers win. They will still exist.

3. Choosing to combine organic and synthetic life: Reapers win. They will still exist.

4. Choosing to destroy all synthetic life: Reapers loose. Shepard lives. Reapers die.

5. Choosing to destroy all synthetic life option is more Renegade in appearence. Controlling the Reapers is more Paragon in appearence. The Illusive Man's choice should not be Paragon colors, just as Anderson's choice should not be Renegade.

6. Shepard awakes at the end of destroying Reapers. But Shepard is not awaking from the aftermath. He is awaking from either after he is hit by Harbingers lazer attack on Earth or after the scene with Anderson and the Illusive Man.

7. Stating that all sythetic life will be destroyed will give you pause; destroying the Geth can force you to a different conclusion. This choice exists for the illusion of choice; the other choices are ment to sound better.

8. Shepard does not awake in the other 2 "endings" because you are fully indoctrinated by the choices you made to allow the Reapers to win. "Assuming Control!"

9. Never trust any child construct, be it a ghost or artificial intelligence, or heck even human. They are just creepy.

10. Shepard awakes at the end because he has broken hold of the Reaper's control.

11. Shepard has spent alot of time around Reapers. Soveriegn, various Reaper artifacts, the Human Reaper, 2 Reaper destroyers, the Artifact from "The Arrival." Its foolish to assume there is not some level of

12. Bioware not only get more $$$ for DLC for the final battle, but big props for INDOCTRINATING A LOT OF ITS OWN PLAYERS! I do not know of another gaming company that has tried to fool all of its consumers, but they look to be the first and reap all of the attention.

13. Definitions:

Catalyst =
One that precipitates a process or event, especially without being involved in or changed by the consequences

A severe test, as of patience or belief; a trial. See Synonyms at trial.

14. Shepard is not wearing his armor when he wakes up in the Citadel, implying that this is a dream.

Deklan_Caine wrote...

I have a couple of observations to contribute to the theory that it doesn't seem like others have caught (apologies if someone else caught these already and I missed it...):

jony_dols4580d ago (Edited 4580d ago )

Also back in February Bioware stated that they had 'a really good DLC plan for Mass Effect 3, like we had for Mass Effect 2, so there will be new adventures and new things to do. Then, beyond that, we’ll just have to wait and see.”'

Sounds a lot like a continuation of the SP campaign.

donator4580d ago (Edited 4580d ago )

Can you clarify some things for me:

I chose to destroy the reapers, but because my effective military strength was only 2500 or so, my Shepard supposedly died. According to the indoctrination theory, what happens next? I obviously don't wake up in the London rubble or in the Citadel.

And if everything was a dream after Harbinger hit me with his laser. Uh, then what? I go into the citadel for real in the DLC? And make the real decision there?

Aloren4579d ago

IMO what matter is that the endgame save is just before the last mission, and not after. It makes sense in a way (since you're dead), but why would they give you a possibility to restart the last mission ? probably because you'll have to when the DLC is out... that way you can also build up your military strength.

NeloAnjelo4580d ago

Although I would like to believe this I'll wait for Bioware to confirm it. A few things to note though...

Point 9 is unnecessary...

Shepard's Armour could have been burnt off after the red reaper beam. The armour could have kept him alive.
Finally, not everyone saw Shepard alive after the choice to destroy the reapers.

--Onilink--4579d ago

Well if shepards armor was incinerated, how the hell did anderson survive with just a few bruises when he was just wearing a shirt??

NeloAnjelo4579d ago

No one knows how Anderson got there. That's the point. We never see him get hit by the reaper beam. I am all for the theory above, and would prefer it to be an indoctrination. However, the evidence so far isn't compelling enough. It's just a theory... a good theory at that. I am content with the ending. Not happy or disappointed, and if true then hats off to Bioware.

Double_Oh_Snap4580d ago

15) As soon as Shepherd "wakes up" after being blasted by the Reaper laser, he's limping. If, as you're playing, you try to look/aim down at Shep's feet, you can't. The view angle get's blocked so that you can't see below his/her knees. If you watch the pace of the legs moving, though, it becomes really obvious that Shepherd is moving considerably faster than he is actually walking, almost floating as it were. At first when I noticed this in the my second play-though I just figured it was designed that way because making Shepherds speed the same as his walk would make the last moments in the game take 3 times longer (and it already seemed to take forever). But if we're rolling with the hallucination/indoctrination theory, then the fact that he's practically floating on his feet just adds more fuel to the fire...

16) The line Harbinger repeated over and over in ME2 was that the Reapers would be "your salvation through destruction." Well, the synthesis and control options are literally salvation for the galaxy through Shep's destruction, buying into a compliance mindset. The only option that leaves Shep breathing is to destroy the Reapers, which has been the point since ME1. All the evidence points to the last sequence being a battle for Shepards mind that is only won when Shep chooses the path that the god-kid tries to convince him not to take.

--Onilink--4580d ago

you can add another one, i chose EDI as my partner for the final mission, she was running with my toward the beam when everyone was killed, but if i choose the Synthesis option, she somehow shows up with Joker at the end as if she had been on the normandy all along when she would have died at Earth

swice4580d ago

Dude? Spoilers in the headline? Am I the only one that sees this?? What the fuck?

--Onilink--4580d ago

well the title itself should give you a heads up

swice4578d ago

No. The title IS the spoiler. Not OK

vikingland14579d ago

Thats right the headline is so screwed up they nee to watch what the f#@k they put as a headline on a game thats only been out a week.

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