
New Street Fighter X Tekken Character Teasers

Teaser trailers for two new characters in Street Fighter x Tekken

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Lyr1c4713d ago

Looks to be so.

Unfortunately, these are probably the 2 characters that I couldn't care less for.

Quagmire4713d ago

Capcom seem to be retarded when it comes to Tekken and Tekken characters. I dunno why they made Kazuya the poster boy for the Tekken side as a rival to Ryu, when clearly it should've been Jin VS Ryu.

And also, why the hell is Nina tag teaming with Kazuya? They have next to NO relation.

The trailers REALLY shouldve shown Jin and Hwaorang VS Ryu and Ken.

Tito084713d ago

When it comes to Kuma, it might be a good idea since he might become Zangief's rival, because Zangief fights with Bears for his trainings!!!!

Tito084711d ago

@ Quagmire Because Kazuya has been in the Tekken series longer than Jin Kazama, he's the original poster boy, Kazuya's absence and Jin's first apperiance in T3 changed everything!!!!!

TenSteps4713d ago

I'm sure one is Kuma the other might just be Ibuki.

L6RD7BLU34713d ago (Edited 4713d ago )

I think it may be Dan, but I believe I see blond hair though.

ScytheX34713d ago

Kuma, for sure, ehonda lol that was just the big rig trucks in the stages background =p doubt capcom would throw in a clear picture as a 'teaser'

jc485734713d ago (Edited 4713d ago )

lol, it's always a character per teaser. This is definitely Kuma.

disparage4713d ago

I don't know if it's Honda guys. He doesn't wear gloves nor tape around his ankles.

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Street Fighter X Tekken May Be Purchasable On Steam Soon

Or it's about to leave the storefront like another Capcom title.

Darkegg161d ago

When they announce tekken x street fighter, let me know.


Street Fighter X Tekken - A Look Back at the Franchise's Biggest Misfire

With Street Fighter 6 now upon us, it's time to look back at some classic Street Fighter titles, beginning with Street Fighter X Tekken.

boing1384d ago

It was a cool gamble imo. In reality, everyone were waiting for Namco version, Tekken X Street Fighter.

Ryuha1234h384d ago

I don’t know. I enjoyed this game. I thought it was a great crossover.

TricksterArrow384d ago (Edited 384d ago )

Yep, played very little of it, but from what I played, it was serviceable enough. Could've been better? Yes, but then again, you can say that about pretty much anything.

maniacmayhem384d ago

What killed this game was their planned reliance on GaaS with the whole gem system. It made little sense and made the game extremely unbalanced. Not to mention the unbalance of most of the characters, especially on the Tekken side

Sgt_Slaughter383d ago

Ahhh the game that Capcom had DLC on the disc on release yet you had to pay to unlock it


Street Fighter & Tekken - A Mash-Up Not Meant for Greatness

VGChartz's Daniel Parker: "Tekken and Street Fighter - two giants of the head-to-head fighting genre. A clashing of decades-old titans that was once thought to be a dream matchup that would never happen. It ignited a flame of excitement that quickly fizzled out and became a cautionary tale for game developers."

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bacrec11351d ago

The inclusion of gems ruined it from the start.