
The King of Fighters XIII boxart

Atlus is preparing two separate boxarts for The King of Fighters XIII on PS3 and 360.

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Community4807d ago

Steam Summer Sale Gets Second Round of Flash Deals: Amnesia, The King of Fighters and More

Steam’s summer sale was opened twelve hours ago, and Valve’s online retailer just published the second round of flash deals, including, the Amnesia Collection, TowerFall: Ascension, the King of Fighters franchise and more.

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Community3394d ago

Rising Star Holding Discount Sale On PSN And Nintendo eShop

In celebration of their upcoming 10th anniversary, Rising Star Games are holding a discount sale on the Nintendo eShop and PlayStation Network in North America and Europe.

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Community3665d ago
mydyingparadiselost3665d ago

$6 is a steal for Deadly Premonition, even if it is a sub standard port of the 360 game. Pick it up, you'll be entertained one way or the other.

nunley333665d ago

The PS3 version of Deadly Premonition:Director's Cut is an enhanced expanded port from the original 360 version. The original 360 version was roundly panned for it's terrible controls,graphics, dialog was called the worst game ever by some. Some found it fun like watching a really bad B-Movie. The PS3 version fixes it's many glitches and it runs and controls better with a DS3 and the newly included PS Move controls. At $6 it's certainly worth a buy and you'll get a some laughs from this and is the Definitive version.


SNK Trademarks "KOF;" Is a New The King of Fighters Game Incoming?

At the beginning of the month SNK playmore registered a new trademark for “KOF” with the Japanese Patent and Trademark office. It was filed under class 9 (video games), 28 (accessories and parts for video game machines) and 41 (online games).

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Community3740d ago
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Abriael3740d ago
ritsuka6663740d ago

Please no more Android/smartphone crap like King Of Fighters Rhythm of Fighters.

luis_spartano3740d ago

Cool, but what I really want is a new Metal Slug!

bouzebbal3740d ago

somebody who cares about gaming!
Metal Slug would be magic, or just an HD compilation of all episodes.

Chrono3740d ago

They did a new one but for mobile, called Metal Slug Defense.

luis_spartano3740d ago

I didn't know about this one! Thanks!

FamilyGuy3740d ago

Hpe you checked out Mercenary Kings. It's a lot like MetalSlug except with a weapon crafting sort of system.

HappyWithOneBubble3740d ago

KOF13 was pretty good even though I suck at it, I still play it from time to time. Hopefully they can make the next one a more better looking game. I will focus more on fighters this gen. Looking forward to MKX and Guilty Gear Xrd on PS4.

Dark113740d ago

I would love a new 3D KOF for PS4!

Kyosuke_Sanada3740d ago

I am all for it. KOF XIII was easily the best gameplay wise even though the cast was nothing like its predecessors (especially '98). Day One for me just like the last one....

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